
Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - PUBLIC DECLARATION FOR SALVATION

Do you think that you're ready  to dedicate yourself to Jehovah?  After you have dedicated yourself to Jehovah,you are ready for the  next step. You need to get baptized.

Let the coordinator of the body of elders of your congregation know that you have dedicated yourself to Jehovah and that you want to be baptized.  Then he will have some elders  review basic Bible teachings with you. If they agree that you are ready, they will tell you that you can be baptized at the next assembly or convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. At the assembly, there will be a talk that explores the meaning of baptism.  The speaker who gives the talk will then ask those who are ready to get baptized two simple questions.  By answering these questions, you will make a "public declaration of your faith. - ROMANS 10:10.

Then you will be baptized.  You will be completely immersed in water.  The baptism will show to everyone that you have dedicated yourself to Jehovah and are now one of  Jehovah's Witnesses. 

Next time: Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - WHAT YOUR BAPTISM REPRESENTS

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Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized - DON'T BE AFRAID OF FAILURE

Some people do not dedicate themselves to Jehovah, because they are afraid that they can't keep  their promise to serve him. They don't want to disappoint Jehovah, or they may reason that if they are not dedicated to him, then Jehovah won't hold them responsible for what they do.

Your love for Jehovah will help you overcome any fear of disappointing him.  Because you love him, you will do your best to keep your promise to him.  ( Ecclesiastes 5:4; Colossians 1:10)   You will not think that it is too hard to do Jehovah's will.  The apostle John wrote:  "This is what the love of God mans, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome." - 1 JOHN 5:3. 

You don't have to be perfect to dedicate yourself to Jehovah. He expect expects us to do more than we can do.  (Psalm 103:14) He will help you to do what is right.  (Isaiah 41:10) Trust in Jehovah with all your heat, and "he will make your paths straight." - PROVERBS 3:5, 6. 

Next time: Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - PUBLIC DECLARATION FOR SALVATION

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Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - MAKE A PERSONAL DECISION

Another important step you need to take before getting baptized is to dedicate yourself to Jehovah.  When you dedicate yourself to Jehovah,you say a prayer  in which you promise to worship only him and to make his will the most important thing in your life. - DEUTERONOMY 6:15.

Promising to serve only Jehovah is like promising to spend your life with a person you love.  Imagine that a man and a woman are dating. As the man gets to know the woman better, he comes to love her and he wants to marry her. Even though this is a serious decision, the man is willing to accept this responsibility  because he loves her. 

As you have learned about Jehovah, you come to love him and want to do your best to serve him. This will motivate you to say a prayer promising to  serve him.  The Bible says that anyone  who wants to follow Jesus must "disown himself." (Mark 8:34)  What does that mean?  It means that you put obedience to Jehovah first in your life.  What Jehovah wants is more important than your own desire and goals. - Read 1 PETER 4:2.

Next time: Should I Dedicate My Life to  God and Be Baptized? - DON'T BE AFRAID OF FAILURE

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Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - REPENT AND TURN AROUND

There is something else that you must do before you can get baptized.  The apostle Peter said: "Repent, therefore and turn around so as to get yours sins blotted out."  (Acts 3:19)   What does it mean to repent? It means to feel very sorry for any wrong that we have done.  For example, if you lived a sexually immoral life, then you would need to repent. And even if all your life you have tried your best to do what is right, you still need to repent, because we all sin and need to ask God for his forgiveness. - ROMANS 3:23; 5:12.

Is it enough just to feel sorry for what you have done? No. Peter said that you also need to "turn around."  This means that you need to reject any former wrong conduct that you start doing  what is right. To illustrate this, imagine that you are going in the wrong direction. What should you do?  No doubt you would slow down, stop, turn around, and then go in the right direction.  Similarly, as you study the Bible, you might discover that there are some habits or things in your life that you need to change. Be willing to "turn around" -that is, to make the necessary changes- and begin to do what is right.

Next time: Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - MAKE A PERSONAL DECISION

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Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - TELL OTHERS ABOUT BIBLE TRUTHS

As you learn more from the Bible and see how it helps you in your life, your faith will get stronger. You will want to tell others about what you are learning.  (Jeremiah 20:9; 2 Corinthians 4:13) But should you tell?

