
'Jehovah Has Taken Delight in You'

The giving of a new name is part of the delightful transformation of heavenly Zion as represented by  her earthly children.  We read: "No more will it be said to be a woman left entirely; and your own land will no more be said to be desolate; but you yourself will be called My Delight Is in Her, and your land Owned as a Wife.  For Jehovah will have taken delight in you, and your own land will be owned as a wife." (Isaiah 62:4) Earthly Zion has been desolate since her destruction in 607 B.C.E. Jehovah's words, however, assure her of the restoration and re-population of her land.  Once -ravaged Zion will no longer be a woman left entirely, and her land will no longer be desolate.  The restoration of Jerusalem in 537 B.C.E. means a new condition for her, in complete contrast with her formerly ruined state.  Jehovah declares that Zion will be  called "My Delight Is in Her," and her land, "Owned like a Wife." -Isaiah 54:1, 5, 6: 66:8; Jeremiah 23:5-8;  30:17; Galatians 4:27-31.

Starting in 1919 a similar change was experienced by the Israel of God.  During the first world war, anointed Christians appeared to be disowned by God.  But in 1919 their favored status was restored, and their way of worship, purified.  This affected their teachings, their organization, and their activity.  The Israel of God came into its  "land," Its spiritual estate, or realm  of activity. -Isaiah 66:7, 8, 20-22.

Stressing further the new, favored position of his people, Jehovah declares: "Just as a young man takes ownership of a virgin as his wife, your sons will take ownership of you as a wife. And with the exultation of a bridegroom over a bride, your God will exult even over you." (Isaiah 62:5)  How can the Jews, the "sons" of Zion, take ownership of their mother as a wife?  In that Zion's returning sons released from Babylonian exile take possession of their old capital city and settle in her once again.  When that happens, Zion is no longer desolate but filled with sons. -Jeremiah 3:14.

In a parallel way, since 1919 the children of heavenly Zion have taken possession of their land, their spiritual estate, which has the prophetic name "Owned as a Wife."  Their Christian activity in that land has made it evident that these anointed  Christians are the "people for [Jehovah's ] name."  (Acts 15:14)  Their bringing forth the fruits made it plain that Jehovah takes delight in these Christians.  He has made it clear that they are a part of the organization that  is joined to  him in unbreakable unity. By anointing these Christians with holy spirit, liberating them from spiritual captivity, and using them to preach the Kingdom hope to all mankind, Jehovah has demonstrated that he rejoices over them with the joy of a bridegroom over a bride. -Jeremiah 32:41. 

Next time: "Let There Be No Silence on Your Part"

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind, Volume II, 2001

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