
The coclusion of The Death Stroke

The world after the war was vastly different, Satan's earthly system, although devastated by the death stroke, revived and became more powerful than ever and so won the admiration of humans because of its recuperative power.

Historian Charles L. Mee, Jr., writes: "The collapse of the old order [caused by the first world war] was a necessary prelude to the spread of self-rule, the liberation of new nations and classes, the release of new freedom and independence." Leading in the development of this postwar era was the seventh head of the wild beast, now healed, and with the United States of America moving into the dominant role. A The dual world power took the dominant the lead in advocating both the League of Nations and the United Nations. By the 1980's U.S. Political power had led the more privileged nations in creating a higher standard of living, if fighting disease, and in advancing technology. It had even placed 12 men on the moon. It is no wonder, therefore, that mankind in general had "followed the wild beast with admiration."

Mankind has even gone beyond admiring the wild bast, as John next states: "And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: 'Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?' " (Revelation 13:4) While Jesus was here on earth, Satan claimed to have authority over all the kingdoms of the earth. Jesus did not dispute this, in fact, he himself referred to Satan as the ruler of the world and refused to participate in the politics of that day. John later wrote of true Christians: "We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." (1John 5:19; Luke 4:5-8; John 6:15; 14-30) Satan delegates authority to the wild beast, and he does this on a nationalistic basis. Thus, instead of being united in bonds of godly love, mankind has become divided by pride of tribe, race and nation. The great majority of people worship, in effect, that part of the wild beast having authority land where they happen to live. Thus The whole beast gains admiration and worship.

Worship in what sense? In the sense of putting love of country ahead of love of God. Most people love the land of their birth. As good citizens, true Christians also respect the rulers and the emblems of the country where they reside, obey the laws and make a positive contribution to the welfare of their community and their neighbors. (Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17) They cannot, however, give blind devotion to one country, right or wrong" is not a Christian teaching . So Christians who worship Jehovah god cannot share in giving prideful patriotic worship to any part of the wild beast, for this would amount to worshiping the dragon-the source of authority of the beast. They cannot ask admiringly: " Who is like the wild beast? Rather, they follow the example of Michael-his name meaning "Who is like God?" -as they uphold Jehovah's universal sovereignty. At God's appointed time, this Michael, Christ Jesus, will do battle with the wild beast and conquer it, even as he triumphed in expelling Satan from heaven. -Revelation 12:7-9; 19:11, 19-21.

Next time: Waging War Against The Holy Ones


The Death Stroke

Early in the Lord's day, calamity strikes the wild beast. John reports: " And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration." (Revelation 13:3) This verse says that one head of the wild beast received a death stroke, but verse4 12 speaks as though the entire beast suffered. Why is that? Well, the beast's heads are not all in the ascendancy together. Each in its turn has lorded it over mankind, particularly over God's people. (Revelation 17:10) Thus, as the Lord's day begins, there is only one head, the seventh, acting as the dominant world power. A death stroke on that head brings great distress to the entire wild beast.

What was the death stroke? Later, it is called a sword stroke, and a sword is a symbol of warfare. This sword stroke, administered early in the Lord's day, must relate to the first world war, which devastated and drained Satan's political wild beast. (Revelation 6:4, 8; 13:14) Author Maurice Genevoix, who was a military officer during that war, said of it: "Everyone agrees in recognizing that in the whole history of mankind, few dates have had the importance of August 2, 1914. First Europe and soon after almost all humanity found themselves plunged into a dreadful event. Conventions, agreements, moral laws, all the foundations shook; from on day to the next, everything was called into question. The event was to exceed both instinctive forebodings and reasonable anticipations. enormous, chaotic, monstrous, it still drags us in its wake." -Maurice Genevoix, member of the Academe Francaise, quoted in the book Promise of Greatness.l (1968)

For the dominant seventh head of the wild beast, that war was a major disaster. Along with other European nations, Britain lost its young men in traumatic numbers. In one battle alone, the Battle of the River Somme in 1916, 420,000 British soldiers died, along with 200,000 French and 450,000 German-more than 1,000,000 fatalities! Economically, too, Britain-together with the rest of Europe-was shattered. The huge British Empire staggered under the blow and never fully recovered. Indeed, that war, with 28 leading nations participating, sent the entire world reeling as if by a deathblow. On August 4, 1979, just 65 years after the outbreak of World War I, The Economist of London, England, commented: "In 1914 the world lost a coherence which it has not managed to recapture since."

At the same time, the Great War, as it was then called, opened the way for the United States to emerge distinctly as part of the Anglo-American World Power. For the first years of the war, public opinion kept the United States out of the conflict. But as historian esme' Wingfield-Stratford wrote, "It was all a question of whether, at this hour of supreme crisis, Britain and the United States would sink their differences in the realization of [their] overmastering unity and common trusteeship." As events turned out, they did. In 1917 the United States contributed her resources and manpower to bolster the war effort of the staggering Allies. Thus, the seventh head, combining Britain and the United States, came out on the winning side.

Next time: Continue with The Death Stroke


Conclusion of Contending With Two Ferocious Beasts

Moreover, why should anyone object to the Bible's saying that it is Satan who gives the wild beast its great authority? God is the Source of that statement, and before him 'the nations are as a drop from a bucket and as a film of dust.' Those nations would do better to court God's favor than to take offense at the way his prophetic Word describes them. (Isaiah 40:15, 17; Psalm 2:10-12) Satan is not mythical person assigned to tormenting departed souls in a fiery hell. No such place exists. Rather, Satan is described in Scripture as "an angel of light" -a master of deception who exercises powerful influence in general political affairs. -2 Corinthians 11:13, 14, 15; Ephesians 6:11-18.

The wild beast has ten horns on its seven heads. Perhaps four heads had one horn each and three heads had two horns each. Moreover, it had ten diadems on its horns. In the book of Daniel, fearsome beasts are described, and the numbering of their horns is to be interpreted literally. For example, the two horns on a ram represented a world empire made up of two partners, Media and Persia, while the four horns on a goat represented the four coexisting empires that grew out of Alexander the Great's Greek empire. (Daniel 8:3, 8, 20-22) On the beast that John saw, however, the numbering of the ten horns appears to be symbolic. (Compare Daniel 7:4; Revelation 17:12) They represent the completeness of sovereign states making up the entire political organization of Satan. All these horns are violent and aggressive, but has indicated by the seven heads, headship resides in only one world power at a time. Similarly, the ten diadems indicate that all sovereign states would exercise ruling power simultaneously with the dominant state, or world power, of that time.

The wild beast has "upon its heads blasphemous names," making claims for itself that show great disrespect for Jehovah God and Christ Jesus. It has used the names of God and Christ as a sham to achieve its political ends; and it has played along with false religion, even allowing the clergy to take part in its political processes. For example, the House of Lords in England includes the bishops, Catholic cardinals have played prominent political roles in France and Italy, and more recently, priest have taken political office in Latin America. Governments print religious slogans, such as " IN GOD WE TRUST," on their bank notes, and on their coins they claim divine approval for their rulers, stating, for example, that these are appointed "by the grace of God." All of this is actually blasphemous, for it attempts to involve God in the sullied nationalistic political arena.

The wild beast comes out of "the sea," Which is a fitting symbol of the turbulent masses from which human government springs. (Isaiah 17:12, 13) This wild beast began to emerge out of the sea of turbulent humanity away back in the days of Nimrod (about the 21st century B.C.E.), When a post flood system of things, opposed to Jehovah first manifested itself. (Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-9) But only during the Lord's day has the last one of its seven heads fully manifested itself. Notice, too, it is the dragon that "gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority." (Compare Luke 4:6) The beast is Satan 's political creation among the masses of mankind. Satan is truly "the ruler of this world." -John 12:31.

Next time: The Death Stroke.


