
An Awesome Mystery Solved - Peace and Security -A Vain Hope

 In an effort to bolster the hope of mankind, the United Nations proclaimed in 1986 ti be an "International Year of Peace,"  With  the theme  "To Safeguard Peace and the future of Humanity."  Warring nations were callee upon to lay down their weapons, at least for one year. What was their response?  According to a report by the International Peace Research Institute as many as five million people were killed as a result of wars durign 1986 alone!  Though some special coins  and commemorative stamps were issued, most of the nations did little about pursuing the idea of peace in that year.  Nevertheless, the world's religions-always anxious for a fine rapport with the UN-set about  publicizing the year in various ways.  On January 1, 1986, Pope John Paul II praised the work of the UN and dedicated the new year to  peace.  And on October 27, he assembled the leaders of many of the world's religions at Assisi, Italy, to pray for peace. 

Does God answer such prayers for peace?  Well, to which God were those religious leaders praying?  If you asked them, each group would give a different answer.  Is there a pantheon of millions of godsthat can hear and grant petitions made in many different ways?  Many of the particpannts worshipped  Christendom's trinity. Buddhists, Hindus, and othes chanted prayers to gods without number.  In all 12 religious "families" assembled, being represented by such notables as the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Buddhism's Dalai Lama, a Russian Orthodox metropolitan, the president of Tokyo's Shinto Shrine Association, Africa animists, and two American Indians decked out in plumed headdresses.  It was a colorful group prayed, to say the least, makign for spectacular TV coveragoe.  One group prayed unceasingly for 12 hours at one time.  (Luke 20:45-47.)  But did any of those prayers reach beyond the rain cloudes that hovered over the gathering?  No, but for the following reasons: 

Next time:  An Awesome Myster Solved - Conclusion of Peace and Security -A Vain Hope

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An Awesome Mystery Solved - Ascending Out of the Abyss

  The scarlet-colored wild beast did indeed climb out of the abyss.  On June 26,  1945, with noisy fanfare in San Francisco,  U.S.A., 50 nations voted to accept the Charter of the United Nations  organization. This body was "to maintain international peace and security."  There were many similiarities between the League and the U.N.  The World Book Encyclopedia notes:  "In some ways, the UN resembles the League of Nations, which was organized after World War I . . . Many of the nations that founded the UN had also founded the League.  Like the League,  the UN was established  to help keep peace between nations.  The main organs o the UN are pretty much like those of the League."  The UN, then, is actual a revival  of the scarlet-colored wild beast.  Its membership of some 190 nations far exceeds that of the League's 63; it has also taken on broader responsibilites than its  predecessor. 

At first, great hopes were expressed for the UN.  This was fulfillment of the angel's word:  "And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the eat will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the foundig of the world."  (Revelation 17:8b)  Earth's dwellers have admired this new colossus, operating from its imposig headquarters on New York's East River.  But true peace and securiy have eluded the UN.  For much of the 20th century, world peace was maintained only by threat of "mutual measure destruction"-MAD, as it is abbreviated- and the arms race has continued to escalate astronomically.  After almost 40 years of effor by the United Nations, its then secretary-general Javie Perez de Cuellar lamented in 1985:  We are livin in another age of fanatics, and we don't know what to do about it." 

The UN does not have the answers.  And why?  Because   the Giver  of life to all mankind is not the UN's life giver.  Its span will be short, for according to God's decree,  "It is to go off into destruction.  "The UN's  founders and admirers do not have their name  recorded in God's scroll of life. How could sinful, mortal men, man of whom mock God's Name, achieve through the UN  what Jehovah God declared he is about to accomplish, not by human means, but throught the Kingdom of Christ? - DANIEL 7:27;  REVELATION 11:15.

The UN is actually a blasphemous conterfeit of Gods Messianic Kingdom by his Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ-to whose princely rule there will be no end.  (Isaiah 9:6, 7)   Even if the UN were patch up some temporary peacem wars would soon erupt again.  This is in the nature of sinful men.  "Their names have not been written  upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world."  Jehovah's Kingdom by Christ will not only establish eternal peace on earth but, on the basis of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, raise the dead  the righteous and the unrighteous who are in God's  memory.  (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15)  This includes  everyone who has remained steadfast despite the attacks of Satan and his seed, and others who have yet to show themselves obedient.  Obviously, God's scroll of will will never contain the names of the die-hard adherents of Babylon the Great or of any who continue to worship the wild beast. - EXODUS 32:33; PSALM 86:8-10; JOHN 17:3; REVELATION 16:2; 17:5. 

Next time: An Awesome Mystery Solved - Peace and Security-A Vain Hope

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An Awesome Mystery Solved

From Sepember  19-20, 1942, at the height of World War II,  Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States held their New World Theocratic  Assembly.  The key city, Cleveland, Ohio, was  tied in by telephone with more than 50 other convention cities,  for a peak attendance of 129,699.  Where wartime conditioons permitted, other   conventions repeated the program around the world. At the time, many of Jeghovah's people expected that the war would escalate into God's war of Armageddon; hence  the title of the public talk,  "Peace-Can it Last?" arouse much curiosity. How could the new president of the Watchtower Society, N.H. Knorr, presume to talk about peace when the very opposite seemed to be in store for the nations?  The reason was that the John class was paying  "more than the usual attention" to God's prophetic Word. - HEBREWS 2:1; 2 PETER 1:19.

what light did the talk "Peace-Can It Last?" throw on the prophecy? Clearly identifying the scarlet-colored wild beast of Revelations 17:3 as the League of Nations, N.H. Knorr went on to discuss it stormy career on the basis of the angel's following words to John:  "The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction." - REVELATION 17:8a.  

The wild beast . . . was." Yes it had existed as the League of Nations from January 10, 1920, onward, with 63 nations participating at one time or another.  But, in turn, Japan, Germany, and Italy withdrew, and the former Soviet Union was dropped from the League.  In September 1939, the Nazi dictator  of Germany launched World War II. Having failed to keep Peace in the world, the League of Nations virtually plunged into an abyss of inactivity. By 1942 It become a has-been. Neither   before this nor at some later date-but right a that critical time-did Jehovah interpret to his people the full depthof meaning in the vision!  At the New World Theocratic Assembly, N.H. Knorr could declare,  in line with the prophecy, that "the wild beast  . . . is not."  He then asked the question, will the League remain in the pit?" Quoting Revelation17:8, He answered:  "The association  of worldly nations will rise again."  That is just how it proved to be-in vindication of Jehovah's prophetic Word!

