
Continue With Revelation And You

The anointed remnant today have obeyed the words of the angel. They have not sealed up the words of the prophecy. Why, the very first issue of Zion's Watchtower And Herald of Christ's Presence (July 1879) set out comments on numerous verses of Revelation. As we noted in our opening chapter, the Watchtower Society has over the years published other enlightening books on Revelation. Now we again draw the attention of all truth lovers to the powerful Revelation prophecies and their fulfillment.

If people want to ignore the warnings and counsel in Revelation, well, let them do so! "He that is doing unrighteousness, let him do unrighteousness still." If it is their choice, those who are wallowing in the filth of this permissive age can die in that filth. Shortly, Jehovah's judgments will be executed to completion, starting with the destruction of Babylon the Great. Let meek persons be diligent to heed the prophet's words: "Seek Jehovah . . . Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovah's anger." (Zephaniah 2:3) As for those who are already dedicated to Jehovah, "let the righteous one do righteousness still, and let the holy one be made holy still." The wise one knows that no temporary advantage coming from sin can compare with the lasting blessings to be enjoyed by those who pursue righteousness and holiness. The Bible says: "Keep testing the whether you are in the faith, keep proving what you yourselves are." (2 Corinthians 13:5) Based on the course you choose and stay with, you will receive your reward. -Psalm 19:9-11; 58:10, 11.

Jehovah the King of eternity, now addresses readers of Revelation for the last time in the prophecy, saying: "Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to render each one as his work is., I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Happy are those who wash their robes, that the authority to go to the trees of life may be theirs and that they may gain entrance into the city by its gates. Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and the fornicators and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone liking and carrying on a lie." -Revelation 22:12-15.

Next time: Conclusion of Revelation And You.

Revelation Its Grand Climax At Hand! Watchtower Bible And Tract Society, 198

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