

POWER can mean a number of things, such as the possession of control, authority, or influence over others; the ability to act or to produce an effect' physical might (strength); or mental or moral efficacy. Humans do not have a good record when it comes to wielding power. Lord Action, a historian, speaking of power in the hands of politicians said: "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Modern history abounds with examples showing the general truth of Lord Action's words. During the 20th century, "man has dominated man to his injury" as never before. (Ecclesiastes 8:9) Corrupt dictators have grossing abused their power and have snuffed out the lives of millions. Power unrestrained by love, wisdom and justice is dangerous.

Unlike may humans, God always uses his power for good. "As regards Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him." (2 Chronicles 16:9) Jehovah directs his power in a controlled way. Patience hold back God's execution of the wicked to give them the opportunity to repent. Love moves him to make the sun shine upon all kinds of men-righteous and unrighteous. Justice will move him finally to use his unlimited power to bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, Satan the Devil. -Matthew 5:44, 45; Hebrews 2:14; 2 Peter 3:9.

The awesome power of our heavenly Father is a reason for trust and confidence -both in his promises and in his protection. A small child feels safe among strangers when he clutches the hand of his father, since he knows that his father will not let any harm come to him. Likewise, our heavenly Father,the one "abounding in power to save," will protect us from any permanent harm if we walk with him. (Isaiah 63:1; Micah 6:8 ) And as a good Father, Jehovah always fulfills his promises. His unlimited power guarantees that his 'word will have certain success in that for which he has sent it.' -Isaiah 55:11; Titus 1:2.

Why is it so important that we be determined not to lose sight of the protection of our heavenly Father? Because it is possible to be overwhelmed by circumstances and forget where our real security lies. This is seen in the example of King Asa, a man who generally trusted in Jehovah. During Asa's reign, a million-strong army of Ethiopians attacked Judah. Realizing that the military advantage was on the side of the enemies, Asa prayed" "O Jehovah, as to helping, it does not matter with you whether there are many or those with no power. Help us, O Jehovah, you are our God. Do not let mortal man retain strength against you." (2 Chronicles 14:11) Jehovah granted Asa's request and gave him a decisive victory.

After many years of faithful service, however, Asa's confidence in Jehovah's saving power faltered. To avert a military threat from the northern kingdom of Israel, he turned to Syria for help. (2 Chronicles 16:1-3) Although his bribe to the Syrian King Ben-hadad did result in removing the threat from Israel posed to Judah, Asa's convenant with Syria showed a lack of confidence in Jehovah. Hanani the prophet pointedly asked him: "Did not the Ethiopians and the Libyans themselves happen to be a very great military force in multitude, in chariots and in horsemen; and because of your leaning upon Jehovah did he not give them into your hand?" (2 Chronicles 16:7, 8) Nevertheless, Asa rejected this reproof. ( 2 Chronicles 16:9-12) When faced with problems, let us not rely on Human solutions. Instead, let us display confidence in God, for trusting in the power of men will inevitably lead to disappointment. (Amen to this)-Psalm 146:3-5.

Next time: Seek the Power That Jehovah Gives

Watchtower, 2000

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