Next time: An Awesome Mystery Solved - Ascending  Out of the Abyss

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An Awesome Mystery Solved

 What is John's reaction at seeing the great harlot and her fearsome mount?  He himself answers: "Well, on catching sight of her I wondered with great wonderment." - (Revelation 17:6b)  Mere human imagination could never conjure up such a sight.   Yet, there it is-away out in the wilderness-a debauched prostitute perched ona gruesome, scarlet-colored wild beast. (Revelation 17:3)   The John class today also wonders with great wonderment as events unfold in fulfillment  of the prophetic  vision. If people of the world could see it, they would exclaim,  'incredible!'  But the vision becomes a startling reality in our day.  God's people have already had a remarkable  share in the vision's  fulfillment, and this assures  them that the prophecy will right on to its astounding climax. 

The angel notices John's amazemnt.  "And so," John  continues, " the angel said to me: 'Why is it you wondered?  I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the wild beasttha that is carrying her and that has seven headsa and ten horns."'  (Revelation 17:17)  Ah, the angel will now unravel the mystery! He explains to the wide-eyed John the various facets of the vision and the dramatic events that are about to unfold.  Likewise, as it serves under the  angelic direction today, the watchful John class has had revealed to it the understanding of the prophecy.  Do not interpretations belong to God?  Like faithful Joseph, we believe that they do.  (Genesis 4):8; compare  Daniel 2:29, 30.)  God's people are placed, as it were, center stage as Jehovah interprets for them the meaning of the vision and its impact on their lives.  (Psalm 25:14)  Right on time, he has opened up; to their understanding  the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast. - PSALM 32:8.

Next time: An Awesome Mystery Solved

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Judging the Infamous Harlot - A Name, A Mystery

 The apostle John is soon to learn that the great harlot has chosen a dangerous beast to ride.  First, though, his attention turns to Babylon te Great herself.  She is richly adorned, but, oh, how repulsive she is!  "And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and was adorned with gold and precious  stone and pearls and had in her hand a golden cup that was full of disgusting  things and the unclean things of her fornication.  And upon her forehead was written a name, a mystery:  'Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.' And I saw that the womanwas drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus." - REVELATION 17:4-6a.

 As was the custom in ancient Rome, this prostitute is identified by the name on her forehead.  It is a long name:  "Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots ad of the disgusting things of the earrth."  That name is  "a mystery,"  something with hidden meaning.  But in God's' due time, the mystery is to be explained.  In fact,  the angel gives John  enough information to allow Jehovah's servants  today to discern the full significance of this descriptive name.  We recognize Babylon the Great as being of false religion. She is "the mother of harlots"  because all  the individuals false religions in the world, including the many sects in Christendom, are like her daughters, imitating her committng spiritual harlotry. She is also the mother of "disgusting things' in that she has given birth to such revolting offspring as idolatry, spiritism, fortune-telling, astrology, palmistruy,  human sacrifice, temple prostitution, drunkeness in honor of false gods, and other obscene practices. 

Babylon the Great is dresed in"purple and scarle," of royalty, and is "adorned with gold and precous stone and pearls." How appropriate!  Just reflect on all the magnificient  buildings, rare statues and painting icons, and other religous paraphernalia, as  well as astromical amounts of property and cash, that this world's  religions have accumulated.  Whether at the Vatican, in the TV empire of evangelism centered in the United States, or in the exotic wats and temple of the Orient, Babylon the Great, has amassed-and at times lost-fabulous wealth.

Look now at what the harlot has in her hand.  John must have gasped at the sight of it- a golden cup  "full of disgusting things and the unclean things of her fornication"!  This is the cup containing "the wine of the anger of  her fornication" with which she has made  all the nations drunk  (Revelation  14:8; 17:4)  It looks rich on the outside, but its contents are disgusting, unclean.  (Compare Matthew 23:25, 26.)  It contains all the filthy practices  and lies that great harlot has used to seduce the nations, and bring them under her influence.  Even more revolting, John sees that the  harlot herself h is inebriated, drunkk with the blood of God's serveants!  In fact, we later read that "in her  was found the bloood of the prophets and of holy ones ad of all those who have been slaughtered  on the earth."    (Revelation 18:24)   What massive bloodguilt!

Over the centuries, the world empire o false religion has shed  oceans of blood.  For example, in medieval Japan, temples in Kyoto were transformed  into fortresses, and warrior-monks, invoking  "the holy name of Buddha," battled on another until the streets ran red with blood.  In  the 20th century, the clergy of Christendom marched with the armies of their respective countries, and these slaughter one another, with the loss of at least a hundred million lives,  In October 1987 former U.S. president Nixon said:  "The 20th century has been the bloodiest in history.  More people have been kiled in the wars   of this century than in all  the wars fought before the century began."  The nations of the world are judged adversely by God for their share in all of this:  "Hands that are shedding innocent blood."  (Proverbs 6:16, 17)   Earlier, John heared  a cry from the altar:  "Until when, Sovereign Lord holy and true are you refraining from judging and avenging our blood upon those who dwell on the earth?"  (Revelation 6:10)  Babylon the Great,the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth, will deeply involved  whe the time comes to answer that question.

Next time: An Awesome Mystery Solved

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Judging the Infamous Harlot - Conclusion of The Harlot RIdes a Beast

 Did the John class, the one group  on earth who eagerly accepted the Messianic Kingdom, share with Chrisendom in paying homage to the scarlet -colored wild beast?  Far from it!  On Sunday, September 7, 1919 the convention of Jehovah's  people in Cedar Point, Ohio, featured a public talk "The Hope for Distressed Humanity."  On  the following daym the Sandusky  Star - Journal reported that J.F. Rutherfor, in addressing nearly 7,000 persons, had  "asserted that  the Lord's displeasure is certain to be visited upon the Leagur . . . because the clergy-Catholic and Prostestant-claiming to be God's representatives, have abandoned his  plan and endorsed the League of Nations, hailing it as a political expression of Christ's kingdom on earth." 

