
We Are Living In The Last Days

Some 2,000 years ago, disciples of Jesus Christ asked him a far-fetching question. "Tell us, they said, "What will be the sign of . . . the conclusion of the system of things?" (Matthew 24:3) Jesus' answer is spelled out in detail in the Bible in chapter 24 of Matthew, chapter 13 of Mark, and chapter 21 of Luke. These complimentary Gospel accounts describe the last days of the present system world as being characterized by wars, famines, diseases, great earthquakes and a significant increase in lawlessness.

The critical conditions that Jesus foretold began in 1914. As historian Eric Hobsbawm states in his book Age of Extremes, the 20th century "was without doubt the most murderous century of which we have record."

Concerning the present proliferation of evil, the Bible states: "When the wicked one sprouts as vegetation and all the practicers of what is hurtful blossom forth, it is that they may be annihilated forever." (Psalm 92:7) Yes, the evidence is clear: Today's bumper crop of lawlessness -like the sprouting of vegetation in season-is, in reality, an indication that the annihilation of the wicked is imminent! Is that not good news? - 2Peter3:7.

Next time:"The Righteous . . . Will Possess The Earth"


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