Continue with Contending With Two Ferocious Beasts

It is clear, therefore, that the Author of the inspired Bible regards the political powers of the earth as beasts. What kind of beasts? One commentator calls the wild beast of Revelation 13:1, 2 a "brute," and adds: " We accept all the connotations that Onpiov [the-ri'on, the Greek word for "beast"] conveys, such as that of a cruel, destructive, frightful, ravenous, etc.., monster" How well that describes the bloodstained political system by which Satan has dominated mankind! The seven heads of this wild beast stand for six major world powers featured in Bible history up to John's day-Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome- and a seventh world power prophesied to appear later. -Compare Revelation 17:9, 10.

True, there have been other world powers in history besides the seven-just as the wild beast John saw was made up of a body as well as of seven heads and ten horns. But the seven heads represent the seven major powers that have, each in its turn, taken the lead in oppressing God's people. In 33 C.E., while Rome was ascendant, Satan used that head of the wild beast to kill the Son of God. At that time, God abandoned the faithless Jewish system of things and later, in 70 C.E., allowed Rome to execute his judgment on that nation. Happily, the true Israel of God, the congregation of anointed Christians, had been forewarned, and those in Jerusalem and Judea had fled to safety beyond the Jordan River. -Matthew 24:15, 16; Galatians 6:16.

By the end of the first century C.E., however, many in this early congregation had fallen away from the truth, and the true Christian wheat, "the sons of the kingdom," had been largely choked out by weeds, "the sons of the wicked one." But when the conclusion of the system of things arrived, anointed Christians again appeared as an organized group. During the Lord's day, the righteous ones were due to "shine as brightly as the sun." Hence, the Christian congregation was organized for work. (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) By then, the Roman Empire, was no more. The huge British Empire, along with the powerful United States of America held the center of the world stage. This dual world power proved to be the seventh head of the wild beast.

Is it not shocking to identify the ruling political powers with a wild beast? That is what some opposers claimed during the World War II, when the status of Jehovah's Witnesses, as an organization and as individuals, was being challenged in law courts around the earth. But stop and think! Do not the nations themselves adopt beasts or wild creatures as their nation symbols? for example, there are the British lion, the American eagle, the Chinese dragon and the Russian bear. So why should anyone object of the divine Author of the Holy Bible also uses beasts to symbolize world powers?

Next time: Continue with: Contending With Two Ferocious Beasts.


Contending With Two Ferocious Beasts

The great dragon has been cast down to the earth! Our study of Revelation makes it clear that never again will the original Serpent or his demon followers be allowed back into heaven. But we are not yet finished with "the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth." The account next identifies in greater detail the means used by Satan to fight against the woman and her seed.' (Revelation 12:9, 17) John says of that serpentine dragon: "And it stood still upon the sand of the sea." (Revelation 13:1a) So let us pause to examine the dragon's means of operation.

No longer are the holy heavens afflicted by the presence of Satan and his demons. Those wicked spirits have been ousted from heaven and confined to the vicinity of the earth. This no doubt accounts for the tremendous growth of spiritistic practices in this 20th century. The wily serpent still maintains a corrupt spirit organization. But does he also use a visible organization in order to mislead mankind? John tells us: " And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names. Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion's mouth. And the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority." -Revelation 13:1b, 2.

What is this freakish beast? The Bible itself gives the answer. Before the fall of Babylon in 539 B.C.E., the Jewish prophet Daniel saw visions involving ferocious beasts. At Daniel 7:2-8 he describes four beasts coming out of the sea, the first resembled a lion, the second a bear, the third a leopard, and "see there! a fourth beast, fearsome and terrible and unusually strong. . . and it had ten horns." This is remarkably similar to the wild beast seen by John about the year 96 C.E. That beast also has the characteristics of a lion, a bear and a leopard, and it has ten horns. What is the identity of the huge beasts seen by Daniel? He informs us "These huge beasts. . . are four kings that will stand up from the earth." (Daniel 7:17) Yes, those beasts represent "kings," or political powers of the earth.

In another vision, Daniel sees a two -horned ram that is struck down by a goat with a great horn. The angel Gabriel explains to him what it means: "The ram. . . stands for the kings of Media and Persia. And the hairy he-goat stands for the king of Greece." Gabriel goes on to prophesy that the great horn of the he-goat would be broken and be succeeded by four horns. This actually happened more than 200 years later when Alexander the Great died and his kingdom was split into four kingdoms ruled over by four of his generals. -Daniel 8:3-8, 20-25.

Next time: Continue with Contending With Two Ferocious Beasts


Continue with A New Nation

This vicious flood of persecution reached a high point during World War II. In Europe some ten thousand Witnesses were incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps, and thousands died. Under the warlords that ruled Italy, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, faithful Witnesses suffered similar and cruel treatment. Even in so-called Democratic lands, The Witnesses were assaulted by Catholic Action groups, tarred and feathered, and run out of town. Christian assemblies were broken up and Witness children were expelled from school.

Relief arrived from n unexpected source: " But the earth came to the woman's help, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river that the dragon disgorged from its mouth. And the dragon grew wrathful at the woman, and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus." (Revelation 12:16, 17) "The earth"-elements within Satan's own system of things-began to swallow up "the river," or "flood." During the 1914's the Witnesses gained a series of favorable decisions in the Unite Stats Supreme Court, and from ruling powers in some other lands, that upheld freedom of worship. Finally, the Allied Nations swallowed up the Nazi-Fascist juggernaut, to the relief of the Witnesses who had suffered under cruel dictatorships, Persecutions did not stop altogether, for the wrath of the dragon has continued until today, and he keeps up the war against those who "have the work of bearing witness to Jesus." In many lands, loyal Witnesses are still in prison, and some still die because of their integrity. But in some of these lands, the authorities from time to time relax their pressure, and the Witnesses enjoy a greater measure of freedom. Thus, in fulfillment of the prophecy, the earth continues to swallow up the river of persecution.

In this way, the earth has provided sufficient relief to allow God's work to spread to more than 200 lands and produce over three million faithful preachers of the good news. Along with the remaining ones of the woman's seed, a great international crowd of new believers is observing the commandments of God as to separateness from the world, clean morals, and love of the brothers, and they are witnessing to that Messianic Kingdom. Their integrity answers Satan's reproachful challenge, so that the death knell is sounded for Satan and his system of things. -Proverbs 27:11

Next time: Contending With Two Ferocious Beasts.


A New Nation

While the first world war was being fought, Jesus' brothers faithfully kept on with their witnessing to the extent possible. This was done in the face of intensified opposition from Satan and his vicious henchmen. Finally, the Bible Students' public witnessing was virtually stopped. (Revelation 11:7-10) That was when they had an experience quite similar to that of the Israelites in Egypt who also endured under great oppression. it was then that Jehovah brought them swiftly, as if on wings of eagles, to safety in the desert of Sinai. (Exodus 19:1-4) Likewise, after the bitter persecution of 1918-1919, Jehovah delivered his witnesses, as representing his woman, into a spiritual situation that was a safe for them as the desert was for the Israelites. This cam as an answer to their prayers. -Compare Psalm 55:6-9.

In the wilderness, Jehovah brought forth the Israelites as a nation, providing for them spiritually and physically. Similarly, starting in 1919, Jehovah brought forth the seed of the woman as a spiritual nation. This is not to be confused with the Messianic Kingdom that has been ruling from the heavens since 1914. Rather, this new nation is made up of the remnant of anointed witnesses on earth, who were brought into a glorious spiritual estate in 1919. Being provided now with "their measure of food supplies at the proper time," these were strengthened for the work that lay ahead. -Luke 12:42; Isaiah 66:8.

How long did his respite for the seed of God's woman last? Revelation 12:6 says 1,260 days. Revelation 12:14 calls the period a time, times, and a half a time; in other words, three and a half times. In fact, both expressions stand for three and a half years, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the spring of 1919 to the autumn of 1922. This was a period of refreshing recuperation an reorganization for the restored John class.