 The dismal failure of the League of Nations should have signaled to the clergy  that such man-made organs are not part of a Kingdom of God on earth. What blasphem to make such a claim!  It makesa it seem as though God was a party to botch that the League turned out to be. As for God, "perfect is his activity." Jehovah's heavenly Kingdom under Christ -and not a combine of squabbling politicians, many of them atheist-is the means by which he will bring in peace and have his will done one earth as in heaven. -  DEUTERONOMY 32:4; MATTHEW 6:10.

What of the League's successor, the United Nations?  From its inception, this body has also had the great harlot riding on its back, visible associated  with it and trying to guiden its destiny.  For example, on its 20th anniversary, in June 1 9765, representatives of the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, together with protestants, Jew, Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims-said to represent  two thousand million of earth's population-assembled in San Franciscom to celebrate their support  and admiration of the UN. On visiting the UN in October 1965, Pope Paul VI described it as "that greatest  of all international organizations" and added:  "The peoples of the earth turn to the  United Nations as the last hope of concord and peace. During his visit to the United States in September 1987, as reported by the New York Times, "John Paul spoke at length about the positive role of the United Nations in promoting . . . 'new worldwide solidarity."' 

Next time: Judging the Infamous Harlot - A Name, a Mystery

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Judging the Infamous Harlot - Continue withthe Harlot Rides a Beast

 What, then, iss this new scarlet-colored wild beast?  It must be the image to the wild beast that was brought forth under the urging of the Anglo-American wild beast that has two horns like a lamb. After the image was made, that two-horned wild beast was allow to give breathto the image of the wild beast.  (Revelation 13:14, 15) John now sees the living. breathing image. It pictures the League of Nations organization that the two-horned wild beast brought to life in 1920.  U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had envisioned that the League "would be a forum for the dispensation of justice for all men and wipe out the threat of war forever."  When it was resurrected after the second war as the United Nations, it chartered purpose was "to maintain international peace and security.

In what way is this symbolic wild beast full of blasphemous names?  In that men have set up this multinational idol as a subsitute for God's Kingdom-to accomplish what God says his Kingdom alone can accomplish.  (Daniel  2:44; Matthew 12:18, 21) What is remarkable about John's vision, though, is that Babylon the Great is riding the scarlet-colored wild beast. True to the prophec, Babylonish religion, particularly in Christendom, has linked  itsel  with the League of Nations and its successor. As early as December 18, 1918, the body now known as the National Council of the Churches of Christ in America adopted a declaration that declared in part:  "Such a League is not a mere poltical expedient;  It is rather the political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth. . . .The Church can give a spirit of good will, withoug which no League of Nations is rooted in the Gospel.  Like the Gospel, its objective is  'peace on eartj. good-will toward men."

On January 2, 1919, the San Francisco Chronicle carried the front page headliner:  "Pope Pleads for Adoption of Wilson's League of Nations."  On October 16, 10919, a petition signed by 14,450 clergymen of leading denominations was presented to the U.S. Senate, urging that body "to ratify the Paris treaty embodying the league of nations covenant."  Though the U.S. Senate failed to ratify the treaty, Christendom's clergy continued  to campaign  for the League. And how was the League inauguarated?  A news dispatech from Switzerland, dated November 15, 1920, read:   "On opening of the first assembly of the League of Nartions was announced at eleven o'clock this morning by the ringing of all the church bells in Geneva.

Next time: Judging the Infamous Harlot - Conclusion of the Harlot Rides a Beast

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Judging the Infamous Harlot - The Harlot Rides a Beast

 What more does the prophecy disclose as to the great harlot and her fate?  As John now relates, a vivid scene comes to view:  "And  he [the angel]  carried me awayt in the power of the spirit into a wildnerness.  And I caught sight of a woman sitting upon a scarlet-colored wild beast that was full of blasphemous names and that had seven heads and ten horns." - REVELATION 17:3.

Why is John carried into a wilderness? An earlier pronouncement of doom against  ancient Babylon was described as being  "against the wilderness of the seaa."  (Isaiah 21:1, 9)  This gave due warning that, despite all its watery defenses, ancient Babylon would become a lifeless desolation.     It is fitting, then, that John should be carried in his vision to a wilderness to see the fate of Babylon the Great. She too must become desolate and waste.  (Revelation 18:9. 22, 23)  John was amazed, though, by what he sees out there.  The great harlot is not alone!  She is sitting on a monstrous wild beast!

This wild beast has seven heads and ten horns.  Is it, then, the same as the wild beast that John saw earlier, which also has seven heads and ten horns?  (Revelation 13:1)   No, there are differences.  This wild beast is scarlet-colored and, unlike the previous wild beast, is not said to have diadems. Rather than havig blasphemous  names on its seven heads only, it is "full of blasphemous names."  Nevertheless, there must be a relationship between this new wild beast  and the previous one; the similarities between them are too pronounced to be confidential. 

Next time: Judging the Infamous Harlo - Conclusion of The Harlot Rides a Beast

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Judging the Infamous Harlot - Sitting on Many Waters

Ancient Babylon sat on many waters-the Euphrates River and numerous canals. These were a protection for her as well as a source of comerce producing wealth, until they dried up in one night.  (Jeremiah  50:38; 51:9, 12, 13)  Babylon the Great also looks to "many waters" to protect ad enrich her. These symbolic waters are "peoples and crowds and nations and tongues," that is all the thousands of milions of humans over whom she has dominated and from whom she had drawn material support. But these waters are also drying up, or withdrawing support.  REVELATION 17:15; compare PSALM 18:4; ISAIAH 8:7.

