

Jehovah's Witnesses

If you people who profess to be Christians were real Christians, you would be reading and going by what the Bible itself says and not what that pathetic excuse for a preacher, priest etc.. tells you it says. They don't read it all to you, they just pick out certain verses that make them comfortable to do a sermon on and you ignorant idiots just sit there and listen. Can't you do anything for yourselves instead of depending on someone else to do it for you? What we were taught by our parents and what their parents went by etc.., was all a bunch of garbage that some false prophet had taught them, because they did not have the good sense to read the Bible themselves either. The Jehovah's Witnesses can't even call themselves true Christians because in the Bible, it says: Let the women keep silent in the congregations, for it is not permitted for them to speak, but let them be in subjection, even as the law says. If, then, they want to learn something let them question their own husbands at home, for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in a congregation. (I Corinthians 14:34, 35) The women there speak out in the congregation when they have the Watchtower question and answer series every Sunday. I have also seen people go out and smoke, God does not want us to smoke, because it is bad for our health. Except for the things that are bad for us, it is alright to have a drink of wine as long as it is not overdone, like many people tend to do. It is okay to eat, as long as it is not overdone. Even in the Bible, it says not to overdue, because anything overdone is bad for our bodies and our health. The Jehovah's Witnesses whole congregation is overworked with all the door knocking and Watchtower book outings. The elders there assign who goes where and how many does Bible studies etc.. They are stressed to the hilt. I could always tell. And when they get so busy that they can't even clean their own house, etc.., that is pretty bad as well. I think people should know their limits as to how much they can do and how much time they need to do God's work. God loves it that they do go out and preach etc., but he wants you to take time at home too, to take care of the things there and your children, husband etc.. He doesn't want you to work yourself to death. You should do whatever your schedule allows and not what your elder thinks that you should do. That is why I am not a Jehovah's Witness. I felt pressured to do things when I wasn't ready yet. I did not appreciate that. I only go by what I read in the Bible. No! there is no such thing as interpretation; that is what I use to think until I started actually reading it for myself. I have read the Bible many times over and over again and each time, I learn and understand more and more. I love reading the Bible, it is is the best book I have ever picked up and I always feel comforted when I am down, after reading it. I did not want to accept the truth either at first until I read it over and over and saw that what the preachers at these churches, temples etc.., taught was not the truth at all. I was horrified to see just how many false prophets we have all over the United States, and I have been to several different religions, Baptist, Catholic, Mormon, Protestant, and more and everyone was not teaching or going by what is in the BIble. And if you people don't hurry up and take your heads out of the sand and open your eyes to see that you all are being hoodwinked by your so called preachers. It is Satan that is making these preachers preach what he wants them to preach and not what is the gospel truth. The whole Bible refers to all of us. Do you really want to take a chance with your soul by continuing to listen to these false prophets? God is going to be judging us, not man, so remember that, when you do things that displease God. I am sure you know this verse (Matthew 7:13, 14) Go in the narrow gate, because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it, whereas narrow is the the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it. The point I am getting to is that it is what God wants us to do that counts, not what we or man wants us to do. We are to please him first, before we please our own, or man's selfish needs! We are suppose to honor God, not man, not the flag, not an image of any kind, not a song that pays homeage to countries, not to people, dead or alive, famous or not, no one, but God!


Jehovah's Witnesses

I can tell you something about Jehovah's Witnesses. First of all, they are the only ones that I have seen that go almost exactly by the Bible, which is closer to being a christian than all the churches anywhere in the United States, and since I have never been outside the United States, I cannot speak otherwise.

