
What Is God's Kingdom?

MILLIONS of people know the famous prayer called the Our Father, or the Lord's Prayer.  Jesus used this prayer to teach his disciples how to pray.  What did he pray for?  And why is this prayer important for us today? 

Jesus said:  "You must pray, then, this way: 'Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom, thy  will be done in earth as it in heaven." ( Read  Matthew 6:9-13)   Why did Jesus teach us to pray for those things? 

We have learned that God's name is Jehovah. And we have discussed what God's will is for humans and for the earth.  But what did Jesus mean when he said:  "Let your Kingdom come"?   We will learn what God's Kingdom is,w hat it will do, and how it will make God's name holy?


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There Will Be a Resurrection! -RESURRECTION TO HEAVEN

The Bible also tells us that some people will live in heaven.  When someone is resurrected to heaven he is not brought back to life as a human with a human body.  He is resurrected as a spirit person.

Jesus was the first person to receive this type of resurrection.  (John 3:13)  Three days after Jesus was killed, Jehovah resurrected him.  (Psalm 16:10; Acts 13:34, 35)  Jesus was not resurrected  with a human body.  The apostle Peter explains that Jesus "was put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit."  (1 Peter 3:18)  Jesus  was brought back to life as a powerful spirit person!  (1 Corinthians 15:3-6) But the Bible says that he would not be the only one.

Just before he died, Jesus told his faithful disciples:  "I am going my way to prepare a place for you." (John 14:2)  That means that some of his followers would be resurrected to live with him in heaven.  How many?  Jesus said that it would be a small number,  a "little flock." (Luke 12:32)  The apostle John gave the exact number when he saw Jesus "standing on [heavenly ] Mount Zion and with him 144,000." - REVELATION 14:1. 

When would the 144,000 Christians be resurrected?  The Bible tells us that this would happen after Christ started to rule in heaven.  (1 Corinthians 15:23)   We are living in that time right now, and most of the 144,000 have already been resurrected to heaven.  Those who are still on earth and who die in our day will instantly be resurrected to heaven. However, the majority of people will be resurrected in the future to life here on paradise earth.   

Very soon, Jehovah will free all humans from death,and death will be gone forever!  (Read Isaiah 25:8)  But what will those who go to heaven do there? The Bible explains that they will rule with Jesus in a Kingdom government. We will learn more about the government in the next chapter.

Next time: What Is God's Kingdom? 

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There Will Be a Resurrection! - THEY "WILL HEAR HIS VOICE AND COME OUT"

In the past, those who were resurrected were reunited with their family and friends here on earth.  This will also happen in the future, but it will be much better.  Why? Because those who are brought back to life on earth will have the opportunity to live forever and never die again.  And  they will live in a  world  very different from the one we live in today.  There will be no war, no crime, and no sickness. 

Who will be resurrected?  Jesus said that "all those in the memorial tombs  will hear his voice and come out."  (John 5:28, 29)  And (Revelation 20:13)  tells us:  "The sea will give up the dead in it, and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them."  Yes, billions of people  will live again.  The apostle Paul also said that both "the righteous and the unrighteous " will be resurrected.  (Read Acts 24:15)  What does that mean?

"The righteous" include faithful servants of Jehovah who lived before Jesus came to earth. People like Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Ruth, and Esther will be resurrected to life here on earth.  You can read about some of those men and women in Hebrews, chapter 11.  What about Jehovah's faithful servants who die in our time? They are also "righteous"  so they will be resurrected.

"The unrighteous" include billions of people who did not have the opportunity to know Jehovah. Even though they died, Jehovah hasn't forgotten them. He will resurrect them, and they have the opportunity to learn about him and serve him. 

Does this mean that everyone who has died will be resurrected?  No.  Jesus said that some people would not be brought back to life.  (Luke 12:5) Who will decide whether a person will be resurrected or not?  Jehovah is the final judge, but he has given Jesus the authority "to be judge of the living and the dead." (Acts 10:42)  Anyone who is judged as wicked and unwilling to change will not be resurrected.  

Next time: There Will Be a Resurrection! -  RESURRECTION TO HEAVEN

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The Bible clearly says that  "the dead know nothing at all."  That was true of Lazarus.  (Ecclesiastes 9:5)   Just as Jesus said,  it was if Lazarus had been sleeping.  (John 11:11)  While he was in the grave,  Lazarus knew nothing at all."

When Jesus resurrected Lazarus, many people saw it. Even Jesus' enemies knew that he had performed this miracle.  Lazarus was alive, and this proved that the resurrection really happened.  (John 11:47)  Also, many people went to visit Lazarus, and as a result, they started to believe that Jesus had been sent by God. Jesus' enemies didn't like that, so they planned to kill both Jesus and Lazarus. - JOHN 11:53; 12:9-11. 

Jesus said that "all those in the memorial tombs" will be resurrected.  (John 5:28)  This means that all those whom Jehovah remembers will come back to life. But for Jehovah to resurrect someone, he has to remember everything about that person. Can he really do that? Well, there are billions of stars in the universe. The Bible says that Jehovah  knows the name of every single star.  (Read Isaiah 40:26)  If he can remember the name of each star, then surely he can easily  remember everything about all those he will bring back to life.  More important, Jehovah created everything, so we know that he has the power to bring people back to life.