You may want to tell your family, friends, neighbors, or workmates about what you're learning.  That is good, but always do this in a kind and and loving way.  Eventually, you will be able to begin preaching with the congregation.  When you feel ready to do so, you can talk to the Witness who is teaching you the Bible and tell him/her that you would like to share in the preaching work with the congregation.  If that person thinks that you are ready and if you are living your life according to Bible standards, then together you will meet with two elders in the congregation.

What will happen at that meeting? The elders will talk with you to see if you understand and believe basic Bible teachings, if you obey what the Bible says in your daily life, and if you really want to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  Remember that the elders take care of all the members of the congregation, including you, so don't be afraid to talk to them. (Acts 20:"28; 1 Peter 5:2, 3)  After this meeting, the elders will let you know  if you can begin preaching with the congregation. 

The elders might explain to you that you need to make more changes before you can begin preaching  with the congregation. Why is it so important to make those changes?  Because when we talk to others about God, we represent Jehovah and must live  in a way that honors him. - 1 CORINTHIANS 6:9.

Next time:  Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - REPENT AND TURN AROUND

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Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - KNOWLEDGE AND FAITH

Before you can get baptized, you must come to know Jehovah and Jesus. You have already started to do this by studying the Bible.  (Read John 17:3)  But that is not enough.  The Bible says that  you must be "filled with the accurate knowledge of Jehovah's will.  (Colossians 1:9)  The meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses will help you to have a closer relationship with Jehovah. That is one important reason for you to attend those meetings regularly. - HEBREWS 10:24, 25.

Of course, Jehovah does not expect you to know everything in the Bible before you go get baptized. He didn't expect the Ethiopian man to know everything before he got baptized.  (Acts 8:30, 31)  And we will continue learning about God forever.  (Ecclesiastes 3:11)  But to get baptized, you need to know and accept at least the basic teachings of the Bible. - HEBREWS 5:12. 

The Bible says:  "Without faith it is impossible to please God."  (Hebrews 11:6) So you need to have faith before you get baptized.  the Bible tells us that some people in the ancient city of Corinth heard what Jesus' followers taught and, as a result, "began to believe and be baptized."  (Acts 18:8)  Similarly, your study of the Bible has helped you to have faith in God's promises and in the power of Jesus' sacrifice, which can save us from sin and death. - JOSHUA 23:14; ACTS 4:12; 2 TIMOTHY 3:16, 17. 

Next time:  Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - TELL OTHERS ABOUT BIBLE TRUTHS

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Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized?

YOU have heard many Bible truths during your study of this book, such as God's promised of eternal life, the condition of the dead, and hope of the resurrection. (Ecclesiastes 9:5; Luke 23:43; John 5:28, 29; Revelation 21:3, 4)  You may have started to attend meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses and believe that practice true worship.  (John 13:35)  You may have begun to develop a close friendship with Jehovah, and you may have decided that you want to served him.  So you might think, 'What should I do now to serve God?'  

That is what an Ethiopian man thought who lived in Jesus' time.  Sometime after Jesus was resurrected, Jesus' disciple Philip preached to the man. Philip proved to him that Jesus was the Messiah.  The Ethiopian man was so moved by what he learned that he immediately said:  "Look here is water; what prevents me from getting baptized?' - ACTS 8:26-36.

The Bible clearly teaches that if you want to serve Jehovah, you should get baptized. Jesus told his followers:  "Make disciples of people of all the nations. baptizing them." (Matthew 28:19)  Jesus also set the example by getting baptized himself. He was completely immersed in water, not just sprinkled with water on his head.  (Matthew 3:16)  Today  when a Christian is baptized,  he must also be completely immersed, or dipped in water. 

When you get baptized,it shows others that you really want to be God's friend and to serve him. (Psalm 40:7, 8)  So  you may wonder, 'What do I need to get baptized?' 

Next time: Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - KNOWLEDGE AND FAITH

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The Privilege of Prayer -HOW GOD ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS

Does Jehovah really answer our prayers?  Yes, he does.  The Bible calls him the "Hearer of Prayer."  (Psalm 65:2)   Jehovah hears and answers the sincere prayers of millions of humans, and he does so in many different ways. 

Jehovah uses angels and his servants on earth to provide the answer to our prayers.  (Hebrews 1:13,1)  There are many  examples of people who prayed for help in understanding the Bible and shortly after that receive a visit from one of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Bible shows that the angels are involved in declaring "good news " all over the earth.  (Read Revelation 14:6) Also, many of us have prayed to Jehovah about a specific problem or need and have then received from a Christian brother or sister. - PROVERBS 12:25; JAMES 2:16.