God does not care what people wear to church or meetings etc..,as long as you go to worship him and not your clothes, your car, your preacher, or an image of Mary or Jesus. Because in the Bible, it says that you should not make or have any images of Jesus or Mary or anyone in which to bow down and worship or worship period. No Images at all. And if anyone had ever read a Bible at all, they would know this already. Back to the subject at hand. Jehovah's Witnesses do care (at least one woman I knew did) what women wear. This one particular lady made me wear a dress to the meetings, but before going, I was told that I had to wear a dress. Well, not every woman has a dress much less a real nice one, so I had to go buy a dress at the salvation army store, because I could not afford to buy one, plus, I had to buy a pair of panty hose. I wanted to change my life spiritually for the better, so I started Bible study and get closer to God. I had already been reading the Bible some. The lady who came to give me Bible study was a nice lady, I just did not like the fact that she was making me buy a dress. Anyway, I did Bible study for a little over three years and she lost her car due to a misunderstanding when her husband filed bankruptcy after their divorce. She started being late a lot and sometimes she would not bother to call to say she would be late. I got fired from a job that treated me really bad, and I had a lot of rage inside me, so I quit Bible study because I could not stand to be around anyone except my best friend and roommate. I could not even stand myself, so I would pray every night and every day for God to help me with the rage and anger that I felt inside, because I knew that it was not healthy for me, and I knew that God would not like me to stay that way, plus I wanted a better chance at the paradise earth after the resurrection. I finally started feeling better about people, I was improving anyway, so I started back on my Bible Study. Well, I shoudl have known better than to think that I could depend on her again. I called the same lady as before, because she was familiar and I did not want to start over with someone new. She started getting worse than before. She started being late more, if she showed up at all, and she would rarely ever call to let me know either way. I used to ride the bus to work and always got there early and if I was going to be late, I would call ahead. She depended on others and did not have the decency to ask them to stop to use a phone. She had given up on me and did not have enough respect for me to call or anthing. I felt, hey this is suppose to be one of God's servants. What kind of person is she, that a person who is trying to get close to God, cannot depend on her to teach her God's word. If I can't depend on her to show up, except when she wants to, then I will just do my own Bible study by myself. I had already read the Bible a couple of times, so I knew that I could do this myself, so I quit Bible study again and have not gone back, nor will I, because I feel that these people are a lost cause and I can only depend on myself. At least I know I will be there. Another thing: before I quit Bible study the first time; I was having some fianancial problems the first year I moved into this apartment, because I had lost my job. The Jehovah's Witnesses did not offer to help me with anything. And I had read and heard that they are suppose to be so nice and help people in a crisis. Wrong! I got no help from anyone, not even anyone here in Las Vegas and I called everyone that was known to give help. This city is pathetic too. I finally got on my feet a little and then I asked my best friend to move in with me. Also, I have heard that some of the Jehovah's Witnesses who go to the bus stops and give out Watchtowers, sometimes either shove them in people's faces or try to sell them. And now, there are some that are being accused of child molestation. Now what is the world coming too, if you cannot depend on God's people to act decently and Godly? It is a heathenistic thing to do, but there are plenty of heathens around here. Even though they follow the Bible closer than any other religion, it still does not give them the right to think that they are above God and the law and can get away with whatever they feel like any time they feel like. This is not the Christian thing to do. And that they are total hippocrites like the rest of the religions that pretend to be Christians. Just because you go to church, that does not make you a Christian. You wouldn't know what a christian was, if it bit you on your butt.

Continued until next time.


Respect For Life And Blood
For true happiness, we need to view human life as sacred, even as Jehovah does. His word forbids us to commit murder. (Matthew 19:16-18) In fact, God's Law to Israel shows that he views the unborn child as a precious life - not something to be destroyed. (Exodus 12:22, 23) For that matter, we must not treat life as something cheap by using tobacco, abusing our body with drugs or alcohol, or taking needless risks. Neither should we engage in any life-threatening pursuits nor should we ignore safety precautions, which might result in bloodguilt.- Deuteronomy 22:8.

Jehovah told Noah and his family that blood represents the soul, or life. Therefore, God forbade them to eat any blood. (Genesis 9:3, 4) Since we are their descendants, that law is binding upon all of us. Jehovah told the Israelites that blood was to be poured out on the ground and was not to be used for man's own purposes. (Deuteronomy 12:15, 16) And God's law on blood was reiterated when first-century Christians were instructed: "Keep abstaining.....from blood." (Acts 15:28, 29) Out of respect for the sanctity of life, godly people do not accept blood transfusions. Christians know that only Jesus' shed blood is truly lifesaving. Faith in it brings forgiveness and the prospect of eternal life.- Ephesians 1:7.

