
Conclusion of How Jehovah Displays Reasonableness

Finally, Jehovah is reasonable in what he expects of us. King David said: "He himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust." (Psalm 103:14) Jehovah understands our limitations and our imperfections better than we ourselves do. He never expects of us more than we can do. The Bible contrasts those human masters who are "good and reasonable" with those who are "hard to please." (1 Peter 2:18) Which type of master is Jehovah? Note what Proverbs 19:17 says: "He that is showing favor to the lowly one in lending to Jehovah." Clearly, only a good and reasonable master would take note of every act of kindness performed in behalf of the lowly ones. More than that, this scripture suggests that the Creator of the universe, in effect, views himself as indebted to the mere humans who perform such deeds of mercy! Here is humility of the most profound kind.

Jehovah is just as mild and reasonable in his dealings with his servants today. When we pray in faith, he listens. And even though he does not send angelic messengers to speak to us, we should not conclude that our prayers go unanswered by him. Recall that when the apostle Paul asked fellow believers to "carry on prayer" for his release from prison, he added: "That I may be restored to you the sooner." (Hebrews 13:18, 19) So our prayers may actually move Jehovah to do what he might not have done otherwise! -James 5:16.

Of course none of these manifestations of Jehovah's humility-his mildness, his willingness to listen, his patience, his reasonableness-mean that Jehovah compromises his righteous principles. The clergy of Christendom may think that they are being reasonable when they tickle the ears of their flocks by watering down Jehovah's moral standards. (2 Timothy 4:3) But the human tendency to compromise for the sake of expediency has nothing to do with divine reasonableness. Jehovah is holy; never will he pollute his righteous standards. (Leviticus 11:44) Let us, then, love Jehovah's reasonableness for what it is-a proof of his humility. Do you not thrill to think that Jehovah God, the wises being in the universe, is also sublimely humble? What a delight to draw close to this awesome yet mild, patient reasonable God!

Next time: Jesus Reveals The "Wisdom From God"

Draw Close To Jehovah, 2002

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