
Striving to Be Conquerors -Conclusion of "Tribulation Ten Days"

Conclusion of "Tribulation Ten Days"

No other group has been so conscientious in obeying Jesus' command to pay back Caesar's things to Caesar.  (Luke 20:25; Romans 13:1, 7) Yet, no other group  has had members imprisoned  in so many lands under so many different forms of government, and this continues to the present time in the Americas, in Europe, in Africa, and in Asia.  Jesus' great prophecy concerning the sign of his presence included these words: "Then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name."  (Matthew 24:3, 9)  This has certainly  been fulfilled upon the Christian witnesses of Jehovah during the Lord's day.

To fortify God's people against tribulation, the John class has continually reminded them of the substance of Jesus' words to the Christians in Smyrna.  For example, As Nazi persecution started, the Watchtower in 1933 and 1934 carried articles such as "Fear Them Not,"  which discussed Matthew 10:26-33; "The Crucible,"  based on Daniel 5:17,  18, and Lion's Mouths," with Daniel 6:22 as the  key text.  In the 1980's, during which decade Jehovah's Witnesses have suffered vicious persecution in more than 40 lands. The Watchtower has fortified God's people with articles such as "Happy Though Persecuted!"    And "Christians Meed Persecution With Endurance."

Truly, the  Christian witnesses of Jehovah are suffering physical persecution and other testings for a symbolic ten days. Like the Christians back in Smyrna, they have not been afraid, nor so any of us need to be afraid as troubles worsen here in earth. We are prepared to endure under sufferings and taken even 'the plundering of out belongings' joyfully.  (Hebrews 10:32-34) By studying God's Word and making it our very own, we will be equipped  to stand solid in the faith.  Be assured that Jehovah can and will guard you in your integrity.  "Throw all you anxiety upon him, because he cares for you." -1 Peter 5:6-11.

Next time: Holding Fast to Jesus' Name

From the Book of Revelation

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