The faithful man Job believed in the resurrection. He asked: "If a man dies, can he live again?"  Then he said to Jehovah:  "You will call and I will answer you.  you will long for the work of your hands."   Yes, Job knew that Jehovah is looking forward to the time when he will resurrect the dead. -JOB 14:13-15. 

How does the hope of the resurrection make you  feel?  You may be wondering, 'What about my family and friends who have died, will they be resurrected too?  It comforts us to know that Jehovah really wants to bring the dead  back to life. Let us see what the Bible about where they will live and who will be resurrected. 

Next time: There Will Be a Resurrection! - THEY "WILL HEAR HIS VOICE AND COME OUT"

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There Will Be a Resurrection! - "LAZARUS, COME OUT!"

When Jesus arrived at the grave where Lazarus' body had been placed, the entrance had been sealed with a large stone. Jesus said: "Take the stone away." But Martha didn't want them to. Lazarus' body had already been in the tomb for four days.  (John 1:39)  She did not know what Jesus was about to do to help her brother.

Jesus said to Lazarus: "Come out!"  What Martha and Mary saw next was amazing.  "The man who had been dead  came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings."  (John 11:43, 44)   Lazarus had been brought back to life!  He was reunited with his family and friends.  They could hold him, touch him, and talk to him.  What  a miracle!  Jesus had resurrected Lazarus.


Did Jesus resurrect by his own power?  No.  Before he resurrected Lazarus, Jesus prayed to Jehovah, and Jehovah gave him the power to resurrect Lazarus.  (Read John 11:41, 42)  Lazarus wasn't the only person who was resurrected.  The Bible tells us about a 12-year-old girl who was very sick.  Her father, Jairus, was desperate, and he begged Jesus to heal her.  Why bother the Teacher any longer?"  But Jesus said to Jairus:  "Have no fear, only have faith, and she will be saved."   He then walked to Jairus' home with him.  As they came near the house, Jesus could see and hear people crying.  Jesus told them:  "Stop weeping, for she did not die but is sleeping."  Her father and mother must have wondered what Jesus meant. Jesus asked everyone to leave and took her father and mother into the room where their little girl was lying.  Jesus gently took her by the hand and said to her:  "Little girl, I say to you, 'Get up!'"  Imagine the joy of her parents when she immediately got up and started walking!  Jesus had resurrected the daughter.  (Mark 5:22-24, 35-42; Luke 8:49-56)  From that day one, when they saw their little girl, they would remember what Jehovah had done for them through Jesus.

Those whom Jesus brought back to life died again later. But what we read about these people is valuable because it gives us real hope.  Jehovah wants to resurrect people, and he will.


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There Will Be a Resurrection! - WHEN A LOVED ONE DIES

When a family member or a close friend dies, our pain and grief can be unbearable.  We feel helpless. There's nothing we can do to bring that person back to life.  But the Bible gives us real comfort.  (Read 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4)  Let us consider one example that shows how much Jehovah and Jesus want to bring our loved ones back to life.  When Jesus was on earth, he often visited Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary.  All three were good friends of Jesus. The Bible says:  Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus."  Then one day Lazarus died. - JOHN 11:3=5.

Jesus went to comfort Martha and Mary.  When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went outside the city to meet him:  "If you had been here, my brother would not have died.  Martha thought that Jesus was too late. After that Jesus saw her sister, Mary, crying.  Seeing their sadness, he felt hurt and cried (John 11:21. 33, 35)  He felt the deep pain that comes when we lose someone we love.

Knowing that Jesus feels the way we do about death is a comfort to us. And Jesus is just like his Father.  (John 14:9)  Jehovah has the power to remove death forever, and that is what he will do very soon.

Next time:  "There Will Be a Resurrection! -"LAZARUS, COME OUT! 

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"There Will Be a Resurrection!

IMAGINE that you have been sentenced to life in prison for a crime you didn't commit.  There is no chance of you ever being released. Your future seems hopeless, and there is nothing you can do about it. But just when you've lost all hope, you find out that someone else has the power to release you and that he has promised to help you!  How would you feel?

We are all prisoners of death. No matter what we do, there is no escape.  But Jehovah has the power to release us from death. And he has promised that "the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing."-1 CORINTHIANS 15:26. 

Imagine the relief you will feel when you don't have to worry about dying!  But Jehovah will not only remove death.  He will also bring those who have already died  back to life.  Think what they will mean for you.  He promises that those "powerless in death" will live again.  (Unless you either had God in your life already or  if he asks you if you accept God in your life, otherwise  not happening) (Isaiah 26:19)  This is what the Bible calls the resurrection.

Next time: "There Will Be a Resurrection! - WHEN A LOVED ONE DIES

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"The Meek Will Possess the Earth"

Most of us have seen justice and perverted and good, innocent people oppressed by evil ones. Will the time ever come when injustice and wickedness will be no more?

Psalm 37  in the Bible offers the answer, along with guidance for us now. Note what it says on the following important questions. 