Jehovah uses his holy spirit to answers our prayers.  When we pray for help to cope with a problem, he may use his holy spirit to give us guidance and strength.  (2 Corinthians 4:7)  Jehovah also uses the Bible to answer our prayers and to help us make wise decisions.  When we read the Bible, we may find scriptures that will help us. Jehovah can also motivate someone who comments at a meeting to say what we need to hear or an elder in the congregation to share a point from the Bible with us. - GALATIANS 6:1.

Sometimes, though, we might wonder, 'Why hasn't Jehovah answered my prayers yet?  Remember,he knows when and how to answer our prayers. He knows what we need.  We have to keep on praying for a time to show that we really mean what we say to him and to show him we truly  have in faith in him.  (Luke 11:5-10)  Sometimes, Jehovah answers our prayers in a way we might not expect. For example, we ma pray about a difficult situation, but instead of  removing the problem, he may give us the strength to endure it. - Read PHILIPPIANS 4:13. 

What an amazing privilege we have to pray to Jehovah!  We can be sure that he will listen to us.  (Psalm 145: 18) And the more often we pray to Jehovah from our heart, the stronger our friendship with him will become.

Next time: Should I Dedicate My Life To God and Baptized>

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The Privilege of Prayer - Conclusion of COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT PRAYER

What should be most important in our prayers? Jehovah and his will. We should thank him from our heart for everything he has done for us.  (1 Chronicles 29:10-13)  We know this because when Jesus was on earth, he taught his disciples how to pray. (Read Matthew 6:9-13). He said that they should first pray for God's name to be sanctified, that is, treated as sacred or holy.  Then Jesus showed that we should for God's "Kingdom to come and for Jehovah's will to be done on earth  (all over the earth) as it is in heaven. It was only after praying  for those very important things that Jesus said that we should pray for our personal needs. When we put Jehovah and his will first in our prayers, we show what is most important to us. 

How long should our prayers be?  The Bible doesn't say.  Our prayers can be short or long, depending on the situation.  For example, we might say a short prayer before we eat but a longer prayer when we are giving thanks or telling him our concerns.  (1 Samuel  1:12, 15)  We don't want to say long prayers just to impress others, as some did in Jesus' day (Luke 20:46, 47)  Jehovah is not impressed by prayers like those.  What's important to Jehovah is that we pray from our heart. 

Why should we say "amen" at the end of our prayer?  The word "amen"  means "surely" or "so be it."  It is way of showing that we mean what we said in our prayers, that is, we are sincere.  (Psalm 41:13) The Bible teaches us that it is also good  to say "amen," either silently or out loud, at he end of a public prayer to show that we agree with what was said. - 1 CHRONICLES 16:36;  1 CORINTHIANS  14:16.

Next time:  The Privilege of Prayer - HOW GOD ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS

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To whom should we pray? Jesus taught his followers to pray to "our Father in Heaven."  (Matthew 6:9)  He also said: "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)  So we should pray only to Jehovah through Jesus.  What does praying through Jesus mean?  For Jehovah to accept our prayers, we need to show respect for the special assignment  Jehovah gave to Jesus.  As we learned, Jesus came to earth to save us from our sin and death. (John 3:16; Romans 5:12) Jehovah has also appointed Jesus as High Priest and Judge. - JOHN 5:22; HEBREWS 6:20.

Do we need to be in a specific position when we pray?   No, Jehovah doesn't ask us to kneel, sit, or stand when we pray.  The Bible teaches us that we can talk to Jehovah in any respectful position.  (1 Chronicles 17:16; Nehemiah 8:6; Daniel 6:10; Mark 11:25)  What is most important to Jehovah is, not our position when we pray, but that we ask him with the right attitude.  We can pray out loud or silently wherever we are and at anytime during the day or night. When we pray to Jehovah, we can trust that he will hear us even when nobody else does. -NEHEMIAH 2:1-6. 

What can we pray for? We can pray for anything that is acceptable to Jehovah. The Bible says:  "No matter what we ask according to his will, he hears us." (1 John 5:14)  Can we pray about personal things?   Yes. Praying to Jehovah should be like talking to a close friend. We can tell Jehovah anything that's on our mind and in our heart. (Psalm 62:8)  We can pray for him to give us his powerful holy spirit to help us do what's right.  (Luke 11:13)  We can also ask Jehovah for wisdom to make good decisions, and we can pray for strength to cope with difficulties.  (James 1:5)  We should ask Jehovah to forgive our sins. (Ephesians 1:3, 7)  We should also pray for others, including our family and our brothers and sisters in the congregation. - ACTS 12:5; COLOSSIANS 4:12.

