
Continue with Blessed With More Instruction

Jesus next blesses his inquisitive disciples with three more illustrations. First, he says: "The Kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid, and for the joy he has he goes and sells what things he has and buys that field."

"Again," he continues, "the Kingdom of the heavens is like a traveling merchant seeking fine pearls. Upon finding one pearl of high value, away he went and promptly sold all the things he had and bought it."

Jesus himself is like the man who discovers a hidden treasure and like the merchant who finds a pearl of high value. He sold everything as it were, giving up an honored position in heaven to become a lowly human. Then, as a man on earth, he suffers reproach and hateful persecution, proving worthy of becoming the Ruler of God's Kingdom.

Next time: Conclusion of Blessed With More Illustration

The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, 1991

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