
"Love Is Long-Suffering"

Paul showed that a special relationship exists between love and long-suffering when he stated: "Love is long-suffering." (1 Corinthians 13:4) One Bible scholar, Albert Barnes, suggests that Paul emphasized this in view of the contention and strife that existed in the Christian congregation in Corinth. (1 Corinthians 1:11,12) Barnes points out: "The word here used [for long-suffering] is opposed to haste: To passionate espressions and thoughts, and to irritability. It denotes the state of mind which can bear long when oppressed and provoked." Love and long-suffering still contribute greatly to the peace of the Christian congregation.

"Love is long-suffering and kind. Love...does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked." Hence, in many ways, love helps us to be long-suffering. (1Corinthians 13:4,5) Love enables us patiently to put up with one another and remember that we are all imperfect and have faults and failings. It helps us to be considerate and forgiving.

The apostle Paul encourages us to walk "with complete lowliness of mind and mildness, with long-suffering, putting up with one another in love, earnestly endeavoring to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace." -Ephesians 4:1-3. .

Long-suffering on the part of their members contributes to the peace and happiness of Christian communities, whether congregations, Bethel homes, missionary homes, construction teams, or schools. Because of differences in personality, tastes, upbringing, standards of politeness, even hygiene, trying situations can arise from time to time. This is also true of families. Being slow to anger is vital. (Proverbs 14:29; 15:18; 19:11) Long-suffering-patient endurance, in the hope of a change for the better - is needed on the part of all.- Romans 15:1-6.

Next time: Long-Suffering Helps Us To Endure

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