Next time: The Privilege of Prayer - Conclusions of COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT PRAYER

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The Privilege of Prayer - WHAT MUST WE DO TO BE HEARD BY GOD?

Does Jehovah listen to all prayers?  No, he does no.  In the  time of the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah told the Israelites:  "Although you offer many prayers, I am not listening, your hands are filled with blood."(Isaiah 1:15)  So if we are not careful, we could do things that would distance us from Jehovah, causing him to ignore our prayers.

If we want Jehovah to listen our prayers, we must have faith in him. (Mark 11:24)  The apostle Paul explains:  "Without faith it is impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him."  (Hebrews 11:6)  But it is not enough just to say that we have faith. We need to prove our faith clearly by obeying Jehovah every day.  - Read JAMES 2:26. 

We should be humble and respectful as we pray to Jehovah.  Why?  If were to to speak to a king or a president, we would do in a respectful way. Jehovah is Almighty God, so shouldn't we show  even more respect and humility when we speak to him.  (Genesis 17:1; Psalm 138:6)  We should also be sincere and pray to Jehovah from our heat, not just repeating the same words over and over again. - MATTHEW 6:7, 8. 

Finally, when we pray about something, we must do everything we can to work at what we are praying for. For example, if we pray to Jehovah for daily needs, then we  can't be lazy and expect Jehovah to give us everything even though we able to work for it. We must work hard and accept whatever job we are able to do.  (Matthew 6:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:10)  or if we pray  to Jehovah to help us to stop doing something wrong, we must avoid any situation that could tempt us.  (Colossians 3:5)  Let's now examine some common questions about prayer.

Next time: The Privilege of Prayer - COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT PRAYER

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The Privilege of Prayer

COMPARED to the universe, the earth is very small.  When Jehovah looks at the earth, all the people in the nations seem just a tiny drop of water from a bucket. (Psalm 115:15; Isaiah 40:15)  Even though we are so small when compared to the universe, Psalm 145:18, 19 says:  "Jehovah  is near to all those calling on him, to all who call on him in truth.   He satisfies the desire of those who fear him, he hears their cry for help, and he rescues them."  What  an amazing privilege we have! Jehovah, the almighty Creator, wants to be close to us, and he wants to listen to our prayers.  Yes, prayer is a privilege, a special gift that Jehovah has given to each one of us.

 But Jehovah will listen to us only if we talk to him in the way he approves.  How can we do that? Let's see what the Bible says about prayer.  


Jehovah wants you to pray, or talk to him.  How do we know that?  Please read Philippians 4:6, 7.  Think about that kind invitation. The Ruler of this universe is deeply interested in you and wants you to tell him how you feel about your problems.

Prayer helps us to have a close relationship with Jehovah.  When friends regularly talk to each other about their thoughts, concerns, and feelings, their  relationship grows stronger. It's similar with prayer to Jehovah.  Through the Bible, he has shared his thoughts and feelings with you and he tell you what he will do in the future. You can share your deepest feelings with him by talking to him regularly. As you do this, your friendship will grow much stronger.  - JAMES 4:8.  

Next time: The Privilege of Prayer - WHAT MUST WE DO TO BE HEARD BY GOD?

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Chose to Worship God - YOU AND YOUR FAMILY

What would you do if your family wants to celebrate a holiday?  You don't have to fight with the.  Remember, they have the right to decide what they want to do.  Be kind and respect their choices just as you want them to respect yours.  (Read Matthew 7:12)  But if your family wants you to spend time with them during the holiday, what should you do?  Before you decide what to do, pray to Jehovah for help to make the right decision.  Think about the situation, and do  research about it. Remember,  you always want to please Jehovah. 

What can you do to help your children when they see others celebrating holidays. Well, from time to time, you can organize something special for them. You can also surprise them  with gifts. And one of the best gifts you can give your children is your time and your love.


To please Jehovah, we need to abandon false religion as well as customs and holidays related to i.  But we also need to practice true worship. How?  One way is by regularly attending Christian meetings.  (Read Hebrews 10:24, 25) The meetings are a very important part of true worship.  (Psalm 22:22: 122:1) We can encourage one another when we meet together. -ROMANS 1:12.