Further, Babylon of old was described as "golden cup  in the hand of Jehovah, she making all the earth drunk."  (Jeremiah 51:7)   Ancient Babylon forced neighboring nations to swallow expressions of Jehovah's anger when she conquered them militaril, making them  weak as drunken men. In that respect, she was was Jehovah's instrument. Babylon the Great, too, has made conquests  to the point of beoming a worldwide empire. But she is certainly not God's intstrument. Rather, she has served "the kings of the earth"with whom she commits religious fornication. She has gratified these kings by using her lying doctrines and enslaving practices to keep the masses of people, those who inabit the earth,"weak as drunken men, passively  subservient  to their rulers. 

Shinto Japan provides a notable example of this.  The indoctrinated Japanese soldier regarded it as the highest  honor to give his live for the emeror-the supreme Shinto god.  During World War II, some 1,5000, 0-00  Japanese soldiers died in battle; almost to a man, they looked at surrencer as dishonorable.  But as a consequence of Japan's defeat, Emperor Hirohito was compelled  to renounce his claim to divinity,  This resulted in a notable  withdrawing of the "waters" supporting the Shinto segment of Babylon the Great-alas, after Shintoism    had sanctioned the shedding of buckets of blood in the Pacific war theater!  This weakening of Shinto influence also opened the way in recent years for more than 200,000 Japanese the great majority of who were formerly Shintoist and Buddhits, to become dedicated, baptized ministes of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.

Next time: Juding the Infamous Harlot - The Harlot Rides a Beast

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Judging the Infamous Harlot - Modern-Day 'Harlotry'

 Through her meddling in politics, the great harlot has brought untold sorry  to mankind.  Consider, for example, the facts  behind Hitler's  rise to power in Germany-ugly facts that some would like to expunge from the history books.  In May 1924 the Nazi Party held 32 seats in the German Reichstag. By May 1928; riding in its wake, the Nazis made a remarkable  recovery, gainin 230 out of 608 seats in the German elecions of July 1932.  Soon after, former chancellor Franz Von Papen, a Papal Knight, came to the Nazi's aid.  According to the historians Von Papen envisioned a New Holy  Roman Empire.  His own short tenure as chancellor had been a failure, so now he hoped to gain power through the Nazis. By January  1933.  He had mustered support for Hitler from the industrial  barons, and through wily intrigues he ensured that Hiterler became Germany's chancellor on January 30, 1933, He himself was made vice-chancellor and was used by Hitler to win the support of Catholic sections of Germany.  Within two months  of gaining power, Hitler dissolved parliament, dispatched thousands of opposition leaders to concentration camps, and begam  an open campaign  of oppressing the Jews.

Through a handful of priests and nuns protested Hitler's atrocities-and suffered for it-the Vatican as well as the Catholic Church and its army of clergy gave either active or tacit support to the Nazi tyranny, which they regarded  as bulwark against the advance of world Communism.  Sitting pretty in the Vatican, Pope Pius XII let the Holocaust on the Jews and the cruel persecutions of Jehovah's Witnesses  and others proceed  uncriticized. It is so ironical that Pope John II, on visting Germany in May1987, should glorify the anti-Nazi stand of one sincere priest. What were the other thousands of the Germany clergy dong during Hitler's  reign of terror?   A Pastorial letter issued by the German Catholic bishops in September 1939 at the outbreak of World War II provides enlightment on this point.  It reads in part:  "In this decisve hour we admonish our Catholic soldiers to do their duty in obedience to the Fuehrer and to be ready to sacrifice their whole individuality. We appeal to the Faithful to join in ardent prayers that Divine Providence mauy lead this war to blessed success.

Such Catholic diplomacy illustrates the kind of harlotruy that religion has engaged in over the past 4,000  years in wooing the political State in order to gain power and advantage.Such religio-political relationships  have fostered warfare, persecutions, and human misery on a vast scale. How happy mankiind can be that Jehovah's judgment upon the great harlot is at hand.  May it soon be executed!

Next time: Judging the Infamous Harlot - Sitting on Many Waters

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Judging the Infamous Harlot - Continue

 Which religous entity?  Is she the Roman Catholic Church, as some have maintained?  Or is she all of Christendom?  No, she must be even larger than these if she is to mislead  all the nations. She is, in fact, the entire world empire of false religion. Her origin in the mysteries of Babylon is shown in that many Babylonish doctrines and practices are common to religions  around the earth. For example, believe in the inherent immortality of the human soul, in a hell of torment, and in a trinity of gods is to be found in most Oriental religions as well as in the sects of Christendom.  False religion, spawned more than 4,000 years ago in the ancient city  of Babylon,  has developed  into the modern  monstrosity that is called appropriatedly, Babylon the Great.  Why, though, is she described by the repungant term "the great harlot"? 

Babylon (or Babel, meaning "confusion ") came  to it peal of greatness in Nebuchadnezzar's time.  It was a religio -political state with more than a thousand temples and chapels. Its priesthood exercisesd great power. Though Babylon has long ceased to exist as a world powe, religous Babylon the Great lives on, and after the ancient pattern, she still seeks  to influence and mold political affairs.  But does God approve of religion in politics?  In the Hebrew Scriptures, Israel was said to prostitute herself when she got involved with false worship and when, instead of trusting in  Jehovah, she made alliances wih the nations.  (Jeremiah 3:6m 8, 9; Ezekiel 16:28-30)  Babylon the Great also commits fornication.  Outstandinly, she has done whateve she deems expedient in order to gain influence and power over  the ruling kings of the earth. - 1 Timothy 4:1.

Today, religious leaders frequently campaign for high government office, and in some lands, they share in government, even holding cabinet posts.  In 1988 two well-known  Prostestant clergymen ran for office of the president of the United States.  Leaders in Babylon the Great love the llimelight; their photos are often to be seen in the public press as they consort with prominent politicians.  In contrast, Jesus shunned political involvment and said of his disciples:  "They are  no part of the world, just as I am not part of the world." - John 6:15; 17:16; Matthew 4:8-10; see also James 4:4. 

