
Conclusion of Tormented Day And Night Forever

Additionally, the related word ba-sa-ni-stes', "tormentor," is used in the Bible to mean "jailer." (Matthew 18:34, Kingdom Interlinear) In harmony with this, Satan will be imprisoned in the lake of fire forever; he will never be released. Finally, in the Greek Septuagint, which was well known to John, the related word ba'sa-nos is used to refer to humiliation that leads to death. (Ezekiel 32:24, 30) This helps us to see that the punishment that Satan undergoes is a humiliating, everlasting death in the lake of fire and sulfur. His works die with him. - 1 John 3:8.

Again, the demons are not mentioned in this verse. Will they be released with Satan at the end of the thousand years and then undergo the punishment of everlasting death along with him? The evidence answers yes. In the parable of the sheep and the goats, Jesus said that the goats would go off "into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels." (Matthew 25:41) The expression "everlasting fire" must refer to the lake of fire and sulfur where Satan is to be hurled. The Devil's angles were cast out of heaven with him. Evidently, they went into the abyss with him at the beginning of the Thousand Year Reign. Consistently, then, they will also be destroyed with him in the lake of fire and sulfur. -Matthew 8:29.

In this way,the final detail of the prophecy recorded at Genesis 3:15 is fulfilled. When Satan is hurled into the lake of fire, he will become as dead as a snake the head of which has been ground under an iron heel. He and his demons will be gone forever. There is no further mention of them in the book of Revelation. Now, having prophetically disposed of these, Jehovah's spirit draws attention to a matter of pressing interest to those who cherish an earthly hope: What will result to humankind from the heavenly reign of the "King of kings" and "those called the chosen and faithful with him"? (Revelation 17:14) To answer , John brings us back once again to the beginning of the Thousand Year Reign.

Next time: God's Day Of Judgment -Its Joyful Outcome!

Revelation Its Grand Climax At Hand! Watchtower Bible And Tract Society, 1988

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