


During nearly all human history, Satan has found a free hand to work out his schemes of domination over mankind.  Among other things, he has wielded influence over the political powers and has promoted religions that subtly direct worship to him rather than to Jehovah.  Thus the Devil has become "the god of this system of things,"  and he is called "the ruler of this world."  (2 Corinthians 4:4; John 12:31)  Indeed, "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."  (1 John 5:19) Does this mean that Satan has proved his claim that he could draw all mankind away from Jehovah God?  Certainly not!  While permitting Satan to remain in existence, Jehovah has proceeded to carry out his own purpose.  What, then, does the Bible reveal concerning God's permission of wickedness?

Wickedness and suffering are not caused by Jehovah.  Since Satan is the ruler of this world and the god of this system of things, he and those on his side are responsible for the present condition of human society and all the misery that mankind has suffered.  No one can rightly say that God is the cause of such hardship. -Romans 9:14.

Jehovah's permitting wickedness and suffering has proved that independence from God has not brought about a better world.  Undeniably, history has been marked by one disaster after another.  The reason for this is that humans have chosen to pursue their own independent course and have shown no real regard for God's word and will.  When Jehovah's ancient people and their leaders  unfaithfully pursued "the popular course"  and rejected his Word,the results  were disastrous.  Through his prophet Jeremiah, God told them:  "The wise ones have become ashamed.  They have become terrified and will be caught.  Look! They have rejected the very word of Jehovah, and what wisdom do they have?"  (Jeremiah 8:5, 6, 9)  Having failed to follow Jehovah's standards, mankind in general  has become like a ship without a rudder, tossed about in a turbulent sea.

God's permission of wickedness and suffering has also proved that Satan has not been able to turn all mankind away from Jehovah.  History shows that there have always been individuals who have remained faithful to God no matter what temptations or adversities were brought upon them.  Over the centuries, Jehovah's power has been manifested in behalf of his servants and his name has been declared in all the earth.  (Exodus 9:16; 1 Samuel 12:22) Hebrews chapter 11 tells us about a long line of faithful ones, including Abel, Enoch,Noah, Abraham and Moses.  Hebrews 12:1 calls them 'a great cloud of witnesses.'  They were examples of unwavering faith in Jehovah. In modern times too, many have given their lives in unbreakable integrity to God.  By their faith and love, such individuals prove conclusively that Satan cannot turn all humans against God.

Finally, Jehovah's allowing wickedness and suffering to continue has provided proof that only Jehovah, the Creator, has the ability and the right to rule over mankind for their eternal blessing and happiness.  For centuries, mankind has tried many forms of government.  But what has been the result?  The complex problems and crises facing the nations today are ample evidence that truly, as the Bible points out, "man has dominated man to his injury."  (Ecclesiastes 8:9)  Only Jehovah can come to our rescue and fulfill his original purpose.  How will he do this, and when?

Right after Adam and Even fall victim to Satan's scheme, God announced His purpose  regarding a means of salvation.  This is what Jehovah proclaimed regarding Satan:  "I shall put enmity between you and the woman  and between your seed and her seed.  He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel."  (Genesis 3:15)  That proclamation guaranteed that the Devil would not be allowed to do his evil deeds forever.  As the King of the Messianic Kingdom, the promised Seed, Jesus Christ, will 'bruise Satan in the head.'  Yes,  "shortly," Jesus will crush the rebel Satan! -Romans 16:20.

Next time: WHAT WILL YOU DO?

The Book - KNOWLEDGE That Leads To Everlasting Life, 1995

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