* How should we react to those who oppress us? -Verses 1, 2.

* What will become of wicked people?  -Verse 10.

* What is the future for those who do what is right? -Verse 11, 29.

* What should we do now? -Verse 34.

The inspired words of Psalm 37 clearly point to a bright future for those who "hope in Jehovah and follow in his way." Jehovah's Witnesses would be happy to assist you  to study the Bible and to learn how you can secure the future for yourself and your loved ones.

Next time:  There Will Be a Resurrection!

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Your Future, Your Choice! - STICKING TO HIM

Recall Jesus' illustration that we considered in the preceding article, in which he said: "Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it."  (Matthew 7:13, 14)  Traveling on such a road, we would surely benefit from having and staying close to an expert guide if we wanted to reach the destination-life everlasting. Thus, there is good reason for us to stay close to God.  (Psalm 16:8) How, though, do we do that? 

Every day, there are many things that we must do and many more that we would like to do.  Such things can keep us so occupied or distracted that we have little or no time  to consider what God wants us to do.  That is why the Bible reminds us: "Keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, making the best use of your time, because the days are wicked." (Ephesians 5:15, 16)  We stay close to God by making our relationship with him the most important hing in our life. - MATTHEW 6:33.


Though there is nothing you can do to change your past, you can choose to secure a fine future for yourself and your loved ones.  The Bible reveals that our heavenly Father, Jehovah God, deeply loves us and that he lets us know what he would like to see us do. Note the words of the prophet Micah: 

"He has told you, O man, what is good.  And what is Jehovah requiring of you?  Only to exercise justice to cherish loyalty, and to walk modestly with your God." -MICAH 6:8.

Will you accept Jehovah's invitation to walk with him and gain eternal blessings he has in store for those who do?  The choice is yours!

Next time: "The Meek Will Possess the Earth"

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Your Future, Your Choice! - CHOOSE TO LOVE GOD

Love is God's primary attribute.  "God is love," wrote the apostle John under inspiration.  ( 1 John 4:8)  For this reason, when asked what is the greatest of all commandments, Jesus said:  "You must love Jehovah, your God with all your heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind." (Matthew 22:37) A real relationship with  Jehovah God must be based, not on fear or blind obedience, but on love.  Why, though, should we choose to love him?

Jehovah's love for mankind is like that of loving parents for their children.  (only better)  Though imperfect, loving parents instruct, encourage, support, and discipline their children because they want them to be happy and to flourish.  What do parents desire in return?  They want their children to love them and to take to heart what they as parents imparted to them for their good. Is it not reasonable  that our perfect heavenly Father expects us to show loving appreciation for all that he has done for us?


in the original language of the Bible, the word "listen" often carries the sense of "obey."  Is this not what we mean when we say to a child, "Listen to your parents"?  Thus, to listen to God's voice implies learning and obeying what he says.  Since we cannot likely hear God's voice,we listen to him by reading and applying what is in his Word, the Bible.  - 1 JOHN 5:3. 

To show the importance of listening to God's voice, on one occasion Jesus said:  "Man must live, no on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah's mouth." (Matthew 4:4)  As important as physical food is to us, taking in knowledge of God is, in fact, even more so.  Why?  Wise King Solomon explained:  "Wisdom is a protection just as money is a protection, but the advantage of knowledge is this:  Wisdom preserves the life of its owner."  (Ecclesiastes 7:12)  Knowledge and wisdom from God can protect us today and help us to make the wise choice that leads to everlasting life in the future.

Next time: Your Future, Your Choice! - STICKING TO HIM

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Conclusion of Your Future, Your Choice!

Moses, the leader of the ancient nation of Israel, told the people as they were about to enter the Promised Land: "I have put life ad death before you, the blessing and the curse, and you must choose life so that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice, and by sticking to him." -DEUTERONOMY 30:15, 19, 20.

Yes! God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and put before them the prospect of a free and happy life in the Promised Land.   But all that would come upon them automatically. To gain those blessings, the had to "choose life."  How?  By loving God, by listening to his voice, and by sticking to him.'

Today, similar choice is before you, and how you would choose will determine what your future will be.  By choosing to love God, to listen to his voice, and to stick to him, you will in effect choosing life-life everlasting on a paradise earth.  But what is involved n each of those steps?

Next time: Your Future, Your Choice! - CHOOSE TO LOVE GOD

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Your Future, Your Choice!

DO YOU HAVE ANY REAL CHOICE IN WHAT YOUR FUTURE WILL BE?   Some people believe that fate or predestination, not personal choice, controls their life.  When they fail to reach certain goals, they simply shrug it off as inevitable.  "It was never meant to be!" They say.

Others become disillusioned when they see no way out of this oppressive and unjust world in which we live.  They may try to make their lives better-only to see things like war, crime, natural disasters, and sickness wreck their plans time and again.  'Why bother? they ask themselves.

It is true that circumstances in life can seriously affect your plans.  (Ecclesiastes 9:11)   However, when it comes to your ultimate destiny, you do have a very real choice.  In fact, the Bible shows that your future depends on your choice.  Consider what it says.

