
The Res[plendant City - The River of Water of Life-Conclusion

 The river originates at "the throne of God adn of the Lamb."  This is appriopriate, since the basis  of Jehovah's life-giving  provisions is the ransom sacrifice, and this was provided because Jehovah "loved the wold so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)  The water of life also involves God's Word, which is spoken of  as water in the Bible.  (Ephesians 5:26) However, the river of water of life includes not only the truth but also every other provision of Jehovah, based on Jesus' sacrifice, for recovering obedient humans from sin and death and granting them everlasting life. - JOHN 1:29; 1 JOHN 2:1, 2. 

During the Thousand Year Reign, the benefits of the ransom are applied  fully through the priesthood of Jesus and his 144,000 underpriests.  Fittingly, then, the river of water of life flows through the middle of he broad way of New Jerusalem. This compossed of spiritual Israel, which along with Jesus makes up the true seed of Abraham. (Galatians 3:16, 29) Therefore, when the water of life flows in abundance through the middle of the broad way ofthe symbolic city, "all nations of the earth" will have full opportunity to bless themselves by means of Abraham's seed.  Jehovah's promise to Abraham will be completely fulfilled. - GENESIS 22:17, 18. 

Next time: The Resplendent City - Trees of Life

From the jw.org pubications

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