

Does this mean that Christians should also refuse blood transfusions?  Yes, it does.  Jehovah commanded us not to eat or drink blood.  If a doctor told you not drink alcohol, would you  inject it into your body?  Of course not!  In the same way, the command not to eat or drink blood means that we would not accept a blood transfusion. 

What is the doctor tells us that we will die if we do not have blood transfusion?  Each person must decide whether to obey God's law on blood.  Christians deeply respect God's gift of life, and we will look for alternative treatments to keep living, but we will not accept blood a transfusion.

We try hard to keep healthy, but because life is precious to God, we will not accept a blood transfusion. It is more important to obey Jehovah than to try to extend our life by disobeying him.  Jesus said:  "Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 16:25) We want to obey Jehovah because we love him.  He knows what is best for us, and we view life as precious and holy, as Jehovah does. -HEBREWS 11:6.

God's faithful servants are determined to obey his law about blood,  We will not eat or drink blood, and they will not accept blood for medical reasons.  However, they will accept other treatment in order to save their life.  They are convinced that the Creator of life and blood knows what is best for them.  Do you believe that he knows what is best for you?  

Note: The problem here with a lot/most people, (even me at one time) think that the Bible is a made up for religious people. But these people, places and events actually took place in this world thousands of years ago.  After I started reading the Bible-King James Version all the way through several times, I realized. Hey! This time, events and people actually exist.  Most of the religious leaders of our time, do not really teach all the Bible. They skip around to what they want the sermon to be. I have been to several churches in past and always came outside, feeling that I was missing something. Since I started reading the King James Version first, then the Jehovah's Witness Bible -New World Translations of the Holy Scriptures, I knew I was missing a lot that the other churches and religious leaders did not teach or even mention.  They had left the most important information  out.  I was stunned, but not too surprise after awhile.  The Bible is the most important book anyone could read. To learn so much and be knowledgeable of Jehovah God and Jesus, who were two different people.  Blood is our life/soul.  Jehovah does not want the blood mingled with someone who is not a  believer as well.   


From the jw.org publications

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