
"Acquire Wisdom"-How?

Must we have great intelligence or be highly educated in order to receive godly wisdom? No, Jehovah is willing to share his wisdom with us regardless of our background and education. (1Corinthians 1:26-29) But we must take the initiative, for the Bible urges us to "acquire wisdom." (Proverbs 4:7) How can we do so?

First,we need to fear God. "The fear of Jehovah is the start of wisdom "[the first step to wisdom," The New English Bible], says Proverbs 9:10. Fear of God is the foundation of true wisdom. Why? Recall that wisdom involves the ability to use knowledge successfully. To fear God is, not to cower before him in terror, but to bow before him in awe, respect and trust. Such fear is wholesome and powerfully motivating. It moves us to bring our life into harmony with our knowledge of God's will and ways. There is no wiser course that we could take, for Jehovah's standards always promote the highest good for those who follow them.

Second, we must be humble and modest. Godly wisdom cannot exist without humility and modesty. (Proverbs 11:2) Why is that? If we are humble and modest, we are willing to admit that we do not have all the answers, that our opinions are not always right, and that we need to know Jehovah's mind on matters. Jehovah "opposes the haughty ones," but he is pleased to grant wisdom to those who are humble at heart. -James 4:6.

A third essential is the study of God's written Word. Jehovah's wisdom is revealed in h his Word. To acquire that wisdom, we must put forth the effort to dig for it. (Proverbs 2:1-5) A fourth requirement is prayer. If we sincerely ask God for wisdom, he will be generous in giving it. (James 1:5) Our prayers for the help of his spirit will not go unanswered. And his spirit can enable us to solve problems, ward off danger and make wise decisions. -Luke 11:13.

As we noted in Chapter 17, Jehovah's wisdom is practical. Hence, if we have truly acquired godly wisdom, it will be evident in the way we conduct ourselves. The disciple James described the fruits of divine wisdom when he wrote: "The wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical." (James 3:17) As we discuss each of these aspects of divine wisdom, we might ask ourselves, 'Is the wisdom from above in my life?'

Next time: "Chaste, Then Peaceable"

Draw Close To Jehovah, 2002

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