
Measuring The Temple Sanctuary

John is told to "measure the temple sanctuary of God and the altar and those worshiping in it." What does this imply? In the Hebrew Scriptures, such measuring provided a guarantee that justice, tempered with mercy, would be rendered on the basis of Jehovah's perfect standards. In the days of wicked King Mannaseh, the prophetic measuring of Jerusalem testified to an unalterable judgment of destruction on that city. (2Kings 21:13; Lamentations 2:8) Later, however, when Jeremiah saw Jerusalem being measured, this confirmed that the city would be rebuilt. (Jeremiah 31:39; see also Zechariah 2:2-8) Likewise, the extensive and detailed measuring of the visionary temple witnesses by Ezekiel was a guarantee to the Jewish exiles in Babylon that true worship would be restored in their homeland. It was also a reminder that, in view of their errors, Israel henceforth had to measure up to God's holy standards. -Ezekiel 40:3, 4; 43:10.

Therefore, when John is commanded to measure the temple sanctuary and those priests worshiping in it, it is a sign that nothing can prevent the fulfillment of Jehovah's purposes regarding the temple arrangement and those associated with it, and that those purposes are nearing their climax. Now that all things have been placed under the feet of Jehovah's strong angel, it is the time for " the mountain of the house of Jehovah" to become "firmly established above the tip of the mountains." (Isaiah 2:2-4) Jehovah's pure worship must be exalted, after centuries of Christendom's apostasy. It is also time for those of Jesus' faithful brothers who have dies to be resurrected into "the Holy of Holies." (Daniel 9:24; 1Thessalonians 4:14-16; Revelation 6:11; 14:4) And the last sealed ones on earth of "the slaves our God" must be measured according to the divine standards in order to qualify for their permanent place in the temple arrangement as spirit-begotten sons of God. The John class today is fully aware of those holy standards and is determined to measure up to them. -Revelation 7:1-3; Matthew 13:41, 42; Ephesians 1:13, 14; compare Romans 11:20.

Next time: The Trampling Of The Courtyard

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