Next time: Continue with  Your Future, Your Choice!

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You Can Live Forever on Earth - WHY DO WE DIE?

Why, then, do we die? The Bible shows that one of God's spirit creatures, later identified as the rebel Satan the Devil, tried to sabotage God's arrangements in Eden.  How?

Satan induced our first parents Adam and Eve, to join him in rebellion against God.  When Satan claimed that God was withholding something good for them-the right to determine for themselves what is right and what is wrong-they went along with Satan and turned their backs on God.  The result? In time, they died, just as God warned.  The lost the prospect of living forever in Paradise on earth. - GENESIS 2:17; 3:1-6; 5:5.  

Adam and Eve's rebellion has affected all humans down to this day.  God's Word says:  "Through one man [Adam] sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men."  (Romans 5:12) We die because we inherited sin and death from our original parents, not because of some predetermined, unfathomable 'plan' of God. 

You Can Live Forever on Earth

The rebellion in Eden did not thwart God's original purpose for mankind and the earth. God's perfect love and sense of justice moved him to provide  a way to free us from bondage of inherited sin and death.  The apostle Paul explained:  "The wages sin pays is death, but the gift of God is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)   Lovingly, God "gave his only-begotten Son [Jesus Christ], so that everyone exercising faith in him  might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)  By offering himself willingly as a ransom sacrifice, Jesus redeemed all that was lost through Adam.

Soon, God's promise of an earthly paradise will become a reality.  This wonderful future can be yours if you take to heart Jesus' admonition: "Go through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate  and spacious the road leading off into destruction and many go through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leaning off into life, and few are finding it."  (Matthew 7:13, 14)  Yes, your future is in your hands. What you do? 

Next time: Your Future, Your Choice! 

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You Can Live Forever on Earth - GOD'S ORIGINAL PURPOSE

Some say, however, that God ever meant for humans to live on earth forever.  They maintain that the earth was designed to be a temporary home, a testing ground to see which members of the human  family deserved to go to heaven and live eternally with God. But if that were true, would it not, in effect, make God responsible for all the evil and badness that filled the earth?  That would in direct contradiction to the very nature of God. About him, the Bible says: "For all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness who is never unjust; righteous and upright he is." - DEUTERONOMY 32:4. 

The Bible clearly reveals God's original purpose for the earth in these words:  "As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, but the earthy he has given to the sons of men." (Psalm 115:16)  Yes, God created the earth to be a beautiful, permanent home for mankind, and he filled it with everything we need to enjoy meaningful, endless life. - GENESIS 2;8, 9. 

Next time: You Can Live Forever on Earth - WHY DO WE DIE?

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new computer

To all my readers, I sorry it took as long as it did, but I got a computer and I will be doing a blog tomorrow. So, if you are still with me, I am happy to be doing my blogs. It worries me when I can't.  See you tomorrow!😁 Mary


Can't do blog.  Computer died.  So sorry. Can't do one on phone letters too small and hard to read. Don't have all day to do one. Will try to one as soon as I can. Please do not give up on me. Thank you, Mary


You Can Live Forever on Earth - GOD'S ORIGINAL PURPOSE

Some say, however, that God never meant for humans to live on earth forever.  They maintain that the  earth was meant to be a temporary home, a testing ground to see which members of the human family deserved to go to heaven and live eternally with God.  But if that were true, would it  not, in effect, make God responsible for all the evil and badness that fill the earth? That would be  in direct contradiction  to the very nature of God.  About him, the Bible says:  "For all his ways are justice.  A God of faithfulness who is never unjust and upright is he." - DEUTERONOMY 32:4. 

The Bible clearly reveals God's original purpose for the earth in these words:  "As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, but the earth he has given to the son of men.." (Psalm 115:16)  Yes, God created the earth to be a beautiful, permanent home for mankind, and  he filled it with everything we need to enjoy meaningful endless life. -Genesis 2:8, 9.  

The Bible is also clear regarding God's purpose for mankind.  He commissioned the first human couple to "fill the earth and subdue, and have in subjection . . . every living creature that is moving on the earth."   (Genesis 1:28)  What  a privilege for them to care for  and expand their Paradise earth wide!  Indeed, the prospect that awaited Adam and Even and their eventual offspring was everlasting life on earth, not a reward in heaven. 

Next time: You Can Live Forever on Earth -WHY DO WE DIE? 

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You Can Live Forever on Earth

WHAT AN AMAZING PROSPECT! Our Creator has promised to give us everlasting life, right here on earth.  Many, however, find that difficult to believe.  'Everyone has to die sometime,'  they say.  'It is part of a natural cycle of life and death.'  Others feel that living forever is possible, but not here on earth.  They say that everlasting life is attained only after you die and go to heaven.  What do you think?

Before you decide, why not consider the Bible's answer to these three questions.  What does the way man was made show us how long he was meant to live?  What was God's original purpose  for the earth and for mankind?  How did death come upon the human family?


Of all the forms of life that God has created on earth, humans are truly unique. How so? The Bible  indicates that humans alone were created in God's "image" and "likeness." (Genesis 1:26, 27)  What does that mean?  It means that humankind was given characteristics and qualities that mirrored God's own, such as love and a sense of justice.  

