
REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/ Chapter Forty One - Who Are Raised and Judged? - Conclusion

 Who, though, are "the unrighteous"  mentioned at Acts 24:15? These would include the great masses of mankind who have died throughout history, particulary those who lived in 'times of ignorance.'  (Acts 17:30) These, because of where they were born or when they lived, had no opportunity  to learn obedience to Jehovah's will. Additionally, there may be some who did hear the message of salvation but who did not reply at that time or who did not respond fully at that time or who had died  before they had progressed to dedication and baptism. in the resurrection such ones will have to make further adjustments in their thinking and life course if they are to benefit from this opportunity for gaining everlasting life.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Forty  One - The Scroll of Life

From the jw.org publications

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