The dragon did not give up! " And the serpent disgorged water like a river fro its mouth after the woman, to cause her to be drowned by the river." (Revelation 12:15) what is meant by "water like a river, " or "a flood of water"? (The New English Bible) Ancient King David spoke of the wicked men who opposed him as 'flash floods of good-for-nothing men" ["streams of the worthless," Young]. (Psalm 18:4, 5, 16, 17) What Satan now unleashes is likewise persecution by worthless or "good-for-nothing men." After 1922 Satan spewed out a flood of persecution against the Witnesses. (Matthew 24:9-13) This came to include physical violence, "framing trouble by decree," imprisonments and even executions by hanging, shooting and beheading. (Psalm 94:20) The debased Satan, having been denied direct access to God's heavenly woman, set out wrathfully to attack her remaining seed on earth and to destroy them, either directly or by causing them to lose God's favor through breaking their integrity. but their resolved proved to be like that of Job: "Until I expire I shall not take away my integrity from myself?A" -Job 27:5.

Next time: Continue with A New Nation.


A Rival Woe!

Chafing because of the third woe, Satan is now intent on afflicting mankind with is own particular brand of woe. It is: "Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time." (Revelation 12:12b) Satan's ouster from heaven does indeed mean woe for the literal earth, which is being ruined by selfish humans under his control. (Deuteronomy 32:5) Even more so, Satan's policy of 'rule or ruin' brings woe to the symbolic earth, the structure of human society, as well as to the symbolic sea, the turbulent mass of mankind itself. During the two world wars, Satan's wrath was reflected in the wrath of the nations subject to him, and similar explosions of demonic rage continue to this day-though not for much longer! (Mark 13:7, 8) But terrible as the Devil's devices may be, they will never approach the woeful effect that the third woe-action by God's Kingdom-will produce on Satan's visible organization!

Since Satan's catastrophic ouster, Christ's brothers still on the earth have borne the brunt of his wrath. John reports: "Now when the dragon saw that it was hurled down to the earth, it persecuted the woman that gave birth to the male child. But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place; there is where she is fed for a time and times and a half a time away from the face of the serpent." -Revelation 12:13, 14.

Here the vision picks up the thought introduced in verse 6, which tells us that after the birth of her child, the woman flees into the wilderness, away from the dragon. We may wonder how the dragon can persecute the woman, since she is in heaven and the dragon has now been cast down to the earth. Well, remember that the woman has children here on earth, her seed. Later in this vision, we are informed that Satan expresses his rage toward the woman by persecuting her seed. (Revelation 12:17) What happens to the woman's seed here on earth may be regarded as happening to the woman herself. (Compare Matthew 25:40) And the growing number of companions of the seed here on earth would also experience these persecutions.

Next time: A New Nation


"Be Glad, You Heavens"

John reports a joyous heavenly reaction to this stupendous fall of Satan: "And I heard a loud voice in heaven say: ' Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God! And they conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death. On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them!' " -Revelation 12:10-12.

Whose loud voice is it that John hears? The Bible does not say. But a similar cry reported at Revelation 11:17 came from the resurrected 24 elders in their heavenly positions, where they can now represent the 144,000 holy ones. (Revelation 11:18) And since the persecuted anointed servants of God still on earth are here spoken of as "our brothers," this statement could well come from the same source. No doubt these faithful ones can join their voice, since their resurrection would follow soon after Satan and his demon hordes had been thrown out of heaven.

The finishing of the sacred secret of God calls for Jesus to take authority in Jehovah's Kingdom. The way is thus opened for God to carry out his great purpose to deliver faithful mankind. Jesus brings salvation not only to his God-fearing disciples now on earth but also to the countless millions of dead ones who are in God's memory. (Luke 21:27, 28) Satan's being called "the accuser of our brothers" shows that, even though his accusations against Job were proved false, he kept right on challenging the integrity of God's earthly servants. Evidently, he repeated on many occasions the charge that a man will give all he has in exchange for his soul. How dismally Satan has failed! - Job 19:11, 2:4, 5.

Anointed Christians, who are counted righteous "because of the blood of the Lamb." are continuing to bear witness to God and to Jesus Christ despite persecutions. For more than a hundred years, this John class has been pointing to the great issues involved with the ending of the Gentile Times in 1914. (Luke 21:24, King James Version) And the great crowd are now serving loyally by their side. None of these are "fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul," as real-life experiences of Jehovah's Witnesses have demonstrated over and over again during this 20th century. By word of mouth and by proper Christian conduct, they have conquered Satan, consistently proving him to be a liar. (Matthew 10:28; Proverbs 27:11; Revelation 7:9) On being resurrected to heaven, how happy anointed Christians must be, since Satan is no longer up there to accuse their brothers! It is time, indeed, for all the angelic host to respond joyously to the call: "Be glad you heavens and you who reside in them!"

Next time: A Rival Woe!

"Be Glad, You Heavens"

"Be Glad, You Heavens"


War In Heaven

John tells us: " And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled but it did not prevail, neither was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him." (Revelation 12:7-9) So as a dramatic development in bringing the sacred secret of God to a finish, Satan is ejected, pitched out of heaven, and his demons are cast down to the earth with him. The one who has misled the entire inhabited earth to the extent of becoming is god is finally restricted to the vicinity of this planet, where his rebellion first began. - 2Corinthians 4:3, 4.

Who accomplish this great victory in Jehovah's name? The Bible says it is Michael and his angels. But who is Michael? The name "Michael" means "Who Is Like God?" So Michael must be interested in vindicating Jehovah's sovereignty by proving that no one is to be compared to Him. In Jude verse 9, he is called "Michael the archangel" Interestingly, the title "archangel" is used elsewhere in the Bible with reference to only one person: Jesus Christ. Paul says of him: " The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel's voice and with God's trumpet." (1Thessalonians 4:16) The title "archangel" means "chief of the angels." So it is not surprising that Revelation speaks of "Michael and his angels." Other places where the Bible mentions angels subject to a righteous servant of God have reference to Jesus. Thus, Paul speaks of "the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with is powerful angles." -2 Thessalonians 1:7; see also Matthew 24:30, 31; 25:31.

These and other scriptures lead us to the inescapable conclusion that Michael is no one else but the Lord Jesus Christ in his heavenly position. Now, in the Lord's day, he no longer merely says to Satan: "May Jehovah rebuke you." Since this is a time of judging, Jesus, as Michael,hurls the wicked Satan and his demonic angels down from heaven. (Jude 9; Revelation 1:10) It is most fitting that He should be the One to do this, as He is newly installed King, Jesus is also the Seed, promised back in Eden, who will ultimately crush the head of that original serpent, thus putting him out of existence for all time. (Genesis 3:15) By ejecting Satan from heaven, Jesus has moved toward that final crushing.

Next time: "Be Glad, You Heavens"


A Son, A Male

The appointed time for the nations to rule without interruption by God cam to an end in 1914. (Luke 21:24) Then, right on time, the woman bears her child: "And she gave birth to a son, a male, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod. And her child was caught away to God and to his throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days." (Revelation 12:5, 6)The child is "a son, a male." Whey does John use this double expression? He does it to show the child's suitableness, his competence for ruling the nations with adequate power. It also emphasizes how momentous, how joyous an occasion this birth is! It plays a role in bringing the sacred secret of God to a finish. Why, this male child will even "shepherd all the nations with an iron rod"!

Now, does that expression sound familiar? Yes, Jehovah promised prophetically regarding Jesus: "You will break them with an iron scepter, as though a potter's vessel you will dash them to pieces." (Psalm 2:9) It was also prophesied regarding him: "The rod of your strength Jehovah will send out of Zion, saying: 'Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.' " (Psalm 110:2) Therefore, the birth seen by John closely involves Jesus Christ. No, it is not Jesus' being born of a virgin back before the first century of our Common Era: nor could it refer to Jesus' being raised again to spirit life in 33 C.E. Furthermore, it is no transmigration. Rather, it is the birth of God's Kingdom in 1914 as a reality, with Jesus-already in heaven for close to 19 centuries-now enthroned as King. -Revelation 10:10.