Another part of choosing true worship is speaking to others about what you have learned from the Bible.   Many people feel distressed about the wicked things happening on the earth. Maybe you know some who feel that way.  Tell them about your wonderful hope for the future. As you attend Christian meetings and tell others about Bible truth, you discover that you no longer feel the desire to be part of false religion and its customs.  You can be sure that you will be happy and that Jehovah will greatly bless your efforts as you choose to worship him in the right way. - MALACHI 3:10.

Next time: The Privilege of Prayer

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Choose to Worship God - DOES IT REALLY MATTER?

Some know the pagan origins of Christmas and other holidays, but they continue to celebrate them.  They feel that holidays are just as good an opportunity to spend time with their family.  Is that how you feel?  It is not wrong to spend time with your family, Jehovah created the family, and he wants us to have a good relationship with them (Ephesians 3:14, 15)  However, we need to focus on having a good relationship with Jehovah rather than  on pleasing our relatives by celebrating false religious holidays. That is why the apostle Paul said:  "Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord." - EPHESIANS 5:10.

Many people feel that where a holidays comes from doesn't really matter, but Jehovah doesn't feel that way.  He does not approve of holidays that come from false worship or that exalt humans or national symbols.  For example, the Egyptians had many celebrations for their false gods. After the Israelites escaped from Egypt, the copied one of their pagan celebrations and called it "a festival to Jehovah."  But Jehovah punished them for doing that. (Exodus 32:2-10)  As the prophet Isaiah said, we should "touch nothing unclean." -Read ISAIAH 52:11.


When you decide to stop celebrating holidays, you may have many questions.  For example:  What should I do if my workmates ask why  I don't celebrate Christmas with them?  What should I do if someone gives me a Christmas gift?  What should I do if my spouse expects me to celebrate a holiday?  How can I help  my children not to feel say because of not celebrating a holiday or their birthday?

It is important to use common sense when you decide what to say and do in each situation.  For example, if people wish you a happy holiday, you don't need to ignore them. You can simply say, "Thank you."  But in situations where someone would like to know more , you might chose to explain why you don't celebrate a holiday.  However, always be kind, tactful, and respectful.  The Bible says:  "Let your words always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you answer each person.  (Colossians 4:6)  Perhaps you could explain that you do enjoy spending time with others and giving gifts but that you just choose not to do so in connection with these holidays.

What should do if someone gives you a gift?  The Bible does not give a list of rules, but it does say that we should keep a good conscience.  (1 Timothy 1:18, 19)  Maybe the person giving you the gift doesn't know that you don't celebrate a holiday  Or he might say, 'I know you don't celebrate holidays, but I still want to give you this."  In either case, you can decide  if you will accept the gift or not. But whatever decision you make, be sure to keep a good conscience.  We would not want to do anything that would affect our relationship with Jehovah in a bad way.

Next time: Choose to Worship God - YOU AND YOUR FAMILY

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Around the world, Christmas is one of the most popular holidays (non-holidays), and most of the people think that it is a celebration of the birth of Jesus. (It is not.)  But Christmas is actually connected with false worship.  One encyclopedia explains that Roman pagans celebrated the birthday of the sun on December 25. Church leaders wanted more pagans to become Christians, so even though Jesus was not born on December 25, they decided to celebrated Jesus' birthday on that date.  (Luke 2:8-12)    Jesus' disciples did not celebrate Christmas . One reference book explains that in the 200 years after Jesus' birth, "no one knew, and celebrations started several hundred years after Jesus lived on earth.  

Note:  It is a fact that Satan has everyone brainwashed into his way of thinking, which is his way of keeping people away from God, trying to make a liar out of him. 

Many people know about the pagan origins of Christmas and its traditions, such as partying and gift-giving, which if you think about it hard enough, they should realize that you can party any time and you can gifts any day of the week or whenever you feel like giving, which is the way it should be when giving to someone you love or care about. People should not have to feel they need to wait for certain days to give gifts.  This is why I say  Satan has most people brainwashed, along the businesses and governments.  For example,  In England and parts of America, there was a time  when celebrating Christmas was forbidden because of its pagan origins. Anyone who celebrated it was punished. But eventually people began to celebrate Christmas again.  Why do true Christians no celebrate Christmas? For one, they want to please God in everything they do and for the other, Jesus was born on a warm day when they kept the sheep etc., outdoors; in the winter, they kept the sheep and cattle indoors.   