Next time: Judging the Infamous Harlot - Modern-Day 'Harloty' 

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Judging the Infamous Harlot

 Vision 11- REVELATION17:1-18

Subject: Babylon the Great rides a scarlet-colored wild beast that finally turns on her and devastates her

Time of fulfilment: From 1919 to the great tribulation

JEHOVAH'S righteous anger must be poured out to completion, seven bowls of it!   When the sixth angel emptied his bowl at the location of ancient Babylon, it fittingly ssymbolized the plagueing of Babylon the great as events move swiftly toward the final war of Armageddon.  (Revelations 16:1, 12, 16) Likely, it is this same angel that now reveals why and how Jehovah executes his judgments.  John is stuck wit wonderment at what he next hears  and sees: "And one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying:  'Come, I will show you the judgment upon the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth  committed fornication, whereas those who inhabit the earth were make drunk with the wine of her fornication."" - REVELATION 17:1, 2.

"The great harlot "!  Why so shocking a designation?  Who is she?  Some have identified this symbolic harlot with ancient Roe. But Rome was  a political power. This harlot commits fornication withe the kings of the earth, and this evidently includes the kings of Rome. Besides afer her destruction, "the kings of the earth" are said to mourn her passing. Therefore, she cannnot be a political power.  (Revelation  18:9, 10)  Additionally,  since she is mourned also by the world's merchanges, she could not picture big business.  (Revelation 18:15, 16)   We read, however, that  'by her spiritistic practice, all the nations were misled.'  (Revelation 18:23)  THis makes it clear that the great harlot must be a worldwide religous entity. 

Next time: Juding the Great Harlot - Continue

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish- "Its Water Was Dried Up"

Even now, support for Babylonish religion is drying up in many places, indicaig what will happen when "the kings of the rising of the sun" attack.

"A nationwide survey found that 75 percent of those who live in municipal areas [of Thailand] do no not go to buddhist temples to listen to sermons at all, while the number in the countryside who visit the temples is steadily declining about 50 percent." -  Bangkok Post, September 7, 1987, page 4.

"The magic has gone out of Taoism in the lnad [China] where it was founded soe two milliania ago. . . . Deprived of the magical devices by which they and their predecessors used to gain large followings. members of the priesthood find themselves without successors facing the virtual  extinction of Taoism as an organized faith on the mainland." - The Atlant Journal and Consitution, September 12, 1982, page 36-A.

"Japan . . . has one of the world's largest  concntrations of foreign missionaries, nearly 5,200, yet . . . less than 1%  of the population is Christian. . . . A Franciscan priest working here since the 1950's . . .  believes that 'the day of the foreign missionary in Japan is finishedd." - The Wall Street Journal, July 9, 1986, page 1.

In England, during the past three decades, "nearly 2,000 of the 16,000 Angilican churches have been closed because of disuse. Attendance has fallen to among the lowest of avowedly Christian coutries. . . . 'It is not now  the case that England is a Christian country,' [the Bishop of Durham] said." - The New York Times, May 11,   1987, page A4.

"After hours of heated debate, [Greece's ] Parliament approved legislation today, enabkling  the Socialist Government to take over the huge estates held by the Greek Orthodox Church . . . Moreoer, theh law gives nonclerics control of church councls and committees responsible for the administration of priced Churchc investments includeing hotels, marble quarries and office blocks." - The New York Times, April 4,  1987, page 3.

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish - "Upon the Throne of the Wild Beast"

 Jehovah's Witnesses have exposed the throne of the wild beast and publicized Jehovah's condemnations of it with statements such as these:

"The rulers political guides of the nations are influenced by  malicious and superhuman forces that are irrestibly   driving tthem on in a suicidal march to the decisive conflict of Armageddon.' - After Armageddon-God's New Word,  1953, page 8

"The 'wild beast' of untheocratic human government got its powe, authority and throne from the Dragon. so it must hew to the party line, the Dragon line." -After Armageddon - God's New World  1953, page 15.

"The Gentile nations can locate their own selves only on . . . the Side of God's Chief Adversary, Satan the Devil." - Resolution adopted at the "Divine Victory" International Convention. 1973. 

Next time: God's Anger Brought to a Finish - "Its Water Was Dried Up"

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish - "Upon the Sun"

 As the "sun" of human rulership has "scorched" mankind during the Lord's day, the John class, with statements such has the following, has drawn attention to what is happening:

"Today Hitler and Mussolini, the arbitrary dictators, threated the peace of the whole world, and they are fully supported in their destruction of freedom by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy." - Facism or Freedom, 1939, page 12.

'Throughout history the policy followed by human dictators has been, Rulle or ruin!  But  the  regulation now to be applied to all the earth by God's installed Kingm Jesus Christ, is, Be ruled or be ruined." -  When All Nations Unite Under God's Kingdom, 1961, page 23. 

"Since 1945 more than 25 million persons have been killed in some 150 wars was fought around   the globe." - The Watchtower, January 15, 10980, page 6. 

"The  nations around the world . . . care little about international responsibility or rules of conduct.  To reach their ends, some nationns feel fully justified in using any means that they consider necessary-massacres, assassinations, highjackings, bombing, and so on . . .How long will the nations put up with one anothe in such senseless and irresponsible conduct?" - The Watchtower, February 15, 1985, page 4.

Next time: God's Anger Brought to a Finish - Upon the Throne of the Wild  Beast"

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish - "Into the Rivers and the Fountains"

 The third plague has exposed  "the rivers and the fountains of waters" by statements such as the following:

"The clergy, who claim to be teachers of [Christ's] doctrines, have sanctified war and made it a holy thing.  They have delighted to have their portaits and statutes exhited side by side with those of bloody warriors." - The Watchtower, September 15, page 275.

"Spiritualism [spiritism] is founded  n a great untruth, the lie of survival after death and of the immorality of the human soul." - What Do the Scriptures Say About  "Survival After Death?" 19555, page 51,

"Human philosophies, political theorist, social organizers, economic advisers  and advocates of religous traditions have resulted in no real-life giving  refreshmet . . . . Such wates have even led the drinker to violate God's law concering the sacredness of blood and to engage in religous persecutions." - Resolution adopted as the "Everlasting Good News" Interntional Convention, 1963.

"Not the scientific salvation, but the destruction of the human race is the thing to be expected from man himself . . . We cnnot look to all  the psychologist and psychiatrists of the world to change mankind's  way of thinking . . . We cannot depend upon any inernational police force to be formed . . . and make this earth a safe place in which to live." - Saving the Human Race-In the Kingdom Way, 1970, page 5.

