
Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - REPENT AND TURN AROUND

There is something else that you must do before you can get baptized.  The apostle Peter said: "Repent, therefore and turn around so as to get yours sins blotted out."  (Acts 3:19)   What does it mean to repent? It means to feel very sorry for any wrong that we have done.  For example, if you lived a sexually immoral life, then you would need to repent. And even if all your life you have tried your best to do what is right, you still need to repent, because we all sin and need to ask God for his forgiveness. - ROMANS 3:23; 5:12.

Is it enough just to feel sorry for what you have done? No. Peter said that you also need to "turn around."  This means that you need to reject any former wrong conduct that you start doing  what is right. To illustrate this, imagine that you are going in the wrong direction. What should you do?  No doubt you would slow down, stop, turn around, and then go in the right direction.  Similarly, as you study the Bible, you might discover that there are some habits or things in your life that you need to change. Be willing to "turn around" -that is, to make the necessary changes- and begin to do what is right.

Next time: Should I Dedicate My Life to God and Be Baptized? - MAKE A PERSONAL DECISION

From the jw.org publications

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