
The Persecutor-"Apostle To The Nations"

Saul's encounter on the road to Damascus halted the persecutor in his tracks. Realizing the Messiah's identity, Saul could apply many concepts and prophecies of the Hebrew Scriptures to Jesus. Awareness that Jesus had appeared to him and 'laid hold on him' and commissioned him as an "apostle to the nations" profoundly transformed Saul's life. (Philippians 3:12; Romans 11:13) Now as he apostle Paul, he had a privilege and authority that were to shape not only the rest of his days on earth but also the course of Christians history.

Years later, when Paul's apostleship was disputed, he defended his authority by referring to his experience on the road to Damascus. "Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord," he asked? And after mentioning the resurrected Jesus' appearances to others, Saul (Paul) stated: "Last of all he appeared also to me as if to one born prematurely." ( 1 Corinthians 9:1; 15:8) It was as if Saul, by his vision of Jesus' heavenly glory, had been granted the honor of being born, or resurrected, to spirit life ahead of time.

Saul acknowledged his privilege and exerted himself to live up to it. "I am the least of the apostles, and I am not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the congregation of God," he wrote. "But . . .[God's] undeserved kindness that was toward me did not prove to be in vain, but I labored in excess of [all the other apostles]." -1 Corinthians 15:9, 10.

Perhaps like Saul you remember the time when you realized that to have God's favor, you needed to modify long-held religious views. No doubt you were very grateful that Jehovah helped you to grasp the truth. when Saul saw the light and realized what was required of him, he did not hesitate to do it. And he kept on doing it with zeal and determination for the rest of his life on earth. what an excellent example for all who desire Jehovah's favor today!

Next time: Can You Make The World A Better Place?

Watchtower, 2000

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