Next time: God's Anger Brought to a Finish - "Upon the Sun"

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish - "Into the Sea"

 The following are just a few of the statements  published over the years by the John class proclaiming God's wrath againstr the restless, rebellious "sea" of ungodly mankind and alienated from Jehovah:

"The history of every nations shows that it has been a struggle between the classses. It has been a few against the many. . . . . These struggles have resulted in many revolutions,great and sufferng,, and much blood shed." - Government, 1928 page 244. 

In the new world,"the symboliic 'sea' of restless, rebellious, ungodly peoples out of whom the symbolic wild beast  ascended long ago for the Devil's use will be gone." - Watchtower September 15, 1967, page 567.

"The present human society is spiritually sick and diseased.  None of us can save it, for God's Word show its sicknes is leading to death. - True Peace and Security-From What Source?, 1973, page 131.

Next time: God's Anger Broought to a Finish - "Into the Rivers and the Foutains"

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish -"IInto the Earth"

 The John class has publicized Jehovah's wrath against "the earth" with statements such as the following:

"After centuried of effort, political parties have proved their inadequacy to meet the presem conditions to solve the distressing problems. Economis and statesmen. studying the question diligentlly. find that theya re able to do nothing." -- Millions Now Living Will Never Die, 1920, Page 61.

"There is not a government on earth today that satisfies any reasonable proportion of the world. Many of the nations are rule by dictators. The whole world is practically bankrupt." - A Desirable Government, 11924, page 5.

"Bringing an end to this system of things . . . is the only way to rid  the world of evil and make room for peace  and righteousness to flourish." - "This Good News of the Kingdom. 1954, page 25.

"The present world arrangement has distinguished itself by increasing sin,, unrighteousness and rebellion against God and his will.  .  .  .  It is unrformable. Therefore, it must god!"- The Watchtower, November 15, 1981, page 6.. 

Next time:  God's Anger Brought to a Finish - "Into the Sea"

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish - "It Has Come to Pass!" -

 John continues: "And lightnings  and voices and thunders occurred, and a great earthquake occurred such as hd not occurred since men came to be on earth, so extensive an earthquake, so great.  And the great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations  fell:  and Babylo the Great was rememered in the sight of God, to give her  the cup of  wine of the anger of his wrath.  Also,  every island fled, and mountains were not found. And a great hail with every stone about the weight of a talen descended out of heaven upon the men, and the men  blasphemed God due to the plague  of hail, because the plague of it was  unusually great." - REVELATION 16:18-21.

Once again, Jehovah acts unmistakably toward mankind, this being signaled by "lightnings  and voices and thunders." (Compare Revelation 4:5; 8:5.) Mankind will be shaken  in a way that has never happened  before, as if by a devasting earthquake .  (Compare Isaiah 13:13; Joel 3:16)  This blockbuster shaking will shatter "the great city,"  Babylon the Great, so that it splits  int "three parts"-symbolic of its collapse into unredeemable ruin.  Also, "the cities of the nations" will fall.  "Every island" and "mountains"-institutions and organizaions that seem so permanent in this system-will go.  "A great hail," much bigger than that which afflicted Eygpt during the seventh plaague, with which hailstone weighing  about a talent, will pumel mankind painfully. (Exodus 9:22-26)  This punishing downpour  of congealed waters likely pictures unusually heavy verbal expressions of Jehovah's  judgments, signaling that the endof this system of things has arrived at last! Jehovah   could well use literal hail too in his destructive work. - JOB 38:22, 23. 

Thus, Satan's world will meet up with Jehovah's  righteous judgment. To the end, most of humankind will continue to defy and blaspheme God. As with Pharaoh of old, their hearts will not be softened by the repeated plagues or by the final death-dealing culmination of those plagues.  (Exodus 11:9, 10) )  There will be  no last-minute, large-scale change of heart.  With their dying breath, they will rail against the God who declares: "They will have to know that I am Jehovah." (Ezekiel 38:23)  Nevetheless, the sovereignty of Jehovah God the Almighty will l have been vindicated.  

Next time: God's Anger Brought to a Finish - "Into the Earth"

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish - "It Has Come to Pass

 "And the seventh one poured out his bowl upon the air.. At his a loud voice issued out of the sactuary from the throne, saying: 'It has come to pass!'" - REVELATION 16:17.

"The air" is the final life-sustaining medium to be plagued. But this is not the literal air.  There is nothing about the literal  air that makes it deserving of Jehovah's adverse judgments,  any more than the literal earth, sea, freshwater sources, or sun deserve to suffer judgments at Jehovah's hand.  Rather, this is "the air" Paul ws discussing when he called Satam  'the ruler of the authority of the air." (Ephesians 2:2)  It is the satanic "air" breathed by the world today, the spirirt, or general mental inclination, that characterizes his whole wicked system of thing, the satanicc thinking that permeates  every aspect  of life outside of Jehovah's organization. So in pouring  out his bown upon the air, the seventh angel expresses God's wrath against Satan, his organization, and everything that motivates mankind to support Satan in defying  Jehovah's sovereignty.

This and the previous six plagues give the sum total of Jehovah's judgments against Satan and his system. They are a declaration of doom for Satan and his seed. When this final bowl is  poured out, Jehovah himself proclaims: "It has come to pass!" There is nothing else to say.  When the contents of the bowls of God's anger  have publicized to Jehovah's satisfaction there will be no delay in his executing  the judgments by these messages. 

Next time:  God's Anger Brought to a Finish  "It Has Come to Pass!" -Concluson

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish -The Gathering to Armageddon

 What, though, is implied by the warning that those found sleeping would be shamed by losing their  "outer garments"?  In ancient Israel, any priest or Levite on guard duty at the temple had a heavy responsibility.  Jewish commentators tell us that if anyone was caught sleeping on such on such duty, his garments could be stripped from him and burned, so that he was publicly shamed.