Another popular celebration for many people is their birthday.  Should Christians celebrate birthdays?  The only birthday celebrations mentioned in the Bible were held by those who did not worship Jehovah.   (Genesis 40:20; Mark 6:211)  Birthday celebrations were used to honor false gods.  That is why the early Christians  "considered the celebration of anyone's birthday to be a pagan custom. -The World Book Encyclopedia.

Note: Remember, we were born from and into sin and are not to suppose to celebrate a day that was not of Christianity.  

The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that a spirit was present at each person's birth and that this spirit would protect the person during his life.  "This spirit had a  mystic relation with the god on whose  birthday the individual was born," explains the book The Lord  of Birthdays.

Do you think that Jehovah approves of celebrations that connected with false religion?  (Isaiah 65:11, 12)  No, he does not.  That is why we do not celebrate birthdays or any holiday connected with false religion.

Next time: Choose to Worship God - DOES IT REALLY MATTER?

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Choose To Worship God

THROUGH your study of the Bible, you have learned that many people who claim to worship God actually  teach or practice things that God hates.   (2 Corinthians 6:17)   That is why Jehovah command us to get out of false religion,  "Babylon the Great."  (Revelation 18:2, 4)  What will you do?  Each of us has a choice to make, and we must ask ourselves, 'Do I want to worship God in the way that he wants me to, or do I want to worship the way I always have?'

If you have already left or resigned from a false religion, that is good.  But  deep inside there may be some practices and customs  of false religion that you still enjoy.  Let us discuss some of those practices and customs and see why  it is so important that we view them the way Jehovah views them.


Some people have used images or shrines in their home to worship God for many years.  If that is true of you, it may feel strange or even wrong to worship God without them. But remember, Jehovah teaches us how to worship him.  And the Bible clearly tells us that Jehovah does not want us to use images in our worship. - Read EXODUS 20:4, 5; PSALM 115:4-8; ISAIAH 42:8; 1 JOHN 5:21. 

Some people may spend a lot of time and energy trying to please their dead ancestors.  They may even  worship them.  But we have learned that those who have died cannot help us or hurt us.  The are not living somewhere else.  Actually, it is dangerous to try to communicate with them because any message that appears to come from a dead relative would in fact be from demons.  That is why Jehovah commanded the Israelites  not to try to talk to the dead or get involved in any other sort of demonism. - DEUTERONOMY 18:10-12; 

What can help you to stop using images to worship God or to stop worshipping your ancestors?  You need to read the Bible and think carefully about how Jehovah views those things. He views them as "detestable," or disgusting.  (Deuteronomy  27:15)  Pray to Jehovah every day for help to view things as he does and for help to worship him in that way that he wants.  (Isaiah 55:9) You can be sure that Jehovah will give you the strength you need to remove from your life anything related to false worship.


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The Right Way to Worship God - Conclusion of WHAT WILL YOU DO?

God has foretold that soon all false religion will be destroyed.  (Revelation 18:8)  Do you understand why leaving false religion is so urgent? Jehovah God wants you to do that before its too late. - REVELATION 18:4.

Note: False religion is not made really clear here. What  false religion is: the churches, which are the majority of them that teach  traditions, like celebrating holidays and birthdays, which is not in the Bible, neither Jehovah or Jesus celebrated their birthdays;  traditions are not a Christian holiday, nor are birthdays,  teaching that God is a Trinity also is not a religion, having a picture of Mary or Jehovah or Jesus is not a religion. The rosary is not correct, nor is wearing a cross, not a statue. Those are just a few things. The best thing you can do is to read the King James version, that is where the Jehovah's Witnesses take their information and put it into words that people can understand. If you  are just starting out and you are really sincere about learning the real truth/what the Bible really teaches, you need to sincerely pray to Jehovah to ask him to give you the wisdom and the discernment to understand what you had your apostle write in the Bible;  you really need to read it. It is the best and most knowledgeable book you can read.  Don't let others tell you what it says, you read it. Okay? 

When you decide to leave false religion and serve Jehovah, some of your friends or family may not understand your decision and may even make life hard for you.  But Jehovah will not abandon you. You will become part of a worldwide family of millions of people who truly love one another, and you will have the hope of living forever in God's new world.   (Mark 10:28-30)  Perhaps some of the friends and family who oppose your decision to serve Jehovah will later decide to study the Bible. 

