

 Near the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus foretold cetain world events that would help his followers knoe that he had begun ruling in heaven. Among othrt things, he mentioned wars, famines, and earthquakes. He also foretold that there would be pestilences, or diseases, "in one place or another"-of which the recent COVID-19 pandemic is an example. These events are part of what the Bible calls "the sign" of Christ's presence. ( Matthew24:3, 7; Luke 21:7, 10, 11) Morethan 60 years after his death and return  to heaven, Jesus gave the apostle John  further information that these events would occur. (Read Revelation 6:2-8.) All these events have occurred  since JesusPower in 1914.

Why did world conditions take a tun for thev worse when Jeus became King? Revelation 6:2 gives an important detail-Jesus' first mission as Newly crowne King was to wage  war. Against whom? Against te Devil and his demons. According to Revelation  chapter 12, Satan lost the battle, and he and the demons  were hurled down to the earth. Enraged, Satan began to vent his anger on humankind, resulting in "woe for th earth." - REVELATION 12-7-12.

How can these prophecies benefit us? World events and the noticeable change in people's attitude would help us discern that Jesus has become King. So rather than become upset when we see people act selfishly and hatefully, we remember that  their actions are fulfulling Bible prophecy. The Kingdom is in place! (Psalm37:1)   and we can expect world distress to increase as Armageddon draws ever nearer (Mark 13:8; 2 Timothy 3:13) Are you not thankful to our loving heavenly Father for helping us make sense of our turbulent times.

Next time: The Kingdom Is in Place! - HOW ENEMIES GOD'S KINGDOM WILL COME TO THEIR END -

From the jw.org publications

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