Jesus here warns that something similar can happend today. The priest and Levites foreshadowed Jesus' anointed brothers.  (1 Peter 2:9)  But Jesus' warning applies by extensions to the great crowd too.  The outer garments here referred to identify the wearer as a Christian Witness of Jehovah.  (Compare Revelation 3:18; 7:14.)If any  allow the pressures of Satan's world  to lull them to sleep or into inactivity, they are likely to lose these outer garments-in other words, lose their clean idendificatioon as Christians. Such a situation would be shameful.  It would put one in danger of losing out completely. 

The need for Christians to stay awake becomes even  more pressing as the next verse of  Revelatioon comes closer to fulfillment:  "And they [the expressions inspired by demons]  gathered the [the earthly kings, or rlers] together to the place that is called Har-Magedon." (Revelation 16:16)  This name, more commonly rendered Armageddon, occurs  only once in the Bible.  But  it has fired mankind's  imagination. World leaders  have warned of a Megiddo, the site of many decisve battles in Bible times, and some religious leaders have therefore speculated that the final war one earth will take place   in that limited area.  In this, they are far wide of the truth. 

The name Har-Magedon means "Moutain of Megiddon." But rather than being a literal place, it represents the world situation into which all nations are gathered in opposition  to Jehovah God and where he will finally destroy them.  This is global in extent.  (Jeremiah 25:31-33; Daniel 2:44)  It is similar    to "the great wine press of the anger of God" and the "low plain of the decision," or "the low plain of Jehoshaphat," where the nations  are gathered for execution by Jehovah.  (Revelation 14:19; Joel 3:12, 14)   It is also related  to "the soil of Israel"where the satanic armies of God of Magog are destroyed and that location "between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Deoration" where the king of the north   comes "all the way to his end: at the hands of Michael the great prince. - EZEKIEL  38:16-18, 22, 23;  DANIEL 11:45-12:1. 

When the nations have been maneuvered into this situation by the croaking propaganda orginating with Satan and  his earthly  agents, it will be time for the seventh angel to pour out the final bowl of the anger of God. 

Next time: God's Anger Brought to a Finish - "It Has Come to Pass!"

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish - The Gathering to Armageddon

 John tells us:  "And I saw three uncleannd inspired expressions that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and  out of the mouth of the false prophet.  They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire earth, to gather theem together to the war of the great da of God the Almighty." (Revelation 16:13, 14) In Moses' day, Jehovah brought a lothsome plague of frongs on Pharaoh's Egypt, so that "the land began to stink." (Exodus 8:5-15)  During the Lord's day, there has also been a disgusting froglike vistation, though from a different source. It consist of Satan's  "unclean expressions,"  clearly symbolizing propaganda designed to maneuver all human rulers "kings," into opposition to Jehovah God.  Satan thus makes sure that they are not swayed  by the pouring out of the bowls of God's anger but are firmly on Satan's side when "the war of the great day of God the Almighty" begins.

The propaganda comes from "the dragon" (Satan) and "the wild beast" (Satan's earthly political setup), creatures that we have already met up with in Revelation.  What, though, is "the false prophet"?  Thia is  a newcomer in name only.  Previously we were shown a wild beast with two horns like a lamb that peformed signs before the seven-headed wild beast.  This decptive creature acted like a prophet for that wild beast.  It promoted worship of the wild beast, even causing an image to be build to it.  (Revelation 13:11-14)  This wild beast with two horns like  a lamb  must be the same as "the false prophet" mentioned  here.  Confirming this, we read laterthat the false prophet, like the symbolic wild beast with two horns , "performed in front of  [the seven-headed wild beast] the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who render worship to its image" - REVELATION 19:20.

With so much satanic propaganda around, the next words that John records are indeed  timely:  Look! I am coming  as a thief .  Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer  garments, that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness."  ( Revelation 16:15)  Who is coming "as a thief"?  Jesus himself, coming at an unannounced time as Jehovah's  Executioner.  (Revelation3:3; 2 Peter 3:10)  While on earth, Jesus also likened his coming  to that of a thief, saying: "Keep on the watch, therefore, because  you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.  On this account, you too prove yourselves ready, because  at an hour that you not think to bbe it, the Son of man is coming." (Matthew 24:42, 44; Luke 12:37, 40)   Echoing  this warning, the apostle Paul said: "Jehovah's day  is coming exactly like thief in the night.  Whenever it is that they are saying:  "Peace and security !" then sudden destruction is to  be instantly upon them." Satan is behind any such proclamation of "Peace and security!" - 1 THESSALONIANS  5:2, 3. 

Jesus also warned of the kind of pressures that this world, saturated with propaganda, would put  on Christains.  He said:  "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. . . . Keep awake, then,  all the time making supplication that you may succeed  in escaping all these things that are destined to occur, and in standing before the Son of man." ( Luke 21:34-36)  "That day" is "the great day of God the Almighy."  (Revelation 16:14)  As  "that day" of the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty approaches, it becomes ever more difficult  to cope with the anxieties of life.  Christians need to be alert and watchful, staying awake until that day arrives. 

Next time: God's Anger Brought to a Finish - Concluson of The Gathering to Armagaddon

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish - The River Euphrates Dried Up

 Babylon the Greaet "sits on many waters."  According to Revelation 17:1, 15,  these symbolize "peoples and crowds and nations and tongues"-hordes of adherents that she has regarded as a protection.  But he "waters" are drying up!  Western Europe, where formerly she  had great influence, hundreds of millions have openly  ignored religion.  In some lands,, for many years there was a declared policy to try to destroy the influence of religion.  The masses in those lands have not risen up in her behalf. Similary, when the time comes for Babylon the Great to be destroyed, the dwindling number of her adherents will prove to be no protection at all.  (Revelation 17:16) Though she claims a membership of thousands of millions, Babylon the Great will find herself defenseless against "the kings from the rising of the sun." 

Who are these kings?  In 539 B.C. E.  they were Darius and Cyrusthe Persian, who were used by Jehovah to conquer the ancient city of Babylon.  In this the Lord's day, the false religous system of Babylo the Great will also be destroyed  by human rules. But again, this will be a divine judgmen.  Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, "the kings from the rising of the sun,"will have to put into the hearts of rulers the "thought" to turn Babylon the Great and destroy her utterly.  (Revelations 17:16, 17)  The pouring out of the sixth bowl proclaims publicly that this judgment is about to executed.