Very soon, God will destroy all wickedness and his Kingdom will rule over the earthy.  (2 Peter 3:9, 13)  That will be a wonderful time!  Everyone will worship Jehovah the way  Jehovah wants us to.  So It's important that for you to take action now and worship God in the right way.

Next time: Choose to Worship God

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The Right Way to Worship God - WHAT WILL YOU DO?

It's not enough just to believe God exists. Even the demons believe God exists, but they don't obey him.  (James 2:19) If we want God to accept our worship, we must not only believe he exists but also do what he says. 

 For God to accept our worship , we must reject false religion. The prophet Isaiah wrote:  "Get out from the midst of her, keep yourselves clean." (Isaiah 52:11;  2 Corinthians 6:17)  That is why need to reject anything that has to do with false worship.

What is false religion?  It is any religion that teaches us to worship God in a way that is against his Word. The Bible calls false religion "Babylon the Great." (Revelation 17:5)  Why? After the Flood of Noah's day, many false religious teachings spread all over the earth.  For example, the people living in Babylon worshipped groups of three gods. Today, too, many religions teach that God is a Trinity, but the Bible clearly teaches that there is only one true God, Jehovah, and that Jesus is his Son.  (John 17:3)  People living in Babylon also believed that part of a person continues living after the body dies and that that part can suffer in hell.  That is not true.  

Next time: The Right Way to Worship God - Conclusion of  WHAT WILL YOU DO? 

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The Right Way to Worship God - Conclusion of THE RIGHT WAY TO WORSHIP GOD

We should not get involved in politics.  Jesus did not participate in politics.  When he was on trial, he told the Roman soldier Pilate:  "My Kingdom is no part of this world." (Read 18:36) Like Jesus, we are loyal to God's Kingdom and for this reason, no matter where we live, we do not get involved in politics.  However, the Bible commands us to obey "the superior authorities," that is, the governments.  (Romans 13:1)  We obey the laws of the country where we live. Of course, when a law conflicts with God's Laws, we imitate the apostles, who said:  "We must obey God as ruler rather than men." - ACTS 5:29; MARK 12:17. 

We believe that God's Kingdom is the only solution for the world's problems.   "Jesus said that the good news of the Kingdom" would be preached all over the world.  (Read Matthew 24:14)  No human government can do what God's Kingdom will do for us.  (Psalm 146:3.)  Jesus taught us to  pray for God's Kingdom when he said: "Let your Kingdom come and let your will done on earth as it is in heaven."  (Matthew 6:10)  The Bible tells us that God's Kingdom will destroy all human governments and that "it alone will stand forever." -Daniel 2:44.

After studying these points, ask yourself: 'Who base their teachings on the Bible? Who tell others about God's name? Who show genuine love toward one another and believe that God sent Jesus to save us? Who do not get involved with politics?  Who preach that only God's Kingdom can solve our problems?  It is only Jehovah's Witnesses. -ISAIAH 43:10-12.

Next time: The Right Way to Worship God - WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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The Right Way to Worship God - Continue with THE RIGHT WAY TO WORSHIP GOD

We need to have genuine love for people.  Jesus taught his disciples to love one another.  (Read John 13:35)  It doesn't matter where we're from, what our culture is, or whether we are rich or poor. Our love for one another should unite us as brothers and sisters.  (Colossians 3:14)  So we do not go to war and kill people.  The Bible says:  "The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact.  Whoever does not practice righteousness does not originate with God, nor does the one who does not love his brother."  And it adds:  "We should love one another; not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother." - 1 JOHN 3:10-12; 4:20, 21. 

We use our time, energy, and material things to help and encourage one another. (Hebrew 10:24, 25) We "work what is good toward all." - GALATIANS 6:10.

We need to obey Jesus because he is the way of God.  The Bible says:  "There is no salvation in anyone else, for there is no other name under heaven that has given among men by which we must get saved." (Acts 4:12)  In Chapter 5 of this book, we learned that Jehovah sent Jesus to give his life as a ransom for obedient humans. (Matthew 20:28)  Jehovah has chosen Jesus to rule over as King to rule over the earth.  That is why the Bible tells us that we must obey Jesus if we want to live forever.  - Read JOHN 3:36.

