
"O the Depth of God's . . . Wisdom -Continue with Evidences of Divine Wisdom

Not all cells are the same, of course.  As the cells of an embryo continue to divide, they assume very different functions.  Some will be nerve cells; others bone, muscle, blood, or eye cells.  All such differentiation is programmed into the cell's "library"  of genetic blueprints,the DNA.  Interestingly, David was inspired to say to Jehovah:  "Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing." -Psalm 139:16. 

Some body parts are immensely complex.  Consider, for example, the human brain.  Some have called it the most complex object yet discovered in the universe.  It contains some 100 billion nerve cells-about as many as the number of stars in our galaxy. Each of those cells branches off into thousands of connections with other cells. Scientists say that a human brain could contain all the information in all the world's libraries and that it storage capacity may, in fact, be unfathomable. Despite decades of studying this "wonderfully made" organ, scientists admit that they may never fully understand how it works. 

Next time: "O the Depths of God's . . . Wisdom - Conclusion of Evidences of Divine Wisdom 

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah

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