In addition, humans were endowed with thinking and reasoning abilities, coupled with moral and spiritual capacities that is why we can appreciate the grandeur of the universe and the wonders  of nature, as well as art, music and poetry. Above all, mankind has the unique capacity to worship the Creator. Such attributes put an immeasurable gulf between humans and all other living creatures on earth.

Thus, consider:  Would God have given humans such remarkable qualities, along with seemingly limitless potential to develop  and enhance them, if he meant to live only for a few short years?  The truth is that God gave humans these unique qualities and abilities so that we could enjoy life right here on earth forever.

Next time" You Can Live Forever on Earth - GOD'S ORIGINAL PURPOSE

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Promises That Will Come True - "IT WILL HAVE SURE SUCCESS"

Does all of this sound too good to be true? Though most  people would readily agree that life as promised and described in the Bible is truly desirable, for various reasons may find the idea of living forever difficult to comprehend.  That is not surprising, for no fellow human has ever experienced life like that to tell us about it.

Humankind has been enslaved by sin and death and has labored under the  burden of pain, suffering, and adversity for so long that many people have come to accept this way life as normal or natural. But that is far from what our Creator, Jehovah God purposed for mankind.

To help us appreciate the certainty of all that he had promised, God said emphatically regarding his word: "I will not return without results, but will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight, and it will have sure success in what I send it to do." -ISAIAH 55:11.

Jehovah is described in the Bible as the God "who cannot lie."  (Titus 1:2) Since he has promised all these wonderful things for the future, it would be prudent on our part to consider:  Is it really possible for humans to live forever in the promised earthly Paradise?   What must we do to benefit from God's promise? In the following  pages of this publication, you will find helpful information that answers those questions.

Next time: You Can Live Forever on Earth

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Continue with Promises That Will Come True -NO MORE WAR

Psalm 46:9:  "[God] is bringing and end to wars throughout the earth.  He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the military weapons with fire."

Imagine what the word would be like if all the money and expertise that is now being spent to create weapons channeled into areas that would benefit people rather than kill them!  That promise will become a reality under God's Kingdom. 


 Isaiah 33:24:  "No resident will say: 'I am sick.'" 

Think about a world in which no one will suffer from heart disease, cancer, malaria, or any other ailment.  Gone will be the need for hospitals and medications.  Perfect health-that is the future for earth's inhabitants.


"Psalm 72:16:  "There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on top of the mountains it will overflow."

The earth will produce enough food for everyone, and all will have access to it. Hunger and malnutrition will be no more.


 Revelation 21:4: "[God]  will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain by anymore. The former things have passed away."

That  will mean life without end in perfection on a paradise earth! That is what our loving Creator, Jehovah God, has promised.

Next time:  Conclusion of Promises That Will Come True -  "IT WILL HAVE SUCCESS"

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Promises That Will Come True

The good news of the Kingdom is being preached in all the earth, just as Jesus prophesied.   (Matthew 24:14)  The Bible book of Daniel tells us that this Kingdom is a government by God. Chapter 2 of that book contains a prophecy that traces the progression of certain dominant human governments, or kingdoms, from ancient Babylon down to our day. Foretelling what lies ahead, verse 44  says this:  

"The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever."

This and other Bible prophecies foretell that God's Kingdom will replace all human rule and bring stability and order to people on earth. What will life be like under the Kingdom?  Here are some marvelous promises that will soon come true.

Next time:  Continue with Promises Will Come True

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Conclusion of A Fulfiller of Promises -Draw Close to God

Commenting on Joshua 23:14, one Bible reference work says:  "Bring forth every promise from the Bible; then search the annals of the world; and inquire of every creature in it, to find one single instance of God's violating or forgetting a promise."  If it were possible to conduct such an examination, we would  reach the same conclusion as did Joshua-Jehovah's promises never fail to come true. - 1 KINGS 8:56; ISAIAH 55:10, 11. 

The Bible contains a record of God's promises that have been fulfilled, including some that are being fulfilled before our eyes. It also contains Jehovah's wonderful promises for our future.   Why not examine that record for yourself?  A study of the Bible may convince you that the Fulfiller of promises is worthy of your trust.

Next time: Promises That Will Come True

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A Fulfiller of Promises - Draw Close to God

JOSHUA  23:14

IS IT hard for you to trust others?  Sadly, we live in a world where trust is routinely destroyed.   If you were hurt by someone you believed in-perhaps because of lies or broken promises-your trust may have been shattered.  There is, however, someone you can trust without ever being disappointed.  "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart,"  (Proverbs 3:5) urges us Why is  Jehovah deserving of such trust?  To answer that, let us examine the words of Joshua-a man who put is complete trust in Jehovah-recorded at Joshua 23:14. 

Consider the setting.  Joshua, Moses' successor as leader of Israel, is approaching 110 years of age. During his long life, he has observed firsthand many of the almighty acts that Jehovah performed in behalf of Israel, including the miraculous deliverance through the Red Sea some 60  years earlier.  Now, a reflective Joshua  calls together Israel's "older men and its heads and its judges and it officers."  (Joshua 23:2)  The words he now speaks reveal not just a wisdom born of age but the meditations of a heart full of faith. 

