
A Remnant Becomes Holy to Jehovah

We have already been introduced to the remnant that would be shown mercy by Jehovah, but  now Isaiah describes them in more detail.  He writes:  "It must occur that the ones remaining in Zion and the ones left over in Jerusalem will be said to be holy to him, everyone written down for life in Jerusalem." -Isaiah 4:3.

Who are "the ones remaining" and "the ones left over"?  They are the escaped ones mentioned in the preceding verse-the Jewish exiles who will be permitted to return to Judah.  Now Isaiah shows why Jehovah will have mercy on them-they will "be holy to him."  Holiness means "religious cleanness or purity; sacredness."  To be holy involves being clean, or pure, in word and action, to measure up to Jehovah's standard of what is right and proper.  Yes, Jehovah will have mercy on those who are "holy to him," and he will allow them to return to "the holy city," Jerusalem. -Nehemiah 11:1.

Will this faithful remnant remain there?  They will be "written down for life in Jerusalem," promises Isaiah.  This reminds us of the Jewish custom of keeping careful registers of Israel's families and tribes.  (Nehemiah 7:5)  To be written in a register meant to be alive, for when a person died, his name was removed.  In other parts of the Bible, we read of  a figurative register, or book, containing the names of those whom Jehovah rewards with life.  But this book receives names conditionally, for Jehovah can 'wipe out' names.  (Exodus 32:32, 33; Psalm 69:28)  Isaiah's words, then, imply a sobering warning-the returnees may continue living in their restored land only if they remain holy in God's sight.

In 537 B.C.E., the remnant that returned to Jerusalem did so with a pure motive-to restore true worship.  No one contaminated by pagan religious practices or by the unclean conduct that Isaiah had so forcefully warned against had a right to return.  (Isaiah 1:15-17)  Only those whom Jehovah viewed as holy could head back to Judah.  (Isaiah 35:8)  Similarly, since their release from spiritual captivity in 1919, the anointed remnant, now joined by millions of  "other sheep" -those with the hope of everlasting life on earth-have made every effort to be holy in God's sight.  (John  10:16)  They have rid themselves  of Babylonish teachings and practices. Individually, they strive to hold to God's  high standards of morality.  (1 Peter 1:14-16)  Jehovah's mercy on them has not been in vain.

Recall that Jehovah noted those in Israel who were holy and that he 'wrote down their names for life.'  Today, too, Jehovah notices our endeavors to be clean in mind and body as we 'present our bodies a sacrifice living, holy , accept able to God.'  (Romans 12:1) And all who follow such a life course are recorded by God in his "book of life" -the figurative record containing the names of those who are in line to receive everlasting life, either in heaven or on earth. (Philippians 4:3; Malachi 3:16) Let us, then, do our utmost to remain holy in God's eyes, for then we may keep our names in that precious "book." -Revelation 3:5.

Next time: A Promise of Loving Care

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind

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