Never would Jehovah permit Satan to devour His wife or His newborn son! At birth, the male child is "caught away to God and to his throne." He thus comes completely under the protection of Jehovah, who will take the fullest care of this newborn Kingdom, His instrument for sanctifying His holy name. At the same time, the woman flees to a place that God has prepared for her in the wilderness. More details on that later! As for Satan, the stage is now set for a momentous event that will make it utterly impossible for him ever again to threaten the Kingdom in heaven. What is that event?

Next time:War In Heaven!


A Great Fiery-Colored Dragon

What does John next observe? "And another sign was seen in heaven, and, look! A great fiery-colored dragon, with seven heads and ten horns and upon its heads seven diadems; and its tail drags a third of the stars of heaven, and it hurled them down to the earth. And the dragon kept standing before the woman who was about to give birth, that, when she did give birth, it might devour her child." - Revelation 12:3, 4.

This dragon is Satan, "the original serpent." ( Revelation 12:9; Genesis 3:15) He is a ferocious destroyer -a seven-headed dragon, or devourer, that can completely swallow his prey. How strange he looks! Those seven heads and ten horns indicate that he is the architect of the political wild beast soon to be described in Revelation chapter 13. This beast also has seven heads and ten horns. Since Satan has a diadem on each head-seven in all-we can be sure that the world powers represented in that wild beast have been under his rulership. (John 16:11) The ten horns are a fitting symbol of the completeness of the power that he has exercised in this world.

The dragon has authority also in the spirit realm. With his tail, he "drags a third of the stars of heaven." Stars can represent angels. (Job 38:7) Mention of "a third" would emphasize that a considerable number of angels have been misled by Satan. Once these came under his control, there was no escape for them. They could not return to God's holy organization. They became demons, dragged along, as it were, by Satan their king, or ruler. (Matthew 12:24) Satan also cast them down to the earth. This no doubt refers to Noah's day before the flood. When Satan induced the disobedient sons of God to go down to earth and cohabit with the daughters of men. As a punishment, these "angels that sinned" have been thrown by God into the prisonlike condition called Tartarus. -Genesis 6:4; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6.

Thus, two opposing organizations have come clearly into view-Jehovah's heavenly organization as pictured by the woman and Satan's demonic organization that challenges God's sovereignty. The great issue of sovereignty must be settled. But how? Satan, still dragging the demons along with him, is like a vicious beast of prey eyeing a potential victim. He is waiting fro the woman to give birth. He wants to devour this expected infant because he knows that it poses and ominous threat to his continued existence and that of the world over which he exercises rulership. -John 14:30.

Next time: A Son,m A Male.


Continue with God's Kingdom Is Born!

About eight centuries earlier, Jehovah had addressed this symbolic wife, saying: "All your sons will be persons taught by Jehovah." (Isaiah 54:5, 13) Jesus quoted this prophecy and showed that these sons were his faithful followers, who later formed the congregation of anointed Christians. (John 6:44, 45) So members of his congregation spoken of as God's sons, are also children of God's symbolic wife. (Romans 8:14) The apostle Paul adds the final piece of information when he says: "The Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother." (Galatians 4:26) The "woman " seen by John, then, is "the Jerusalem above."

Exactly what, though, is Jerusalem above? Since Paul spoke of her as "above," and John sees her in heaven, she is clearly not an earthly city; neither is she the same as "New Jerusalem," since that organization is the bride of Christ, not Jehovah's wife. (Revelation 21:2) Notice that she is crowned with 12 stars. The number 12 is associated with completeness in an organizational setting. Hence, these 12 stars seems to indicate that she is an organizational arrangement in heaven, just as ancient Jerusalem was on earth. Jerusalem above is Jehovah's universal organization of spirit creatures that acts as his wife, both in serving him and in producing offspring.

John sees this woman as being robed with the sun and having the moon beneath her feet. When we add her crown of stars, she is completely surrounded by heavenly lights. God's favor shines upon her day and night. What fitting symbol of Jehovah's magnificent heavenly organization! She is also pregnant, enduing labor pains. Her cries for divine help show that her time has come to give birth. In the Bible, labor pains often symbolize the hard work needed to produce an important result. (Compare Psalm 90:2; Proverbs 25:23; Isaiah 66:7, 8) No doubt labor pains of this kind were experienced as Jehovah's heavenly organization prepared for this historic birth.

Next time: A Great Fiery-Colored Dragon


God's Kingdom Is Born!

The sacred secret of God has been unlocked. (Revelation 10:7) Jehovah's Kingdom by his Messiah is now a dynamic reality. It rules! Its presence spells doom for Satan and his seed and glorious victory for the Seed of God's heavenly organization. The seventh angel has not finished blowing on his trumpet, however, for he has much more to reveal to us about the third woe. (Revelation 11:14) The signs described in Revelation chapters 12to14 will help us to broaden our appreciation of all that is involved in that woe and in bringing God's sacred secret to a finish.

John now sees a great sign-one of outstanding interest for God's people. It introduces a thrilling prophetic vision, the meaning of which was first published in the March 1, 1925, issue of The Watchtower in an article entitled "Birth of the Nation" and then again in 1926 in the book Deliverance. This brilliant flash of the Bible understanding became a historic marker in the advancement of Jehovah's work. So let John describe the drama as it starts to unfold: "And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath here feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars, and she was pregnant. And she cries out in her pains and in her agony to give birth." -Revelation 12:1, 2.

For the first time, John beholds a woman in heaven. She is, of course, not a literal woman. Rather, she is a sign, or a symbol. (Revelation 1;1) What does she symbolize? In the inspired prophecies, women at times represent organizations "married" to outstanding personalities. In the Hebrew Scriptures, Israel was spoken of as a wife of Jehovah God. (Jeremiah 3:14) In the Greek Scriptures, the congregation of anointed Christians is spoken of as Christ's bride. (Revelation 21:9-14) The woman John here sees is also married to someone, and she is about to give birth. Who is her husband? Well, later her child is "caught away to God and to his throne." (Revelation 12:5) Jehovah thus claims the child as his own. Therefore, the woman that John sees must be Jehovah's symbolic wife.

Next time: Continue with God's Kingdom Is Born!


Continue with The Ark Of His Covenant!

Since 1914 there has been a tremendous upheaval in the realm of religion. Happily, though, this "earthquake" has been accompanied by dedicated voices giving a clear message about God's established Kingdom. Thunderous 'storm warnings' from the Bible have been sounded. Like lightning, flashes of insight as to God's prophetic Word have been seen and publicized. A hard pounding "hail" of divine judgments has been unleashed against Christendom and false religion in general. All of this should have caught people's attention. Sadly, though, the majority-like the people of Jerusalem in Jesus' time-have failed to discern the fulfillment of these Revelation signs. -Luke 19:41-44.

The seven angels continue to sound their trumpets, signaling historic events here on earth. Dedicated Christians have a great responsibility to continue proclaiming these announcements to the world. How joyfully there are fulfilling that commission! This is indicated in that, during just ten years, from 1978 to 1987, they more than doubled the hours spent yearly in their global ministry-from 307, 272, 262 to 739,019, 286- a 140 -percent increase. Truly, "the sacred secret of God according to the good news" is being made known "to the extremities of the inhabited earth." -Revelation 10:7; Romans 10:18.

Other visions now await us as God's Kingdom purposes continue to be unveiled.

Next time: God's Kingdom Is Born!


