
Abhorring the "Deep Things of Satan " - Maintain Integrity

Maintain Integrity

This message must have encouraged the Christians in Thyatira greatly.  Just imagine-the glorified Son of God in heaven had personally spoken to the Christians in Thyatira about some of their problems!  Surely, at least some in the congregation responded to such loving shepherding.  This longest of the seven messages also help us to identify the true Christian congregation today.  in 1918 when Jesus came  to Jehovah's temple for judgment, the vast majority of organizations claiming to be Christian were sullied by idolatry and spiritual immorality.  (James 4:4)  Some based their beliefs on the teachings of strong-minded women of the 19th century, such as Ellen White of the Seventh Day Adventists and Mary Baker Eddy of the Christian Scientist, and more recently many woman have been preaching from the pulpit.  (Contrast 1 Timothy 2:11, 12)  Among the different forms of Catholicism, Mary is  often honored ahead of God and Christ.  Jesus did not so honor her.  (John 24; 19:26)  Could organizations that admit such unlawful female influence really be accepted as Christian?  

Individual Christians, whether of the John class  or of the other sheep, do well to consider this message.  (John 10:16)  Some may find it tempting  to follow an easy course, as those disciples of the Thyatiran Jezebel did.  There is also the temptation to compromise. Today, issues  such as eating  blood products or accepting blood transfusions have to be faced.  Some may feel that zeal in field service or giving talks entitles them to be less strict in other areas, such as in watching violent and immoral movies and video tapes, or overindulging in alcohol.  Jesus' warning to the Christians in Thyatira tells us we must not take such liberties.  Jehovah wants us to be clean, whole-souled, not divided , as many Christians were in Thyatira.

Finally, Jesus declares:  "Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations." (Revelation 2:29)  For the fourth time, Jesus here repeats this rousing refrain, and it will conclude all three messages yet to come.  Do you have that responsive ear?  Then keep listening intently as God, by his spirit, continues to provide counsel through this channel.

Next time: Is Your Name in the Book of Life?

From the Book of Revelation

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