"I am going today in the way of all the earth," explains Joshua. The phrase "the way of all the earth" is an idiom for death. Joshua is, in effect, saying, "I do not have much longer to live." Knowing that he is about to die, Joshua no doubt has spent many quiet hours  contemplating his life.  what parting words does he have for his fellow worshippers?

Joshua continues:  "Not one word out  of  all the good words Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. They have all come true for you.  Not one of them has failed."  These are the words of a an who has full trust in God. The reason?  Looking back on all that he has seen,  Joshua has come to know that Jehovah fulfills his promises-always.  The implication is clear.  Joshua wants his fellow Israelites to have absolute faith that all of Jehovah's promises for their future will also come true. 

Next time:  Conclusion of A Fulfiller of Promises -Draw Close to God

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A Silent Witness to Accurate Prophecy - AN IMPERIAL TRIUMPH

In 71 C.E., Titus returned to Italy to a rapturous reception from the citizens of Rome.  The whole city turned out to celebrate one of the city's greatest triumphal procession ever staged in the capital.

The crowds marvels as untold wealth paraded  through Rome's streets.  They feasted their eyes on captured ships, massive floats depicting battle scenes from the war, and items plundered from Jerusalem's temple.

Titus succeeded his father as emperor in 79 C.E. But just two years later, Titus died unexpectedly. Domitian, his brother, took the throne and promptly expected a triumphal arch in Titus's honor.


Today the Arch of Titus is much admired by the hundreds of thousands of people each year who visit the Roman Forum. Some view the arch as a majestic work of art, others as a tribute to imperial Roman power, and yet others as an epitaph to fallen Jerusalem and its temple.

Careful readers of the Bible, however, view the Arch of Titus as having even greater significance. It is a silent witness that confirms the reliability and accuracy of  Bible prophecies and establishes that they are inspired by God. - 2 PETER 1:19-21. 

Next time:   A Fulfiller of Promises -Draw Close to God

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A Silent Witness to Accurate Prophecy - DEATH OF A CITY

Thirty-three years passed, and Judas still chafed under the Roman yoke.  But in 66 C.E., when the Roman procurator of Judea, Gessius Florus, seized funds from the sacred temple treasure, the enraged Jews had had enough.  Soon, Jewish fighters swarmed into Jerusalem, slaughtered the local Roman garrison, and declared their independence from Rome.

About three months later, over 30,000 Roman troops, let by Cestius Gallus, advanced on Jerusalem to crush the rebellion.  The Romans quickly penetrated the city and under determined the outer wall of the temple area.  Then, for no apparent reason, they retreated.  The Jewish rebels  rejoiced and promptly gave chase.  With the warning parties away, the Christians heeding Jesus' warning, fled from Jerusalem to the mountains beyond the Jordan River. - MATTHEW 24:15, 16.

The following year, Rome renewed its campaign against Judea, headed by General Vespasian and his son Titus.  However, soon after Emperor Nero died in 68 C.E. Vespasian returned to Rome to assume the throne, leaving the Judea campaign to his son Titus with an army of some 60,000. 

In June 70 C.E., Titus ordered his soldiers to strip the Judean countryside of trees, which were used in building a 4.5-mile-long  (7km) wall of pointed stakes around Jerusalem. By September, the Romans had plundered and burned the city and its temple and had torn them apart stone by stone.  Just as Jesus had earlier foretold.  (Luke 19:43:44)  According to a conservative estimate, "between a quarter and a half million people perished in Jerusalem and the rest of the country." 

Next time: A Silent Witness to Accurate Prophecy - AN IMPERIAL TRIUMPH

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A Silent Witness to Accurate Prophecy


The arch of Titus has two large reliefs depicting a well-known historical event.  Less well-known, though is the fascinating link between the earth and the Bible-the Arch of Titus bears silent witness to the remarkable accuracy of Bible prophecy. 


Early in the first century C.E., the Roman Empire stretched from Britain ad Gaul (now France) to Egypt, and the region enjoyed unprecedented  stability and prosperity.  But one remote area was a source of constant frustration for Rome-the restless province of Judea.

The Encyclopedia of Ancient Rome states:  "Few territories under Rome's control were marked  by such intense dislike, on both sides, as Judea.  The Jews resented foreign master who cared noting for their traditions, and the Romans found Jewish stubbornnes cause for severe intolerance."  Many Jews hoped that  a political messiah would expel the hated Romans and restore a golden era  to Israel.  But in 33 C.E., Jesus Christ declared that Jerusalem faced a coming catastrophe. 

Jesus said:  "The days will come upon you when your enemies will build around you a fortification of pointed stakes and will encircle you and besiege you from every side.  They will dash you and your children within you to the ground, and they will not leave a stone upon in you." -LUKE 19:43:44. 

