
An Awesome Mystery Solved - Peace and Security -A Vain Hope

 In an effort to bolster the hope of mankind, the United Nations proclaimed in 1986 ti be an "International Year of Peace,"  With  the theme  "To Safeguard Peace and the future of Humanity."  Warring nations were callee upon to lay down their weapons, at least for one year. What was their response?  According to a report by the International Peace Research Institute as many as five million people were killed as a result of wars durign 1986 alone!  Though some special coins  and commemorative stamps were issued, most of the nations did little about pursuing the idea of peace in that year.  Nevertheless, the world's religions-always anxious for a fine rapport with the UN-set about  publicizing the year in various ways.  On January 1, 1986, Pope John Paul II praised the work of the UN and dedicated the new year to  peace.  And on October 27, he assembled the leaders of many of the world's religions at Assisi, Italy, to pray for peace. 

Does God answer such prayers for peace?  Well, to which God were those religious leaders praying?  If you asked them, each group would give a different answer.  Is there a pantheon of millions of godsthat can hear and grant petitions made in many different ways?  Many of the particpannts worshipped  Christendom's trinity. Buddhists, Hindus, and othes chanted prayers to gods without number.  In all 12 religious "families" assembled, being represented by such notables as the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Buddhism's Dalai Lama, a Russian Orthodox metropolitan, the president of Tokyo's Shinto Shrine Association, Africa animists, and two American Indians decked out in plumed headdresses.  It was a colorful group prayed, to say the least, makign for spectacular TV coveragoe.  One group prayed unceasingly for 12 hours at one time.  (Luke 20:45-47.)  But did any of those prayers reach beyond the rain cloudes that hovered over the gathering?  No, but for the following reasons: 

Next time:  An Awesome Myster Solved - Conclusion of Peace and Security -A Vain Hope

From the jw.org publications

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