
What is the Scarlet-Colored Beast of Revelation Chapter 17? - Bible Prophecy Fulfilled

Consider how the United Nations and its predecessor, the League of Nations, have fulfilled the Bible's prophecy of the scarlet-colored beast.

1. A political entity.  The United Nations supports "the political system by  upholding :the sovereign equality of all its Members." 

2. A likeness of the worldwide political system.  In 2011, the United Nations added its 193rd member state. Thus, it claims to represent the vast majority of nations and peoples in the world.

3.  Power from other rulerships.  The United Nations owes is existence to its member nations and has only as much power and authority  as they grant to it.

4. Linked with religion.  Both the League of Nations and the United Nations have consistently received the backing of the world's religions.

5. Dishonors God.  The United Nations was established "to maintain international peace and security.  While this goal might seem to praiseworthy, the UN actually dishonors God by claiming to do what he has said only his Kingdom will accomplish. - PSALM 46:9; DANIEL 2:44.

6. Temporarily inactive.  The League of Nations, which was formed shortly after World War I to maintain peace, was unable to prevent international aggression. It ceased to function when World War II began in 1939.  In 1945, after World War II ended, the United Nations was formed. Its purposes, methods, and structure closely resemble those of the League of Nations. 

Next time: Should You Believe it?/ The Trinity (Read the King James Bible if You Don't) 

From the jw.org publications

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