Jesus' words evidently puzzled his disciples.  Two days later, on viewing Jerusalem's temple, on of them exclaimed:  "Teacher, see! What wonderful stones and buildings!"   Indeed, some temple stones were reportedly over 35 feet (11 m)  long, 15 feet ( 5 m) wide, and 10 feet (3 m)  high! Yet, Jesus replied:  "As for these things that you now see, the days will come when not a stone will be left  upon a stone and not be thrown down." - MARK 13:1; LUKE 21:6.

Jesus further told them:  "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near.  Then let those in the  midst of her leave, and let those in the countryside not enter her." (Luke 21:20, 21) Did Jesus' words come true?

Next time: A Silent Witness to Accurate Prophecy - DEATH OF A CITY

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Prophecies That Have Come True - Conclusion of PROPHECIES BEING FULFILLED TODAY

The Word Food Program stated:  "In a world where we produce enough food to feed everyone, 815 million people -one in nine - still on an empty stomach each night.  Even more-one in  three suffer from some form of malnutrition."  It is estimated that each year some three million children die from hunger. 

Luke 21:11: "There will be great earthquakes." 

Each year some 50,000 earthquakes are large enough to be felt by humans. About 100 bring substantial damage to buildings, and one very great earthquake occurs about every year.  According to one estimate, between 1975 and 2000, earthquakes claim the lives of 471,000 people.  

Matthew 24:14: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and the end will come.

Jehovah's Witnesses, numbering more than eight million, have been preaching and bearing witness to the good news of God's Kingdom throughout the earth in some 240 lands.  They proclaim the good news in sprawling cities and remote villages, in jungles, and on mountains. The prophecy foretells that when this work is completed to God's satisfaction, "the end will come."  What will that mean?  It will mean the end of human rule and the dawn of rule by God's Kingdom.  What promise will come true under God's Kingdom? Read on to find out.

Next time: A Silent Witness to Accurate Prophecy

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Would you like to know what Bible prophecies have to say about our day?  Some 2,000 years ago, the Bible foretold  that "critical times hard to deal with" would come  "in the last days." Last days of what?   Not of the earth or humankind, but of the strife, oppression, and suffering that have plague mankind for millenniums.  Let us  examine just a few of the prophecies that earmark "the last days."

2 Timothy 3:1-5:  "In the last days . . . , men will be lovers of themselves,, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, disloyal, having no affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power. 

Would not not agree that such behavior is increasingly evident in people today?  Have you perceived that we are surrounded by people who adore themselves, love money,  and are driven by pride?  Have you not observed that people are more demanding and less willing to agree with others?  Surely you notice that there is widespread disobedience to parents and that people in general love pleasures more than they love God. And things are getting worse by the day. 

Matthew 24:6, 7:  "You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. . . . Nations will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.

Some estimates place the total number of deaths in wars and armed conflicts since 1914 at well over 100 million, a figure that surpass3s the entire population of many nations.  Imagine the tears, grief, and suffering represented by that colossal statistic.  Have the nations taken note and put an end to war? 

"Matthew 24:7: "There will be food shortages."


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Conclusion of Prophecies That Have Come True

Isaiah 45:1: " This is what Jehovah says to his anointed one Cyrus, whose  right hand I have taken hold of to subdue nations before him, to disarm kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut." 

The Persians entered the city through the massive two-leaved doors in the city wall, which had carelessly been left open. Had the Babylonians been aware what Cyrus  was planning, they could have shut all the gates that opened onto the river. But as it was, the city was defenseless.

The remarkable prophecy is but one of dozens found in the Bible that unerringly came true.  Unlike the predictions of men, often attributed to their false gods, Bible prophecies originate with the One who proclaimed: "From the beginning I foretell the outcome, and from long ago the things that have not yet been done." - ISAIAH 46:10.

Only  the true God, whose name is Jehovah, can make such a claim.  That name evidently means "He Causes to Become."  It points to his ability to know and shape future events in harmony with his will. It assures us that he is certain to bring about all that he has promised.

Next time: Prophecies That Have Come True - PROPHECIES BEING FULFILLED TODAY

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Prophecies That Have Come True

Earlier we referred to the legend about Croesus' being misled by the oracle of Delphi, which resulted in his defeat by the king of Persia.  The Bible, on the other hand, contains a remarkable prophecy involving the king of Persia that was fulfilled in minute detail.

About 200 years in advance-long before the west was born-the Hebrew prophet Isaiah  mentioned Cyrus by name and described how he would conquer the mighty city of Babylon.

Isaiah 44:24, 27, 28: "This is what Jehovah says, . . .. 'the One saying to the deep waters "Be evaporated, and I will dry up all your rivers", the one saying of Cyrus, "He is my shepherd, and will completely carry out all my will", the One saying of Jerusalem,  "She will be rebuilt," and of the temple, "Your foundation will be laid."'"

According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the army of Cyrus, diverted the waters of the Euphrates River, which flowed through the city of Babylon.     Cyrus' strategy enabled his troops to enter the city along the riverbed. After taking the city, Cyrus freed the Jews who had been captive in Babylon and allowed them to return and rebuild Jerusalem, which had been destroyed 70 years earlier. 

