
Criminals By Necessity Or Choice?

Is crime the only choice that some people have in order to survive? I saw crime as being almost normal, if not excusable, reaction to the grinding poverty, instability and despair that pervaded [the criminals'] lives," admits Samenow. After extensive research, however, he changed his mind. "Criminals choose to commit crimes," he concluded. "Crime . . . is 'caused' by the way [the person] thinks, not by his environment." Samenow adds: "Behavior is largely a product of thinking. Everything we do is preceded, accompanied and followed by thinking." So rather than regard criminals as victims, he came to the conclusion that "they were victimizers who had freely chosen their life."

The key word is "chosen." In fact, a recent headline in British newspaper stated: "Crime is Career of Choice for Young Urban Men Aspiring to Better things." Humans have free will and can choose the course they want to take, even under difficult circumstances. To be sure, millions struggle daily against social injustice and poverty, or they may live in dysfunctional families; but they do not become felons. "Criminals cause crime," says Samenow, "not bad neighborhoods, inadequate parents, . . . or unemployment. Crime resides within the minds of human beings and is not caused by social conditions."

"Jehovah -The One Who Is Vigorous In Power"- By Stanton E. Samenow, Ph.D.

Next time: Crime Begins Within

Awake! 2008


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