Next time: The Right Way to Obey God - Conclusion of THE RIGHT WAY TO  WORSHIP GOD

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The Right Way to Worship God - THE RIGHT WAY TO WORSHIP GOD

Jesus said that we can identify those worship God in the right way.  We do this by examining what they believe and what they do.  He said:  "By their fruits  you will recognize them."  And he added: "Every good tree produces fine fruit." (Matthew 7:16, 17)  This doesn't mean that those who worship God are perfect. But God's servants always try to do what is right.  We will not see what will help us to identify those who worship God the right way.

Our worship  should be based on the Bible.  The Bible says: "All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16, 17)  The apostle Paul wrote  to Christians:  " When you receive God's Word, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God."  (2 Thessalonians 2:13)   True worship is based only on God's Word, the Bible.  It is not based on human ideas, traditions, or anything else. 

Everything Jesus taught was based on God's Word.  (Read John 17:17) He often quoted the Scriptures.  (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10)   True servants of Jehovah follow Jesus' example and base on everything they teach on the Bible. 

We should only worship Jehovah.  PSALM 83:18 says:  "You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth."  Jesus wanted people to know exactly who the true God is, and he taught people God's name. (Read John 17:6)   Jesus said: "It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service." (Matthew 4:10)   So, as to God's servants, we follow Jesus' example.  We worship only Jehovah, we use his name, and we teach others God's name and what he will do for us.

Next time: The Right Way to Worship God - Continue with THE RIGHT WAY TO WORSHIP GOD

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The Right Way to Worship God

MOST religions claim that they teach the truth about God.  But that is not possible, because religions teach very different things about who God is and how we should worship him.  How can we know the right way to worship God?  Jehovah is the only one who can tell us how we should worship him.

Jehovah has given us the Bible so that we can learn the right way to worship him.  So study the Bible and Jehovah will help you to benefit from his teachings, because he deeply cares for you. - ISAIAH 48:17. 

Some people say that God accepts all religions, but that's not what Jesus taught us. He said:  "Not everyone saying to mew, 'Lord, Lord,' enter into the Kingdom of the heavens.  but only the one doing the will of my Father."  So it is necessary for us to learn what the will of God is and then do it.  This is a serious matter because Jesus compared people who do not obey God to criminals,"workers of lawlessness." -MATTHEW 7:21-23. 

Jesus warned us  that when we do the will of God, we will face challenges.  He said: "Go into through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it."  (Matthew 7:13, 14)  The cramped road, or the right way to worship God, leads to everlasting life. The spacious road, or the wrong way  to worship God. leads to death.  But Jehovah does not want anyone to die.  He gives everyone the opportunity to learn about him. - 2 PETER 3:9.

Next time: The Right Way to Worship God - THE RIGHT WAY TO WORSHIP GOD

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Jesus always obeyed his Father, even when it wasn't easy.  (Luke 22:42; John 8:28, 29)  Jehovah also expects children to obey their parents. - EPHESIANS 6:1-3.

Children, even if you feel that it is hard to obey your parents, remember that when you are obedient, Jehovah and your parents please with you. - PROVERBS 1:8; 6:20; 23:22-25. 

The Devil can use your friends and other young people to tempt you to do what is wrong. He knows that this pressure can be very hard to resist.  For example, Jacob's daughter Dinah had friends who didn't love Jehovah.  This caused a lot of trouble for her and her family.  (Genesis 34:1, 2)  If your friends do not love Jehovah, they may tempt you to do something that Jehovah hates, which would cause a lot of pain for you, to your family, and to God.  (Proverbs 17:21, 25)  That is why it is very important that you find friends who love Jehovah. - 1 CORINTHIANS 15:33.

Next time: The Right Way To Worship God

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Parents spend as much time possible with your children. Your children need you, and more than anything else, they need to you to teach them about Jehovah. - DEUTERONOMY 6:4-9.

Satan's world is becoming more and more wicked, and there ware some people who may want to harm our children, even sexually abuse them.  Some parents find it difficult to talk about this subject.  But parents need to warn their children about such people  and teach them how to avoid them.  Parents, you must protect your children." - 1 PETER 5:8. 

Parents have the responsibility to teach their children how to behave.How can you teach your children?  Your children need training, but correction should never be cruel or harsh.  (Jeremiah 30:11)  So never discipline your children when you are angry.  You do not want to tech your words to be like "the stabs of a sword" and hurt them.  (Proverbs 12:18)  Teach your children to understand why they need to be obedient. -  EPHESIANS 6:4; HEBREWS 12:9-11.

  Next time: Your Family Can Be Happy - WHAT GOD EXPECTS FROM CHILDREN

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