
Conclusion of Restoring Life To The Dead

Thus for the first time in the Bible record, we see Jehovah using his power to restore a human life. Later, Jehovah ah also empowered Elisha, Jesus, Paul and Peter to restore the dead to life. Of course, those who were resurrected eventually died again. Nonetheless, such Bible accounts give us a wonderful preview of things to come.

In Paradise, Jesus will fulfill his role as " the resurrection and the life." (John 11:25) He will resurrect countless millions, giving them an opportunity to live forever in Paradise on earth. (John 5:28, 29)

Jehovah has furnished a rock-solid guarantee that such hopes are secure. In the greatest of all demonstrations of his power, he resurrected his Son, Jesus, as a mighty spirit creature, making him second only to Jehovah. The resurrected Jesus appeared to hundreds of eyewitnesses. (1Corinthians 15:5, 6) Even for skeptics, such evidence should be ample. Jehovah has the power to restore life.

Not only does Jehovah have the power to restore the dead but he also has the desire to do so. The faithful man Job was inspired to say that Jehovah actually yearns to bring back the dead. (Job 14:15) Are you nor drawn to our God, who is eager to use his restorative powers in such a loving way? Remember, though, that the resurrection is but one aspect of Jehovah's great restoration work ahead. As you draw ever closer to him, always cherish the precious hope that you can be there to see Jehovah "making all things new." -Revelation 21:5.

Next time: "Christ The Power Of God"

Draw Close To Jehovah, 2002

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