


"Disobedient to parents."  (2 Timothy 3:2) Present-day parents, teachers and others have firsthand evidence that many children are disrespectful and disobedient.  Some of theses youngsters are either reacting to or imitating their parents' misbehavior.  Increasing numbers of children are losing faith in-and rebelling against-school,the law, religion and their parents.  "As a trend," says one veteran schoolteacher,  "they seem to have  very little respect for anything."  Happily, though, many God-fearing children are exemplary in behavior.

"Fierce."   (2 Timothy 3:3) The Greek word translated "fierce" means 'untamed, wild, lacking human sympathy and feeling.'  How well this fits many perpetrators of today's violence!  "Life is so traumatic, so bloodied with horror that it takes a cast-iron stomach to read the daily news,"    said one editorial.  A housing-p0licew sergeant noted that many youths seem to blind themselves to the consequences of their actions.  He said:  "There is a feeling that, 'I don't know about tomorrows.  I'll get what I want today.' "

"Having no natural affection."   (2 Timothy 3:3) This phrase is translated from A Greek word meaning "heartless, inhuman " and denoting a "lack of natural , family affection."  (The New International Dictionary of New Testament   Theology)  Yes, affection is often missing in the very environment in which it should flourish-the home.  Reports of abusive treament of marriage mates, children, and even of elderly parents have become disturbingly common.    One research team commented:  "Human violence-be it a slap or a shove, a knifing or a shoot-out-occurs more frequently within the family circle than anywhere else in our society."

"Having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power."    ( 2 Timothy 3:5) The Bible has the power to change lives for the better.  (Ephesians 4:22-24)  Yet, many today use their religion as a screen behind which they carry on unrighteous activities that displease God.   Lying, stealing, and sexual misconduct are often condoned by religious leaders.  Many religions preach love but support warfare.  "In the name of the Supreme Creator," observes and editorial in the magazine India Today, "human beings have perpetrated the most abominable atrocities against their fellow creatures."  In fact,the two bloodiest conflicts of recent times-World War I and II -erupted in the heart of Christendom.

Next time: Continue with FEATURES OF THE LAST DAYS!

The Book -KNOWLEDGE That Leads To Everlasting Life, 1995

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