
Maintain Your Neiutrality in a Divided World

 "Pay back . . . God's things to God." - MATTHEW 22:21.

THE BIBLE teaches  us to obey human governments, but it also tell us that we must always obey God.  (Acts 5:29; Titus 3:1)  How is this possible? Jesus explained a principle that helps us to known whom we should obey.  He said thaty we should pay back Caesar's things to Caesar,  but God's things to God."  (Matthew 22:21)  We pay back Caesar's things to Caesar when we obey the laws of the government, treat government officials with respect, and pay taxes.  (Romans 13:7)  Yet if the government tells us to do something that God does not want us to do, we refuse to do so, but always in a respectful way. 

One way we pay back "God's things to God"  is by not taking sides in the political issues of this world.  We are neutral in  these matters.  (Isaiah 2:4)  Since Jehovah allows human governments to rule, we do no oppose them. We also don't get involved in any patriotic or nationalistic activity.  (Romans 13:1, 2)  We do not try to change the government or try to influence politician, and we do not vote  in political elections or become  politicians. 

Note:  We don't salute the flag or sing the national anthem, because Jehovah views that as idolatry. We don't believe in abortion, because they minute that child is conceived it is life and  that is how Jehovah God views it and opposes abortion as well.   We don't use rosearies or have pictures of the virgin Mary  or crosses or wear them. That, Jehovah also views as idolatry. 

There are many reasons why God tells us to be neutral. One reason is that we imitate Jesus, who was "no part of this world." He never took sides in politics or in wars.  (John 6:15; 17:16) Another reason is that we support God's Kingdom.  Because we do nor support human governments, we have a clearn conscience when we preach that God's Kingdom will solve all mankind's problems.  False religions  take sides in politics, and this divides people.  But because we are neutral, we are united with our brothers and sisters around the world. -1 PETER 2:17. 

We may live in a place where people do not expect us to take sides in politics.  But the closer we get to the end of Satan's  system, the more difficult it will be for us to remain neutral.  People today are already "not open to any agreement" and "headstrong," and they will  become even more divided.  (2 Timothy 3:3, 4) Some of our brothers have already beene affected by sudden political changes in their country.  That is why we need to prepare ourselves now to stay neutral even in a difficult situation.  Let us consider four things we can do to prepare.

Next time:  Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World - THINK OF HUMAN GOVERNMENTS THE WAY JEHOVAH DOES

From the jw.org publications

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