Clearly, living a godly life requires effort. It may result in ridicule from family members or aquaintances. (Matthew 10:32-39; I Peter 4:4) But the rewards of living such a life far outweigh any trials. It results in a clean conscience and provides wholesome companionship with fellow worshipers of Jehovah. (Matthew 19:27, 29) Then,too, imagine living forever in God's righteous new world. (Isaiah 65:17, 18) And what joy there is in complying with Bible counsel and thus making Jehovah's heart rejoice! (Proverbs 27:11) No wonder that living a godly life brings happiness!- Psalm 128:1, 2.


Employment And Entertainment

True Christians are under obligation to work hard and provide for their needs. Accomplishing this brings family heads a feeling of satisfaction. (I Thessalonians 4:11, 12) Of course, if a Christian's employment conflicted with the Bible, this would rob him of happiness. Yet, it is sometimes difficult for a Christian to find employment that is in harmony with Bible standards. For instance, some employees are required to deceive customers. On the other hand, many employers will make concessions to accomodate the conscience of an honest worker, not wanting to lose a trustworthy employee. Whatever develops, however, you can be sure that God will bless your efforts to find employment that leaves you with a clean conscience. - Corinthians 4:2.

Since God wants his servants to be happy, we need to balance hard work with refreshing periods of recreation and rest. (Mark 6:31; Ecclesiastes 3:12, 13) Satan's world promotes ungodly entertainment. But to please God, we must be selective about books we read, radio programs and music we listen to, and concerts, films, plays, television programs and videos we watch. If the entertainment we chose in the past conflicts with the warnings in such scriptures as Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Psalm 11:5; and Ephesians 5:3-5, we will please Jehovah and will be happier if we make adjustments.

Next time: Respect For Life And Blood



1. Got a hole in your wall and nothing to patch it? Well, here is a little tip, especially for the ladies who are not real knowledgable in the ways of patching walls. As long as it is not too big, here is what to do: Take some alum in a small mixing bowl, and put a tablespoon, depending on how big the hole in the wall is, and mix enough water to make a paste, just thick enough to smooth over a hole in the wall. But first take some cotton or wad up some paper and stuff in the hole in the wall to where it fills it enough to smooth over the alum, take a spatula or a knife and smooth some paste over the hole in the wall and let it dry. You have just patched a hole. I have done this and it works. Of course it is only temporary, because the paste will eventually wear out, but so far it has lasted me for almost over a year. And you don't want to slam a door on it either.

2. Do you have a mouse in the house? I know this sounds real crazy,but it actually worked for me. Get some diet candy and put it in a trap or traps every night for several days or until the mouse is dead. I used the ayds reducing candy for the trap. (Hey, it wasn't working for me anyway, and I did not want to waste it) One day, after I had put the candy in the trap for several nights, I heard this click or the slam of the trap and I went and looked and the mouse was laying, yes, I said laying over the trap dead. He had eaten so much of the candy that when he had gone back for more, he had lost so much weight and was so weak that he just fell over the trap dead. It will work, it just takes a little time and patience on your part. I am not a real patient person, where a mouse is concerned, but I waited, because I wanted to get rid of the mouse. And I believe it is a more human way of killing a mouse.

3. Want to save money? This is for disposable razors people, so do not try this with the electric. After shaving your beard or legs, rinse off your razor with hot water and put in a container with a little olive oil or mineral oil and let it sit until you use the razor again and rinse it with hot water before shaving to get the oil off, it will work like a new shaver, then put the shaver back into the oil and keep doing this until it won't cut anymore.

4. Have water build up? Here is a temporary fix for when you don't have anything else to take it off. Get two paper towels and fold them over lengthwise to where it will fit around the faucet and heat up some white vinegar and pour over the paper towel to where it is soaked and let it sit for around 15 to 30 minutes. If it isn't a faucet just pour some on a paper towel and let it sit on whatever it is that has the build up on it or in it. It worked for me, but it will only work on minor build up. It will clear up a shower spray too, as long as it isn't too calcified with water build up.

5. Fantastic all purpose cleaner will clean white linoleum floors. At least it did mine. I just sprayed it on and wiped it off with a wet rag. I imagine if you don't like getting on your hands and knees, you can spray it on the floors and then wipe it up with a mop.