Behold The Ark Of His Covenant

Jehovah rules! Through his Messianic Kingdom, he is exercising his sovereignty toward mankind in a marvelous way. This is confirmed by what John sees next: "And the temple sanctuary of God that is in heaven was opened, and the Ark of his covenant was seen in his temple sanctuary. And there occurred lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail." (Revelation 11:19) This is the only mention in Revelation of the ark of God's covenant. The Ark had been the visible symbol of Jehovah's presence with his people Israel. In the tabernacle, and later in the temple built by Solomon, it was kept the Most Holy. But when Israel went into captivity in Babylon in 607 B.C.E., Jerusalem was desolated and the ark of the covenant disappeared. That was when representatives of the house of David ceased "to sit upon Jehovah's throne as king." -1Chronicles 29:23.

Now, after more than 2,500 years, the Ark is seen once more. But in Jehovah's vision this Ark is not in an earthly temple. It appears in the heavenly sanctuary of God. Once again, Jehovah rules by means of a king in the royal line of David. This time, however, the King, Christ Jesus, is enthroned in heavenly Jerusalem-the exalted vantage point from which he executes Jehovah's judgments. ( Hebrews 12:22) The following chapters of Revelation will unveil these to us.

In ancient earthly Jerusalem, the Ark was not seen by the Israelites in general, nor even by the priests serving in the temple, for it was within the Most Holy that was screened off from the Holy Place by a curtain. (Numbers 4:20; Hebrews 9:2, 3) Only the high priest got to see it when he entered the Most Holy on the annual day of Atonement. Nevertheless, when the temple sanctuary in the heavens is opened, the symbolic ark is visible not only to Jehovah's High Priest, Jesus Christ, but also to his under priests, the 144,000 including John.

Those first ones who have been resurrected to heaven see this symbolic ark at close range, for they have taken their place as part of the 24 elders around Jehovah's throne. And the John class on earth have been enlightened by Jehovah's spirit to discern his presence in His spiritual temple. There have also been signs to alert mankind in general to this wonderful development. John's vision speaks of lightnings, voices, thunders, an earthquake and hail.l (Compare Revelation 8:5.) What do these symbolize?

Next time: Continue with Behold The Ark Of His Covenant.


Woed To The Ruinous Ones!

Here, then, is the third woe, it comes quickly! It is Jehovah's means of bringing ruination to those who desecrate his "footstool," This lovely earth on which we live. (Isaiah 66:1) It is set in motion by the Messianic Kingdom-the sacred secret of God. God's enemies, and Christendom's leaders in particular, have been tormented by the first two woes-resulting principally from the locust plague and the armies of cavalry; but the third woe, which Jehovah's Kingdom itself administers, brings more than torment. (Revelation 9:3-19) It provides the death stroke in ousting a ruinous human society and its rulers. This will come as the climax of Jehovah's judging at Armageddon. It is just as Daniel prophesied: "And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite." Like an imposing mountain, God's Kingdom will rule over an earth made glorious, vindicating Jehovah's sovereignty and bringing eternal joy to mankind. -Daniel 2:35, 44; Isaiah 11:9; 60:13.

The third woe is accompanied by an ongoing series of happy events that will proceed progressively through the Lord's day. It is the time 'for the dead to be judged, and for God to give their reward to his slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing his name.' That means a resurrection from the dead! For the anointed holy ones who had already fallen asleep in death, this takes place early in the Lord's day. (1Thessalonians 4:15-17) In due course the remaining holy ones join these by an instantaneous resurrection. Others too are to be rewarded, including God's slaves the prophets of ancient times and all others of mankind who come to fear Jehovah's name, whether they are of the great crowd who survive the great tribulation or of "the dead, the great and the small," who are raised to life during Christ's Millennial Reign. Since God's Messianic Kingdom rule opens the way for him to dispense everlasting life to all who reach out for that precious provision. (Revelation 1:18; 7:9, 14; 20:12, 13; Romans 6:22; John 5:28, 29) Whether it is immortal life in the heavens or eternal life on earth, this gift of life is an undeserved kindness from Jehovah, for which each recipient may be forever thankful! -Hebrews 2:9.

Next time: Behold The Ark Of His Covenant!


JehovahTakes Power

Christ enthroned in God's Kingdom-what joy this announcement calls forth! John reports: "And the twenty-four elders who were seated before God upon their thrones fell upon their faces and worshiped God, the Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as king.' " -Revelation 11:16, 17.

The ones that offer these thanks to Jehovah God are the 24 elders, symbolizing the anointed brothers of Christ in their heavenly positions. From1922 onward a remnant on earth of these 144,000 anointed ones got busy in the work that was set in motion by the trumpet blasts. They came to realize the full import of the sign at Matthew 24:3-25:46. Even earlier in the Lord's day, however, their fellow witnesses who have already 'proved faithful even to death' had been resurrected to take their positions in heaven, so that they could now represent the entire 144,000 in falling upon their faces to render homage to Jehovah. (Revelation 1:10; 2:10) How thankful all these are that their Sovereign Lord has not delayed in bringing his sacred secret to a climatic finish!

On the other hand, the blowing of the seventh trumpet brings no joy to the nations. The time has come for them to experience Jehovah's''s wrath. As John relates: "But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give their reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.A" (Revelation 11:18) From 1914 onward the nations of the world have fiercely expressed their wrath against one another, against God's Kingdom, and especially against Jehovah's two witnesses. -Revelation 11:3.

Throughout history the nations have been ruining the earth by their incessant warfare and bad management. Since 1914, however, this ruination has escalated to an alarming degree. Greed and corruption have resulted in expanding deserts and tremendous loss of productive land. Acid rain and radioactive clouds have damaged large areas. Food resources have been polluted. The air we breathe and the water we drink are contaminated. Industrial wastes threaten life on land and in the sea. And the superpowers threaten complete ruination by way of nuclear annihilation of all humankind. Happily, Jehovah will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth;" he will execute judgment on those proud godless humans who are responsible for earth's sorry state. (Deuteronomy 32:5, 6; Psalm 14:1-3) Therefore,Jehovah arranges for the third woe, to bring these wrongdoers to account. -Revelation 11:14.

Next time: Woe To The Ruinous Ones!


Continue with God's Sacred Secret-Its Glorious Climax

But how did "the kingdom of the world. .. become the kingdom of our Lord," Jehovah? Has not Jehovah god always been King? That is true, for the Levite Asaph sang: "God is my King from long ago." And another psalmist proclaimed: "Jehovah himself has become king! . . .Your throne is firmly established from long ago; you are from time indefinite." (Psalm 74:12; 93:1, 2) In his wisdom, though, Jehovah has allowed other sovereignties to exist on earth. Thus the issue raised in Eden as to whether man can govern himself without God has been fully tested. Man-rule has failed miserably. True, indeed, are the words of God's prophet: "I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step." (Jeremiah 10:23) Ever since the defection of our first parents, the entire inhabitant earth has been under the domination of "the original serpent," Satan. (Revelation 12:9; Luke 4:6) It is time, now, for a dramatic change! To vindicate his rightful position, Jehovah begins to exercise his sovereignty over the earth in a new way, through his designated Messianic Kingdom.

When the sounding of the seven trumpets got under way in 1922, the Bible Students' convention at Cedar Point, Ohio, featured a talk by the president of the Watchtower Society, J.F. Rutherford, based on the scripture "The kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matthew 4:17, King James Version) He concluded with these words: "then back to the field, O ye sons of the most high God! Gird on your armor! Be vigilant, be active,be brave. Be faithful and true witnesses for the Lord. Go forward in the fight until every vestige of Babylon lies desolate. Herald the message far and wide. the world must know that Jehovah is God and that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. This is the day of all days.l Behold, the King reigns! You are his publicity agents. Therefore, advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom." God's kingdom by Christ Jesus was brought to the fore, and that set off the great surge of Kingdom preaching that has included the judgments heralded by the sounding of all seven of the angelic trumpets.

