
Conclusion of Corrupting Pollutants

Indeed, as time went by and the Church Fathers became increasingly influenced by Neoplatonism, the Trinitarians gained ground. Third-century Neoplatonic philosophy seemingly enabled them to reconcile the irreconcilable- to make a threefold God appear like one God. By philosophical reasoning they claimed that three persons could be one God while retaining their individuality!

The truth of the Bible, however, clearly shows that Jehovah alone is Almighty God, Jesus Christ is His lesser created Son, and the holy spirit is His active force. (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 45:5; Acts 2:4; Colossians 1:15; Revelation 3:14) The Trinity doctrine dishonors the only true God and confuses people, turning them away from a God they cannot comprehend.

One more victim of the Neoplatonic influence on Christians thinking was the Scripture - based millennial hope. (Revelation 20:4-6) Origen was noted for his condemnation of millennialists. Why was he so opposed to this well-founded Biblical doctrine of Christ's rule of one thousand years? The Catholic Encyclopedia answers: " In view of the Neo-Platonism on which his doctrines were founded . . ., {Origen]could not side with the millenarians."

Next time: The Truth

Watchtower, 1999

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