
REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Twenty Eight - Contending With Two Ferocious Beasts - Continue

The wild beast has  "upon its heads blasphemous names," making claims for itself that show great disrespect for God and Christ Jesus. It has used the names of God and Christ  as a sham to achieve its political ends; and it has played along with false religion, even allowing the clergy to take part in its political processes. For example, the House of Lords in England includes the bishops.  Catholic cardinals have played  prominent political roles in France and Italy, and more recently, priests have taken political office in Latin America. Governments print religious  slogans such as "IN GOD WE TRUST," on their bank notes and on their coins they claim divine approval for their rulers, stating, for example, that these are appointed  "by the grace of God."  All of this is actually blasphemous, for it attempts to involve God  in the sullied nationalistic political arena.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT  HAND!/Chapter Twenty Eight - Contending With Two Ferocious Beasts - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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