
Abhorring the "Deep Things of Satan" - "That Woman Jezebel" -Conclusion

 However, where there has been gross immorality, and especially where this becomes a practice, unrepentant sinners must be disfellowshipped.  We recall Jehu's  zeal in getting rid of all traces of Jezebel's influence in Israel.  Likewise, the John class today take firm action, setting an example for their "Jehonadab" companions and showing themselves to be far different from Christendom's permissive manners. - 2 KINGS 9:22, 30-37; 10:12-17.

As Jehovah's Messenger and Judge, the Son of God acts rightly in identifying the modern Jezebel and throwing her into sickbed. for her spiritual sickness is indeed a chronic one.  Malachi 3:1, 5)  Those who have succumbed to this wrongful influence will also suffer great tribulation-the sorrow of being disfellowshipped, cut off from the Christian congregation as though dead.  Unless these repent, turn around, and are accepted back into the congregation, they also face physical death by "deadly plague"-at the latest, in the great tribulation. Meanwhile, restoration is possible if they fully repent of their wrong deeds. - MATTHEW 24:21, 22; 2 CORINTHIANAS 7:10. 

"All the congregations" must come to know that Jesus searches  "the kidneys," the deepest emotions, and "the heart," the innermost person, including the underlying motives to this end, he uses trust stars, or elders, in handling certain problem, such as any Jezebel influence that appears. (Revelation 1:20)  After these elders have fully examined a matter of this kind and judgment has been rendered, it is not for individuals to probe into the whys and wherefores of the action taken.  All should humbly accept the elder's disposable of matters and continue to be supportive of these congregation stars.  Loyalty to Jehovah and his organizational arrangements will be rewarded.  (Psalm 37:27-29; Hebrews 13:7, 15)  For your own part, may your share be a blessing when Jesus gives to each one individually according to his deeds. - GALATIANS 5:19-24; 6:7-9.

Next time: Abhorring the "Deep Things of Satan" - "Hold Fast What You Have"

From the jw. org publications


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