
Unlocking the Sacred Secret-Conclusion of The Great Apostasy

Jesus had warned the Sardis congregation against being spiritually dead. (Revelation 3:1)  Like those in Sardis, professed Christians quickly forgot about Christian works and soon delegated the  highly important work of preaching to a small, paid clergy class.  Jesus had warned the congregation in  Thyatira against idolatry and fornication.  (Revelation 2:20)  Yet, Christendom openly sanctioned the use of images, as well as the promoting of the more subtle idolatry and materialism.  And immorality, sometimes preached against, has always  been tolerated.

Hence, Jesus' words to the seven congregations expose the total failure of all the Christendom's religions  to be Jehovah's special people. Indeed, the clergy of Christendom have been the most prominent members  of Satan's seed.  Speaking of these as  'the lawless,' the apostle  Paul foretold that their "presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents and with every unrighteous deception." -2 THESSALONIANS 2:9, 10.

While claiming to be shepherds of the flock of God, Christendom's leaders, religious  and secular, showed special hatred for anyone who tried to encourage Bible reading  or anyone who exposed their unscriptural practices.  John Hus and Bible translator William Tyndale were persecuted and martyred.  During the bedarkened Middle Ages, apostate rule reached a peak in a diabolical  Catholic inquisition.  Any who disputed the teaching or authority of the church were unmercifully suppressed, and countless thousands of so-called heretics were tortured to death or burned at the stake.  Thus Satan endeavored to ensure that any true seed of God's womanlike organization  would be quickly crushed.  When the Protestant rebellion, or Reformation, occurred ( from 1517 onward). many Protestant churches manifested a similar intolerant spirit. They too became blood-guilty  by martyring those who endeavored to be loyal to God and Christ.  Truly, "the blood of holy ones" was  freely poured out! - REVELATION16:6;  Compare MATTHEW 23:33-36.

Next time:  Unlocking the Sacred Secret - The Seed Endures

From the jw.org publications 

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