
God's Loving-Kindnesses

In times past, the Jews quickly lost appreciation for the things Jehovah did in their behalf.  Appropriately, then, Isaiah reminds them of why Jehovah did such things.  Isaiah declares:  "The loving-kindnesses of Jehovah I shall mention, the praises of Jehovah, according to all that Jehovah has rendered to us, even the abundant goodness to the house of Israel that he has rendered to them according to his mercies and according to the abundance of his loving-kindnesses.  And he went on to say:  'Surely they are my people, sons that will not prove false.' So it was to them that he came to be a Savior.  During all their distress it was distressing to him. And his own personal messenger saved them.  In his love and in his compassion he himself repurchased them, and he proceeded to lift them up and carry them all the days of long ago." -Isaiah 63:7-9.

What an outstanding example Jehovah sets tin demonstrating loving-kindness, or loyal love! (Psalm 36:7; 62:12) Jehovah formed a loving attachment to Abraham.  (Micah 7:20)  He promised the patriarch that by means of his seed, or offspring, all nations of the earth would bless themselves.  (Genesis 22:17, 18)  Jehovah stuck to that promise, showing abundant goodness to the house of Abraham's offspring from slavery in Egypt. -Exodus 14:30.

Following the Exodus, Jehovah brought Israel to Mount Sinai and made this promise: "If you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant, then you will certainly become my property . . .And you yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."  (Exodus 19:5, 6) Was Jehovah being deceptive in making this offer?  No, for Isaiah reveals that Jehovah said to himself: "Surely they are my people, sons that will not prove false."  One scholar observes:  "The 'surely' is not the fiat of sovereignty or foreknowledge:   It is  the hope and confidence of love."  Yes, Jehovah made his covenant  in good faith, sincerely wanting his people to succeed.  In spite of their obvious shortcomings, he displayed confidence in them.  How wonderful it is to worship a God who places such trust in his worshipers!  Elders today do much to strengthen those entrusted to their charge when the manifest similar confidence in the basic goodness of God's people. -2 Thessalonians 3:4; Hebrews 6:9, 10.

Nevertheless, the psalmist says regarding the Israelites:  "They forgot God their Savior, the Doer of great things in Egypt."  (Psalm 106:21) Their disobedient stiff-necked attitude often resulted in their coming  into dire circumstances.  (Deuteronomy 9:6)  Did Jehovah cease showing them loving-kindness?  On the contrary, Isaiah relates  that "during all their distress it was distressing to him." What empathy Jehovah has!  As with any loving father, it pained God to see his children suffer, even when the suffering was due to their own foolishness.  As foretold  and in evidence of his love, he sent his "personal messenger," likely Jesus in his pre-human existence to lead them into the Promised Land.  (Exodus 23:20)  Thus Jehovah lifted the nation up and carried it, "just like a man carries his son."  (Deuteronomy 1:31; Psalm 106:10)  Today we can be confident  that Jehovah is equally aware of our sufferings and that he feels for us when we are in dire straits. we can confidently  'throw all out anxieties upon him because he cares for us.' -1 Peter 5:7.

Next time: God Becomes an Enemy

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind, Volume II, 2001

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