
God Does Answer Prayers

AT THAT time, the Christian congregation was made up of believing Jews, proselytes, and Samaritans. Cornelius was an uncircumcised Gentile and not part of the Christian congregation. Does that mean that his prayers were in vain? No. Jehovah God took note of Cornelius and his prayerful works. -Acts 10:4.

Through angelic guidance, Cornelius was brought into contact with the Christian congregation. (Acts 10:30-33) As a result, he and his household were privileged to become the first uncircumcised Gentiles to be accepted into the Christian congregation. Jehovah God deemed Cornelius' personal experience worthy of being included in the Bible record. No doubt, he made many changes to being life into complete harmony with God's standards. (Isaiah 2:2-4; John 17:16) Cornelius' experience should be of great encouragement to people of all nations who are seeking God's favor today. Consider some examples.

Next time: Modern-Day Examples

Watchtower, 2000

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