The trumpet blast of the seventh angel was reflected in highlights of the Bible Students' convention in Detroit, Michigan, July 30-August 6, 1928. At that time 107 broadcasting stations were tied in to what The New York Times described as "The most extensive and expensive radio hook-up in history.' The convention enthusiastically adopted a powerful "Declaration Against Satan and for Jehovah," pointing to the overthrow, at Armageddon, of Satan and his evil organization and the emancipation of all who love righteousness. Loyal subjects of God's Kingdom were delighted to receive a convention release, the 368-page book Government. This supplied the clearest of proofs "that God set his Anointed King upon his throne in 1914.

Next time: Jehovah Takes Power


God's Sacred Secret-Its Glorious Climax

Do you recall the sworn declaration by the strong angel recorded at Revelation 10:1, 6, 7? He stated: "There will be no delay any longer, but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish." Jehovah due time has arrived for the sounding of that final trumpet! How is it, then, that the sacred secret is brought to a finish? John is truly overjoyed to inform us! He writes: " And the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and the loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: 'The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.' " (Revelation 11:15) Those angelic hosts have reason to speak loudly, even in thunderous tones! For this historic announc ement is of universal importance. It is of vital concern to all living creation.

The sacred secret comes to it happy climax! Gloriously, magnificently, it is brought to a triumphant finish in 1914 when the Lord Jehovah enthrones his Christ as associate King. Acting for his Father, Jesus Christ takes over active rulership in the midst of an enemy world of mankind. As the promised Seed, he receivers Kingdom power in order to bring to nothing the Serpent and his brood and restore paradisaic peace to this earth. (Genesis 3:15; Psalm 72:1, 7) As Messianic King, Jesus will thus fulfill Jehovah's Word and vindicate his Father, "the King of eternity," who must rule as Sovereign Lord "forever and ever." - 1 Timothy 1:17.

Next time: Continue with God's Sacred Secret-Its Glorious Climax!


Raised Again!

The expression " a tenth of the city" reminds us that Isaiah prophesied regarding ancient Jerusalem that a tenth would survive the destruction of the city as a holy seed. (Isaiah 6:13) similarly, the number 7,000 reminds us that when Elijah felt that he alone remained faithful in Israel, Jehovah told him that there were, in fact, still 7,000 who had not bent down to Baal. (1Kings 19:14, 18) In the first century, the apostle Paul said that these 7,000 pictured the remnant of the Jews who had responded to the good news about the Christ. (Romans 11:1-5) These scriptures help us to understand that the "seven thousand" and the "tenth of the city" in Revelation 11:13 are those who respond to the restored two witnesses and abandon the sinful great city. They die, as it were, to Christendom. Their names are taken off her membership roles. They no longer exist as far as she is concerned.

But how did 'the rest [of Christendom] give glory to the God of heaven'? Certainly not by abandoning their apostate religion and becoming servants of God. Rather, it is as explained in Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament, in discussing the expression "gave glory to the God of heaven." There it is stated: " The phrase signifies not conversion, nor repentance, nor thanksgiving. But recognition, which is its usual sense in scripture. Compare John. vii 19 (Sept.) John ix. 24; Acts xii. 23; Rom iv. 20." To her chagrin, Christendom had to acknowledge that the God of the Bible Students had performed a great act in restoring them to Christian activity.

It may be that the clergy gave this acknowledgment only mentally, or to themselves. Certainly, none of them went on record as publicly acknowledging the God of the two witnesses. But Jehovah's prophecy through John helps us to discern what was in their hearts and realize the humiliating shock that they experienced in 1919. From that year onward, as the A"seven thousand" left Christendom despite her determined efforts to hold on to her sheep, the clergy,were forced to recognized that the God of the John class was stronger than their god. In later years they would realize this even more clearly, as many more of their flock would depart, echoing thee words of the people when Elijah triumphed over the Baal religionists at Mount Carmel: " Jehovah is the true God! Jehovah is the true God." - 1 Kings 18:39.

But listen! John tells us: "The second woe is past, Look! The third woe is coming quickly." (Revelation 11:14) If Christendom is shaken by what has happened so far, what will she do when the third woe is announced, the seventh angel blows his trumpet, and the sacred secret of God is finally finished? -Revelation 10:7.

Next time: God's Sacred Secret -Its Glorious Climax!


Raised Again!

The public press joined the clergy in vilifying God's people, one paper saying: "The finis of The Finished Mystery has been given." Nothing, though, could have been further from the truth! The two witnesses did not stay dead. We read: " And after the three and a half days spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell upon those beholding them. And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them: 'Come on up here.' And they went up into heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them." (Revelation 11:11, 12) Thus, they had an experience similar to that of the dry bones in the valley that Ezekiel visited in vision. Jehovah breathed upon those dry bones, and they came to life, providing a picture of the rebirth of the nation of Israel after 70 years of captivity in Babylon. (Ezekiel 37:1-14) These two prophecies in Ezekiel and in Revelation, had their striking modern-day fulfillment in 1919, when Jehovah restored his "deceased"witnesses to vibrant life.

What a shock for those persecutors! The corpses of the two witnesses were suddenly alive and active again. it was a bitter pill for those clergymen to swallow, the more so since the Christian ministers whom they has schemed to put in prison were free again, later to be fully exonerated. The shock must have been even greater when, in September 1919, the Bible Students held a convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A. Here the recently released president of the Watchtower Society, J.F. Rutherford, stirred conventioneers with his talk "announcing the Kingdom," based on Revelation 15:2 and Isaiah 52:7. Those of the John class began once again to "prophesy," or preachy publicly. They advanced from strength to strength, fearlessly exposing Christendom's hypocrisy.

Christendom tried again and again to repeat her triumph of 1918. She resorted to mob action, legal maneuvering, imprisonment, even executions-all to no avail! After 1919 the spiritual domain of the two witnesses was out of her reach. In that year Jehovah had said to them: "Come on up here," and they had ascended to an elevated spiritual state where their enemies could see them but could not touch them. John describes the shocking effect their restoration had on the great city: "And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell; and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven." (Revelation 11:13) There were truly great convulsions in the realm of religion. The ground seemed to move under the leaders of the established churches as this body of revived Christians got to work. One tenth of their city, figuratively 7,000 persons, were so profoundly affected that they are spoken of as being killed.

Next time: Continue with Raised Again!


The Two Witnesses Are Killed

So severe was this plague on Christendom that after the two witnesses has prophesied for 42 months in sackcloth, Christendom used her worldly influence to have them 'killed.' John writes: "And when they have finished their witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. And their corpses will be on the broad way of the great city which in in a spiritual sense called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was also impaled. And those of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their corpses for three and a half days, and they do not let their corpses b laid in a tomb. And those dwelling on the earth rejoice over them and enjoy themselves, and they will send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those dwelling on the earth." - Revelation 11:7-10.

This is the first of 37 references in Revelation to a wild beast. In due course we will examine this and other beasts in detail. Suffice it to say for now that "the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss" is of Satan's design, a living political system of things. -Compare Revelation 13:1; Daniel 7:2, 3, 17.

From 1914 to 1918 the nations were occupied with the first world war. Nationalistic feelings ran high, and in the spring of 1918, the religious enemies of the two witnesses took advantage of the situation. They maneuvered the State's legal apparatus so that responsible ministers of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society were imprisoned on false charges of sedition. Faithful coworkers were stunned. Kingdom activity almost ceased. It was as though the preaching work were dead. In Bible times it was a terrible indignity not to be interred in a memorial tomb. (Psalm 79:P1-3; 1 Kings 13:21, 22) Therefore, great reproach would attach to leaving the two witnesses unburied. In the hot Palestinian climate, a corpse in the open street would really start to smell after three and a half literal days. (Compare John 11:39) This detail in the prophecy thus indicates the shame that the two witnesses had to endure. Those mentioned above who were imprisoned were even denied bail while their cases were on appeal. They were exposed publicly long enough to become a stench to the inhabitants of "the great city." But what was this "great city"?