Next time: Conclusion of  Prophecies That Have Come True

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Conclusion of Astrology and Fortune - Telling --Windows to the Future?


From ancient times, people have consulted fortune -tellers.  Some practitioners looked for meaning in such things as the entrails of animals and humans or the way a rooster pecks at it grain.  Others made projections based on patterns in the tea leaves or coffee grounds.  Today, they use tarot cards, crystal balls,  dice, and other means to "read" a person's future. Is fortune -telling a reliable way to discern the future?  No, it is not.  Let us reason on the matter.

Consider the issue of consistency.  The predictions of differing  fortune-telling methods often contradict one another. Even when the same method is used, forecasts vary.  For example, if a person asks two fortune-tellers the same questions about the future based on the "reading" of  the same cards, logically the answers should be the same.  But often they are not.

Fortune - tellers' methods or motives have come under suspicion.  Critics say that the cards or crystal balls are mere props and the fortune-teller reads the  person's reactions rather than the props.  For example,  a skilled fortune-teller will ask general questions and carefully watch for verbal and nonverbal clues that could reveal something about the client. The fortune-teller  will then take credit  for knowing  facts and situations that the client has just unknowingly given away.  Having won the client's trust, some fortune-tellers  have been able to obtain large sums of  money from their customers.


The practice of astrology and fortune-telling implies that our future is predetermined. But is it?  The Bible tells us that we have the ability to choose  what we believe or want to do and that our choices affect our future. - JOSHUA 24:15.

Worshippers of God have an additional reason to reject astrology and fortune-telling-God condemns all forms of divination.  In the Bible we find these words:  "There should not be found in you anyone . . . who employs divination, anyone practicing magic, anyone who looks for omens, a sorcerer, anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit medium or fortune-teller, or anyone who inquires of the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah." -DEUTERONOMY 18:10-12.

Next time: Prophecies That Have Come True

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Astrology and Fortune-Telling -- Windows to the Future?

Astrology is a form of divination that holds that the stars, the moon, the planets significantly influence the lives of people on earth.  Astrologers claim that the position of these celestial bodies at the time of one's birth shapes his or her personality and future.

Though the roots of astrology can be traced to ancient Babylon, it remains popular.  According to a 2012 survey in the United States, one third of those surveyed  thought that astrology was "sort of scientific," and 10 percent said tat it was "very scientific."  Is it? No.  Here is why.

* The planets and stars  emit no force that could affect humans the way astrologers say they do. 

* Often predictions are so general that they could apply to anyone.

* Astrological calculations today are made according to the ancient belief that the planets revolve  around the earth.  In fact, the planets revolve around the sun.

* Predictions made by different astrologers for the same individual do not  match.

* Astrology classifies people under one of 12 categories, or zodiac signs, according to their date of birth.  Because of changes in earth's position in space over the centuries, the dates associated with the signs of the zodiac no longer correspond to when the sun passes through the constellations for which the signs were named. 

The zodiac signs are said to give clues to a person's character.  In reality, people who have the same birthday do not have the same traits one's birth date reveals   nothing about his or her personality.  Instead of seeing people as they really are, astrologers judge a person's behavior and character by a set of assumptions.  Is this not a form of prejudice?

Next time:  Conclusion of Astrology and Fortune-Telling--Windows to the Future? 

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Predicting the Future

Have you ever  wondered what the future would be for you and your family?  Does it promise riches or ruin, love or loneliness? Will  you live a long life, or will your life be cut short?  People have speculated about such questions for thousands of years.

Today experts study global trends  and make more predictions about the future.  While many of their forecasts have come true, others have failed, some miserably. For example, in 1912, Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of the wireless telegraph, was quoted as predicting: "The coming of the wireless era will make war impossible."  And an agent of the Decca Record Company, who rejected the Beatles  in 1962, believed that guitar-playing groups  were on their way out.

Many turn to the supermarket for clues about the future.  Some seek the advice of astrologers; horoscopes are  a regular feature  in many magazines and newspapers.  Others consult fortune-tellers or psychics, who claim  to "read " the future by interpreting patterns in tarot cards, numbers, or the lines of one's hand.

In their effort to discern the future, some in the ancient world consulted oracles-priests or priestesses who passed on information form the god they claimed to represent.  For instance, its said that King Croesus of Lydia  sent gifts of great value to the oracle at Delphi, Greece with a request to learn what the outcome would be if he fought against Cyrus of Persia. The oracle said that Croesus would destroy  "a great empire" if he marched against Cyrus.  Confident of victory, Croesus sallied forth, but the great empire that was destroyed was his own!

The ambiguous forecast of the oracle was worthless: it would have appeared true no matter which side won the war.  Croesus paid dearly for misinformation that brought him disaster.  Have those who turn to today's popular methods of predicting the future fared any better?

Note: These psychics and fortune-tellers know only what Satan feeds them and its not always the truth. People who believe that Satan exists forget that he knows something about everyone, but not everything .  He feed these people what he wants them to know; just enough to interest the poor  ignorant souls who believe in that crap. Only Jehovah God and Jehovah God only, knows the future of everyone.

Next time: Astrology and Fortune-Telling-Windows to the Future?

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