

Does Jehovah listen to all prayers?  Consider what he told rebellious Israelites in the days of the prophet Isaiah:  "Even though you made many prayers, I am not listening; with bloodshed your very hands have become filled." (Isaiah 1:15) So certain actions can cause God not to listen to our prayers.  For our prayers  to be favorably heard by God, therefore, we must meet some basic requirements. 

A primary requirement is that we exercise faith.  (Mark 11:24)  The apostle Paul wrote:  "Without faith it is impossible to please [God] well, for he that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him."  (Hebrews 11:6)  Having true faith is more than merely knowing that God  exists and that he hears and answers prayers.  Faith is proved by our actions.  We must give clear evidence that  we have faith by the way we live every day. -James 2:26. 

Jehovah also requires that those who approach him in prayer do so with humility and sincerity.  Do we not have reason to be humble when speaking to Jehovah?  When people have the opportunity to speak to a king or a president, they usually do so respectfully, acknowledging  the ruler's high position.  How much more so should we be respectful when approaching Jehovah!  (Psalm  138:6)  After all, he is "God Almighty."  (Genesis 17:1) When we pray to God, the manner is which we approach him should show that  we humbly recognize our position before him. Such humility will also move us to pray from our heart in sincerity, avoiding routine, repetitive prayers. -Matthew 6:7, 8. 

Another requirement for being heard by God  is that we act in harmony with our prayers.  Jehovah expects us to do all that is within our power  to work at what we pray for.  For example, if we pray, "Give us today  our bread for this day," we must work at whatever available job we able to perform.  (Matthew 6:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:10)  IF we pray for help overcoming a fleshly weakness, we must be careful to avoid circumstances and situations that could lead into temptation.  (Colossians 3:5)  In addition to these basic requirements, there are questions about prayer that we need to have answered.


From the Book:What Does the Bible Really Teach? 2005 and 2006 

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