
The Power Of God's Only-Begotten Son

Consider the power that Jesus had during his prehuman existence. Jehovah exercised his own"eternal power" when he created his only-begotten Son, who came to be known as Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:15) Thereafter, Jehovah delegated tremendous power and authority to this Son, assigning him to carry out His creative purposes. Concerning the Son, the Bible says: "All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence." -John 1:3.

We can but barely perceive the magnitude of that assignment. Imagine the power needed to bring into existence millions of mighty angels, the physical universe with its billions of galaxies and the earth with its abundant variety of life. To accomplish those tasks, the only-begotten Son had at his disposal the most powerful force in the universe - God's Holy Spirit. This Son found great pleasure in being the Master Worker, whom Jehovah used in creating all other things. -Proverbs 8:22-31.

Could the only-begotten Son receive even more power and authority? Following Jesus' death on earth and his resurrection, he said "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth." (Matthew 28:18) Yes, Jesus has been granted the ability and the right to exercise power universally. As "King of kings and Lord of lords," he has been authorized to bring to "nothing all government and all authority and power"-visible and invisible-that stand in opposition to his Father. (Revelation 19:16; 1 Corinthians 15:24-26) God has "left nothing that is not subject to" Jesus-that is, with the exception of Jehovah himself. -Hebrews 2:8; 1 Corinthians 15:27.

Do we need to worry that Jesus might misuse his power? Absolutely not! Jesus really loves his Father and would never do anything to displease him. (John 8:29; 14:31) Jesus well knows that Jehovah never misuses his Almighty power. Jesus has observed firsthand that Jehovah searches for opportunities "to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete around him." ( 2 Chronicles 16:9) Indeed, Jesus shares his Father's love for mankind, so we can trust that Jesus will always use his power for good. (1 John 13:1) Jesus has established a flawless record in this regard. Let us consider the power he had while on earth and how he was moved to use it.

Next time: Conclusion of The Power Of God's Only-Begotten Son

Draw Close To Jehovah, 2002

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