
A Pocket of Paradise by Awake writer in Cote d'Ivoire - A Bird Watcher's Delight

The next day we arrived by canoe on the Hana River.  As our guides quietly paddled, the identify the many bird species that we encounter. We hear the black-casqued hornbill, noted for its piercing call and for the noise its wings produce in flight.  Seven  of the many  species of hornbill live in Tai Park.  In all, there are more than 200 bird species found here.  These include six species of kingfisher, along with falcons, touracos, parrots, pigeons, doves, francolins, sunbirds, and flycatchers.  They are rare and richly colored narina trogon has also been spotted here.  The male boasts of iridescent-green wings, a red breast, and white tail feathers. We seen  many strikingly colorful birds, such as the blue plantain eater, the green fruit pigeon, the gray parrot, the blue-breasted kingfisher, and the hadedah ibis, with it metallic-green plumage. Tai Park is a bird watchers's paradise! 

On the riverbank are more animal tracks, including those of the pygmy hippopotamus-a miniature version of the common hippopotamus.  This animal is about the size of a large pig.  The pygmy hippopotamus spends less time in the water than its larger cousin and never travels in a herd.  It can be found only in West Africa.  We also sight a Nile monitor lizard, which is a large dappled lizard similar to a crocodile but much smaller.  There are 3 species of crocodiles found here along with 34 species of snakes, many varieties of lizards, and a vibrant population -all flourishing in the forest.  Many of the insects have yet to be identified.

Sadly, the rain forests of our planet are disappearing at an alarming rate. The major threats are the expansion of agricultural lands and timber industry. It is comforting to know that the future of our earth is in the capable hands of the Creator himself. -Psalm 96:12, 13. 

Next time: Paradise Is Near!

From the jw.org publications 

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