John gives us some clues. He says that Jesus was impaled there. So we immediately think of Jerusalem. But he also says that the great city is called Sodom and Egypt. Well, literal Jerusalem was once called Sodom because of her unclean practices. (Isaiah 1:8-10; compare Ezekiel 16A:49, 53-58) and Egypt, the first world power, sometimes appears as a picture of this world system of things. (Isaiah 19:1, 19; Joel 3:19) Hence, this great city pictures a defiled "Jerusalem" that claims to worship God but that has become unclean and sinful, like Sodom, and a part of this satanic world system of things, like Egypt. It pictures Christendom, the modern equivalent of unfaithful Jerusalem, the organization whose members had so much reason to rejoice when they silence the disturbing preaching of the two witnesses.

Next time: Raised Again!


Continue with The Two Witnesses

This reminds us of the time when Moses' authority was challenged in Israel. That prophet uttered fiery words of judgment, and Jehovah destroyed the rebels, consuming 250 of them by literal fire from heaven. (Numbers 16:1-7, 28-35) Similarly, Christendom's leaders defiled the Bible Students, saying that these had never graduated from theological colleges. But God's witnesses had higher credentials as ministers those meek persons who heeded their Scriptural message. (2 Corinthians 3:2, 3) In 1917 the Bible Students published The Finished Mystery, a powerful commentary on Revelation and Ezekiel. This was followed by the distribution of 10,000,000 copies of the four-page tract The Bible Students Monthly with the featured article entitled "The Fall of Babylon-Why Christendom Must Now Suffer-The Final Outcome." In the United States, the irate clergy used the war hysteria as an excuse to get the book banned. In other countries the book was censored. Nevertheless, God's servants kept fighting back with fiery issues of the four-page tract entitled Kingdom News. As the Lord's day proceeded, other publications would make clear Christendom's spiritually defunct condition. -Compare Jeremiah 5:14.

What of Elijah? In the days of the kings of Israel, this prophet proclaimed a drought as an expression of Jehovah's indignation on the Baal-worshiping Israelites. It lasted three and a half years. (1 Kings 17:1; 18:41-45; Luke 4A:25; James 5:17) Later, when unfaithful King Ahaziah sent soldiers to force Elijah to come into his royal presence, the prophet called down fire from heaven to consume the soldiers. Only when a military commander showed proper respect for his position as prophet did Elijah consent to accompany him to the king. (2 Kings 1:5-16) Likewise, between 1914 and 1918, the anointed remnant boldly drew attention to the spiritual drought in Christendom and warned of fiery judgment at "the coming of the great and fear inspiring day of Jehovah." -Malachi 4:1, 5; Amos 8;11.

John goes on to say of the two witnesses: "And they have authority over the waters to turn them into blood and to strike the earth with every sort of plague as often as they wish." (Revelation 11:6b) In order to persuade Pharaoh to let Israel go free, Jehovah used Moses in striking oppressive Egypt with plagues including the turning of water into blood. Centuries later, the Philistine enemies of Israel well remembered Jehovah's acts against Egypt, causing them to cry: "Who will save us from the hand of this majestic God? This is the God that was the smiter of Egypt with every sort of slaughter ["plague," Revised Standard Version] in the wilderness." (1 Samuel 4:8; Psalm 105:29) Moses portrayed Jesus, who had authority to pronounce God's judgments o the religious leaders of his day. (Matthew 23:13; 28:18; Acts 3:22) And during the first world war Christ's brothers, the two witnesses, exposed the death-dealing quality of "the waters" that Christendom was serving to her flocks.

Next time: The Two Witnesses Are Killed


Continue with The Two Witnesses

The fact that they were symbolized by two witnesses confirms to us that their message was accurate and well founded. (Compare Deuteronomy 17:6; John 8:17, 18) John calls them "the two olive trees and the two lamp stands," saying that they "are standing before the Lord of the earth." This is an evident reference to the prophecy of Zechariah, who saw a seven-branched lamp stand and two olive trees. The olive trees were said to picture "the two anointed ones," that is, Governor Zerubbabel and High Priest Joshua, "standing alongside the Lord of the whole earth." -Zechariah 4:1-3, 14.

Zechariah lived in a time of rebuilding, and his vision of the two olive trees meant that Zerubbabel and Joshua would be blessed with Jehovah's spirit in strengthening the people for the work. The vision of the lamp stand reminded Zechariah not to 'despise the day of small things' because Jehovah's purpose would be carried out-" 'not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,' Jehovah of armies has said." (Zechariah 4:6, 10; 8:9) The small band of Christians persistently carrying the light of truth to mankind during the first world war would similarly be used in rebuilding work. They too would be a source of encouragement and, few as they were, would learn to rely on Jehovah's strength, not despising the day of small beginnings.

The fact that they were described as two witnesses also reminds us of the transfiguration. In that vision, three of Jesus' apostles saw him in Kingdom glory, accompanied by Moses and Elijah. This foreshadowed Jesus' sitting down on his glorious throne in 1914 to accomplish a work prefigured by those two prophets. (Matthew 17:1-3; 25:31) Fittingly, the two witnesses are now seen to perform signs reminiscent of those of Moses and Elijah. For example, John says of them: "And if anyone wants to harm them, fire issues forth from their mouths and devours their enemies; and if anyone should want to harm them, in this manner he must be killed. These have the authority to shut up heaven that no rain should fall during the days of their prophesying." -Revelation 11:5, 6a.

Next time: Continue with The Two Witnesses


The Two Witnesses

Even while being trampled on, these loyal ones do not cease to be Jehovah's faithful witnesses. Hence, the prophecy continues: " 'And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.' These are symbolized by the two olive trees and two lamp stands and are standing before the Lord of the earth." -Revelation 11:3, 4.

These faithful anointed Christians needed the quality of endurance, for they had to prophesy in "sackcloth." What did this mean? In Bible times sackcloth often symbolized mourning. Wearing it was a sign that the person had been brought low in sorrow or distress. (Genesis 37:34; Job 16:15, 16; Ezekiel 27:31) Sackcloth was associated with the mournful messages of doom or grief that God's prophets had to proclaim. (Isaiah 3:8,24-26; Jeremiah 48:37; 49:3) The wearing of sackcloth could indicate humility or repentance in view of divine warning. (Jonah 3:5) The sackcloth worn by the two witnesses appears to indicated their humble endurance in announcing Jehovah's judgments. They were witnesses proclaiming his day of vengeance that would bring mourning also to the nations. -Deuteronomy 32:41-43.

The John class had to preach this message for a definitely stated time: 1,260 days, or 42 months, the same length of time that the holy city was to be trampled underfoot. This period seems to be literal, since it is expressed in two different ways, first in months and then in days. Additionally, at the beginning of the Lord's day, there was marked period of three and a half years when the hard experiences of God's people matched the events prophesied here-starting from the outbreak of the first world war in the latter part of 1914 and continuing the early part of 1918. (Revelation 1:10) They preached a "sackcloth" message concerning Jehovah's judgment of Christendom and the world.

Next time: Continue with The Two Witnesses


The Trampling Of The Courtyard

Why was John forbidden to measure the courtyard? He tells us in these words: "But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple sanctuary, cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty-two months." (Revelation11:2) We have noted that the inner courtyard pictures the righteous standing on earth of spirit- begotten Christians. As we shall see, the reference here is to the literal 42 months extending from October 1914 into 1918, when all professing Christians were put to a severe test. Would they uphold Jehovah's righteous standards during those war years? Most did not. Enbloc, the clergy of Christendom put nationalism ahead of obedience to divine law. On both sides of the war, which was fought mainly in Christendom, the clergy preached the young men into the trenches. Millions were slaughtered. By the time that judgment started with the house of God in 1918, the United States had also entered that blood spilling, and the clergy of all Christendom had incurred a blood guilt that still cries out for divine vengeance. (1 Peter 4:17) Their being cast out has become permanent, irreversible. -Isaiah 59:1-3, 7, 8; Jeremiah 19:3, 4)

What though, of the small group of Bible Students? Were they to be measured immediately in 1914 by their adherence to divine standards? No. Like the professed Christians of Christendom, they too must be tested. They were 'cast clear out, given to the nations' to be severely tried and persecuted. Many of them realized that they should not go out and kill their fellowman, but as yet they did not fully appreciate Christian neutrality. (Micah 4:3; John 17:14, 16; 1 John 3:15) Under pressure from the nations, some compromised.

