
"I Will Walk in Your Truth" - Conclusion of HOW CAN WE AVOID SELLING THE TRUTH?

Ungodly thinking and conduct. All who walk in the truth must be holy.  (Isaiah 35:8;  read 1 Peter 1:14, 16.)  When coming into the truth, all of us had to make adjustments to conform to the Bible's righteous standards.  Some had to undergo major changes.  Whichever the case, we must never trade our pure holy condition for the immoral filth of this world.  How can we avoid succumbing to immoral conduct? Reflect on the high  price that Jehovah paid in order for us to be holy-The precious blood of his Son, Jesus Christ.  (1 Peter 1:18, 19) To maintain our clean standing before Jehovah, we need   to keep the value of Jesus' ransom sacrifice foremost in  our mind and heart.  

Note: I have to be logical here.  Christians or not, baptized or not, we are all sinful imperfect humans, we can't be holy until after Jesus and Jehovah have both come and straightened things out-so-to speak. No Christian can be holy until then, we just have to do the best we  can to follow all of Jehovah God's laws, 10 commandments, statutes, and Bible principles and worship him and work for him, the way we are suppose to; but holy, no.  All Jehovah's Witnesses  teach what God had his apostles wrote, in God's Words, in the Bible, and not the traditions that we grew up with. But, in my opinion, I feel and have observed that they don't believe they are imperfect, even though they may say it. Saying it and believing it are two different things.  I don't think they realize it.  

Unscriptural customs and practices.  Family members, workmates, and schoolmates may try to get us to join them in their celebrations. How can we resist the pressure to conform to customs and holidays that do not honor Jehovah?  We can do so by keeping Jehovah's view of such practices clearly in mind. Reviewing discussions printed in our publications that show the origin of popular holidays can be helpful.  When we remind ourselves of the Scriptural reasons for not participating in such holidays, we are convinced that we are walking in the way that "is acceptable to the Lord."  (Ephesians 5:10) Trusting in Jehovah and his Word  of truth will protect is from "trembling at men." -Proverbs 29:25.. 

Walking in the truth is an ongoing process, a path that we hope to follow throughout eternity. How can we strengthen our determination to go on walking in the truth?  Let us consider three ways. 


From the jw.org publications 

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