These first six bowls of Jehovah's anger carry a sobering message.  God's earthl servants , supported by the angels, have been busy publicizing thei contents on an earth-wide scale. In this way, due warning has been served on all sectors of Satan's  world system, and Jehovah had provided individuals  an opportunity to turn to righteousness and keep living.  (Ezekiel 33:14-16)  Still, one more bowl of God's anger and his earthl agents are trying to counteract the publicizing of Jehovah's judgmens. 

Next time: God's Anger Brought to a Finish - The Gathering to Armageddon

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish - The River Euphrates Dried Up

 The sixth trumpet blast heralded the releasing of "the four angels that are bound at the great rver Euphrates." (Revelation 9:14) Historically, Babylon was the great city that sat on the river Euphrates.. And in 1919 the release of the symbolic four anngels accompanied a significant fall of Babylon the Great.  (Revelation 14:8) It is noteworthy, then, that the sixth bowl of God's anger also involves the river Euphrates: "And  the sixth one poured outhis bowl upon the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up , that the way might be prepared for the kings from the rising sun." (Revelation 16:12)  This too is bad news for Babylon the Great!

In ancient Babylon's heyday,,the abundant waters of the Euphrates were a major part of her defense system.  In 539 B.C.E. those waters dired up when they were diverted from their course by the Persian leader Cyrus. Thus, the way was open for Cyrus the Persian adn Darius the Mede, the kings from the rising sun"  (that is, the east), to enter Babylon and conquer it.  In the hour of crisis, the River Euphrates failed in the defenseof that great city.  (Isaiah 44:27-45:7;  Jeremiah 51:36)  Something similar  is due to happen to modern Babylon the worldwide system of false religion. 

Next time: God's Anger Brought to a Finish - The River Euphrates Dried Up

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God's Anger Brought to a FInish - Darkness and Gnawing Pain

 The kingdom of this wild beast has been in spiritual darkness ever since its beginning. ( Compare Matthew 8:12; Ephesians 6:11, 12.)   The fifth bowl brings intensified public announcement of this darkness.  It even dramatizes it, in that this bolw of God's anger is poured out upon every throne of the symbolic wild beast.  "And its kingdom  became darkened, and they began to gnaw their tongues for their pain, but they blaspheme the God of heaven for their pains and for their ulcers, and they did not repent of their works ." -REVELATION 6:10b,11.

The fifth trumpet blast is not exactly the samme as the fifth bowl of God's anger, since the trumpet blast heralded a plague of locusts. But notice that the release  of that plague of locusts, there was a darkening of the sin ad the air.  (Revelation 9:2-5; and at Exodus 10:14, 15,  we read concerning the locusts with which Jehovah plagued Eygpt:  "They were vey burdensome. Before them there had never turned up in this  locusts like them, and there will never turn up any in this way after them. And they went covering the visible surfact of the entire land, and grew dark." Yes, darkness!  Today, the world's spiritual darkness has become all too evidennt as a resullt of the sounding of the fifth  trumpet and the pouring out of the fifth bowl of God's anger.  The stinging message proclaimed by the modern-day locust swarm brings torment and pain to those wicked ones who "have loved darkness rather than the light." - JOHN 3:19.

As world ruler, Satan has caused much unhappiness and suffering. Famine, wars, violence, crime, drung abuse, immorality, sexually transmitted dsease, dishonest, religious hypocrisy-these and more are the hallmarks of Satan's system of things.  (Compare Galatians 5:1921.)  Even so, the public exposure of Satan as the god of this system of things  caused pain and embarrassment to those who live by his standards. "They  began to gnaw their tongues for their  pain," especially in Christendom.  Many resent that the truth exposes their lifestyle.  Some find it threatening, and they persecuted those who publish it. They reject God's Kingsdom and revile Jehovah's holy name.  Their religously disease, ulcerous condition is laid bare, so that they blasphee the God of heaven.  No, they do not "repent of their works."  So we cannot expect a mass conversion before the end of this system of things. - ISAIAH 32:6.

Next time:  God's Anger Brought to a Finish - The River Euphrates  Dried Up 

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God's Anger Brought to a Finish - The Throne of the Wold Beast

Upon what does the next angel pour out his bowl?  "And the fifth one poured out his bowl upon the throne of the wold beast. " (Revelation 16:10a)  "The wild beast " is Satan's governmental system. It does not have a literal throne, any more than the wild beast itself is literal.  Mention of a throne, however, shows that the wild beast has exercised royal authority over mankind; this is in harmony with the fact that each of the wild beast's horns bears a royal  diadem.  In fact, "the throne of the wild beast" is the foundation, or source, of that authority.  The Bible reveals the true situation of the royal authority of the wild beast when it says that "the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne with great authority." (Revelation 13:1, 2; 1 John 5:19) Thus, the pouring out of the bowl  upon the throne of the wild beast involves a proclamation revealing the true rold that Satan has played and still plays in supportinng and promoting the wild beast.

How is this relationship between Satan and the nations maintained?  When Satan tempted Jesus, he showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a vision and offered "all this  authority and the glory of them." But there was a condition - Jesus first had to perform   an act of worship before Satan.  (Luke 4:5-7)  Can we imagine  that the governments of the world receive their authority  at a  lesser price? Not at all.  According to the Bible, Satan is the god of this system of things, so that whether the nations are aware of it or not, they serve him.  ( 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4)  This situation is revealed in the makeup of the present world system, which is build on narrow nationalism, hatred, and self-interest.  It is organized the way Satan wants it-to keep mankind under his control.  The corruption in government, the lust for power, the lying diplomacy, the armaments ract - these reflect Satan's debased personality.  The world subscribes to Satan's unrighteous standards, thus making him its god. The throne of the wild beast will be overthrown when that beast suffers extinction and the Seed of God's woman finally abysses Satan himself. - GENESIS 3:15; REVELATION 19:20, 21; 20:1-3.

Next time: God's Anger Brought to a Finish - Darkness and Gnawing Pain

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