How was it, though, that the holy city was trampled underfoot by those nations? Clearly, this does not refer to the Jerusalem that was destroyed over 25 years before Revelation was written. Rather, the holy city is New Jerusalem, described later in Revelation, that is represented now on earth by the remaining anointed Christians in the temple's inner courtyard. In time, these also will become a part of the holy city. So trampling on them is tantamount to trampling on the city itself. -Revelation 21:2, 9-21.

Next time: The Two Witnesses


Measuring The Temple Sanctuary

John is told to "measure the temple sanctuary of God and the altar and those worshiping in it." What does this imply? In the Hebrew Scriptures, such measuring provided a guarantee that justice, tempered with mercy, would be rendered on the basis of Jehovah's perfect standards. In the days of wicked King Mannaseh, the prophetic measuring of Jerusalem testified to an unalterable judgment of destruction on that city. (2Kings 21:13; Lamentations 2:8) Later, however, when Jeremiah saw Jerusalem being measured, this confirmed that the city would be rebuilt. (Jeremiah 31:39; see also Zechariah 2:2-8) Likewise, the extensive and detailed measuring of the visionary temple witnesses by Ezekiel was a guarantee to the Jewish exiles in Babylon that true worship would be restored in their homeland. It was also a reminder that, in view of their errors, Israel henceforth had to measure up to God's holy standards. -Ezekiel 40:3, 4; 43:10.

Therefore, when John is commanded to measure the temple sanctuary and those priests worshiping in it, it is a sign that nothing can prevent the fulfillment of Jehovah's purposes regarding the temple arrangement and those associated with it, and that those purposes are nearing their climax. Now that all things have been placed under the feet of Jehovah's strong angel, it is the time for " the mountain of the house of Jehovah" to become "firmly established above the tip of the mountains." (Isaiah 2:2-4) Jehovah's pure worship must be exalted, after centuries of Christendom's apostasy. It is also time for those of Jesus' faithful brothers who have dies to be resurrected into "the Holy of Holies." (Daniel 9:24; 1Thessalonians 4:14-16; Revelation 6:11; 14:4) And the last sealed ones on earth of "the slaves our God" must be measured according to the divine standards in order to qualify for their permanent place in the temple arrangement as spirit-begotten sons of God. The John class today is fully aware of those holy standards and is determined to measure up to them. -Revelation 7:1-3; Matthew 13:41, 42; Ephesians 1:13, 14; compare Romans 11:20.

Next time: The Trampling Of The Courtyard


The Temple Sanctuary

The temple here mentioned cannot be any literal temple in Jerusalem, since the last of these was destroyed by the Romans in 70 C.E. The apostle Paul, however, showed that even before that destruction, there had appeared another temple sanctuary that would endure right up to our day. This was the great spiritual temple that fulfilled the prophetic types provided by the tabernacle and later by the temples built in Jerusalem. It is "the true tent, which Jehovah put up, and no man," and its high priest is Jesus, whom Paul describes as having already "sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens." Its Most Holy is the location of Jehovah's presence in heaven itself. -Hebrews 8:1, 2; 9:11, 24.

The apostle Paul explains that the curtain of the tabernacle, separating the Most Holy from the Holy compartment, pictures Jesus' flesh. When Jesus sacrificed his life, this curtain was rent in two, showing that Jesus' flesh was no longer a barrier to his entry into Jehovah's presence in heaven. On the basis of Jesus' sacrifice, his anointed under priests who died faithful would, in due course, also pass into the heavens. (Matthew 27:50,51; Hebrews 9:3; 10:19, 20) Paul points out, too, that the continual sacrifices of animals at the tabernacle pointed forward to Jesus' one sacrifice of his perfect human life. The altar of sacrifice in the courtyard represented Jehovah's provision, according to his will, for accepting Jesus' sacrifice in behalf of the "many" - of the anointed and, later, of the other sheep-who would be "earnestly looking for him for their salvation." -Hebrews 9:28; 10:9, 10; John 10:16.

From this divinely inspired information, we can conclude that the Holy Place in the tabernacle symbolizes a holy condition enjoyed first by Christ and then by the anointed members of the royal priesthood of the 144,000 while they are still on earth, before entering through "the curtain." (Hebrews 6:19, 20; 1 Peter 2:9) It well represents their having been adopted as spiritual sons of God, even as God acknowledged Jesus to be his Son following Jesus' baptism in the Jordan in 29 C.E. (Luke 3:22; Romans 8:15) And what of the inner courtyard, the only part of the tabernacle visible to non priestly Israelites and the place where the sacrifices were made? This pictures the perfect standing of the man Jesus that qualified him to offer his life for mankind. It also represents the righteous standing as holy ones, imputed on the basis of Jesus' sacrifice, that his anointed followers enjoy while on earth." -Romans 1:7; 5:1.

Next time:Measuring The Temple Sanctuary


Reviving The Two Witnesses

Before the second woe is finally past, the strong angel calls upon John to take part in another prophetic presentation, this one having to do with the temple. (Revelation 9:12; 10:1) Here is what John reports: "And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: 'Get up and measure the temple sanctuary of God and the altar and those worshipping in it.' "-Revelation 11:1.

Next time: The Temple Sanctuary


The Little Scroll Today

What John sees foreshadows remarkably the experience of the John class at the beginning of the Lord's day. Their understanding of Jehovah's purposes, including the implication of the seven thunders, was then incomplete. Nevertheless, they had a deep interest in Revelation, and Charles Taze Russell had commented on many parts of it during his lifetime. After his death in 1916, many of his writings were collected and published in a book entitled The Finished Mystery. In time, though, this book proved to be unsatisfactory as an explanation of Revelation. The remnant of Christ's brothers had to wait awhile longer, until the visions started to be fulfilled.for an accurate understanding of that inspired record.

Like John, however, they were used by Jehovah even before the voices of the seven thunders were fully published. They had preached diligently for 40 years before 1914, and they had struggled to stay active during the first world war. They had proved to be the ones who, when the master arrived,were found to be giving the domestics food at the proper time. (Matthew 24:45-47) Thus, in 1919 they were the ones who were given the opened little scroll-that is, an open message to preach to mankind. Like Ezekiel they had a message of an unfaithful organization-Christendom-that claimed to be serving God, but, in fact, was not. Like John they had to preach some more regarding "peoples and nations and tongues and many kings."

John's eating up the scroll pictured that Jesus' brother accepted this assignment. It became a part of them to the extent that they were now identified with this portion of God's inspired Word, drawing nourishment from it. But what they had to preach contained expressions of Jehovah's judgments that were unpalatable to many of mankind indeed, it included the plagues foretold in Revelation chapter 8. It was sweet, however, to these sincere Christians to know those judgments and to realize that they were again used by Jehovah in proclaiming them. -Psalm 19:9,10.

In time, the message of this scroll also became sweet to the "great crowd. . .out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues" who were found to be sighing on account of the detestable things they saw being done in Christendom. (Revelation 7:9; Ezekiel 9:4) These, too, vigorously proclaim the good news, using sweet, gracious words to describe Jehovah's marvelous provision for sheep like Christians. (Psalm 37:11, 29; Colossians 4:6) But to goat like people, this is bad news. Why? It means that the system in which they trust-and which may even have brought them a transitory satisfaction-must go. For them,the good news spells doom-Matthew 25:31-34, 41, 46; compare Deuteronomy 28:15; 2 Corinthians 2:15, 16.

Next time: Reviving The Two Witnesses