
Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind - Conclusion of "Let Us Set Matters Straight"

Conclusion of "Let Us Set Matters Straight"

No wonder that Jehovah now adopts even stronger language! "Stop bringing in more valueless grain offerings.  Incense-it is something detestable to me.  New moon and Sabbath, the calling of a convention-I cannot put up with the use of uncanny power along with the solemn  assembly.  Your new moons and your festal seasons my soul has hated.  To me they have become a burden; I have become tired of bearing them."  (Isaiah 1:13, 14) Grain offerings, incense, Sabbaths, and solemn assemblies are all part of God's Law to Israel.  As to "new moons," the Law simply directs that these be observed, but wholesome traditions have gradually grown up around the observance.  (Numbers 10:10; 28:11) The New moon is treated as a monthly Sabbath, when the people would desist from work and even gather for instruction from the prophets and priests.  (2 Kings 4:23; Ezekiel 46:3; Amos 8:5)  Such observances are not wrong. The problem lies  in doing them for mere show.  Moreover, the Jews are resorting to "uncanny power," spiritistic practices, right along with their formal observance of God's Law.  Thus, their acts of worship to Jehovah are "a burden to him.

How, though, could Jehovah feel "tired"?  After all, he has an "abundance of dynamic energy . . He does not tire out or grow weary."  (Isaiah 40:26, 28)  Jehovah is using a vivid figure of speech to enable us to understand his feelings.  Have you ever borne a heavy burden for so long  that you were weary to the very bone and just longed to throw it off?  That is how Jehovah feels about his people hypocritical acts of worship.

Jehovah now addresses the most intimate and personal of all acts of worship;. "When you spread out your palms, I hide my eyes from you.  Even  though you make many prayers, I am not listening; with bloodshed your very hands have become filled."  (Isaiah 1:15) Spreading out the palms, holding the hands outstretched with palms upward, is a gesture of supplication.  To Jehovah, this stance has become meaningless, for this people have hands full of bloodshed.  Violence is rampant in the land.  Oppression of the weak is commonplace.  For such abusive, selfish people to pray to Jehovah and ask for blessings  is obscene.  No wonder Jehovah says, "I am not listening"!

In our day, Christendom has likewise failed to win God's favor with her ceaseless repetition of vain prayers and her other religious  "works."  (Matthew 7:21-23)  It is of  vital importance that we do not fall into the same trap.  Occasionally, a Christian lapses into a practice of serious sin, then reasons that if he just hides what he is  doing and increases his activity in the Christian congregation, his deeds will somehow counterbalance his sin.  Such formalistic works do not please Jehovah.  There is only one cure for spiritual sickness, as the next verses of Isaiah show.

Next time:  The Cure for Spiritual Sickness

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind


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