Weighing Annual Observances

A godly life frees us from the often burdensome celebrating of worldly holidays. For instance, the Bible does not reveal the exact day of Jesus' birth. 'I thought Jesus was born on December 25th some may say. This is not possible because he died in the spring of 33 C.E. at 331/2 years of age. Moreover, at the time of his birth, shepherds were "living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks." (Luke2:8) In the land of Israel, late December is a cold, rainy season during which sheep would be kept in shelters overnight to protect them from the winter weather. Actually, December 25 was set aside by the Romans as the birthday of their sun god. Centuries after Jesus was on earth, apostate Christians adopted this date for the celebration of Christ's birth. Consequently true Christians do not celebrate or any other holiday based on false religious beliefs. Because they give Jehovah exclusive devotion, they also do not observe holidays that idolize sinful humans or nations.

The Bible specifically mentions only two birthday observances, both involving men who did not serve God. (Genesis 40:20-22; Matthew 14:6-11) Since the Scriptures do not reveal the birth date of the perfect man Jesus Christ, why should we give special attention to the Birthdays of imperfect humans? (Ecclesiastes 7:1) Of course, godly parents do not await a special day to show their children love. A 13 year old Christian girl remarked: " My family and I have lots of fun.... I'm very close to my parents and when other kids ask why I don't celebrate holidays, I tell them that I celebrate every day. "Said a Christian youth aged 17: "In our house, gift-giving is all year long." Greater happiness results when gifts are given spontaneously.

For those pursuing a godly life, there is one day each year to be specially observed. It is the Lord's Evening Meal, often called the Memorial of Christ's death. Concerning it, Jesus commanded his followers: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19,20; I Corinthians 11:23-25) When Jesus instituted this meal on the night of Nisan 14, 33 C.E., he used unleavened bread and red wine, representing his sinless human body and his perfect blood. (Matthew 26:26-29) These emblems are partaken of by Christians anointed with God's holy spirit. They have been taken into the new convenant and the convenant for the Kingdom, and they have a heavenly hope. (Luke 12:32, 22:20, 28-30; Romans 8:16, 17; Revelation 14:1-5) Nevertheless, benefits are experienced by all those present on the evening that corresponds with Nisan 14 on the ancient Jewish calendar. They are reminded of the love shown by Jehovah God and Jesus Christ in the sinatoning ransom sacrifice that makes eternal life possible for those having divine favor. - Matthew 20:28; John 3:16.

Next time: Employment And Entertainment


"No Part Of The World"

Those desiring to please Jehovah and enjoy his blessings avoid idolatry in any form. The Bible shows that it is wrong to make and worship images, including those of Christ, or of Jesus' mother, Mary. (Exodus 20:4,5; I John 5:21) So, true Christians do not venerate icons, crosses and images. They also avoid more subtle forms of idolatry, such as acts of devotion to flags and the singing of songs that glorify nations. When pressured to perform such acts, they recall Jesus' words to Satan: "It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service." (Matthew 4:8-10) Jesus said that his followers are "no part of the world." (John 17:14) This means being neutral in political affairs and living peacefully in harmony with Isaiah 2:4, which says: "He [Jehovah God] will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore."

Being "no part of the world" also means breaking off all association with "Babylon the Great," the world empire of false religion. Unclean worship spread from ancient Babylon until it held harmful spiritual dominion over people earth wide. "Babylon the Great" embraces all religions whose doctrines and practices are out of harmony with the knowledge of God. (Revelation 17:1,5,15) No faithful worshiper of Jehovah will engage in interfaith activities by sharing in worship wih different religions or by having spiritual fellowship with any part of Babylon the Great. (Numbers 25:1-9, 2 Corinthians 6:14) Consequently, many new Bible students send a letter of resignation to the religious organization to which they belong. This has brought them closer to the true God, as promised: " Get out from among them, and separate yourselves,' says Jehovah, 'and quit touching the unclean thing;' 'and I will take you in.'" (2 Corinthians 6:17; Revelation 18:4,5) Is not such acceptance by our heavenly Father what you keenly desire?

Next time: Weighing Annual Observances


Happiness In Marriage

Those living together as husband and wife should make sure that their marriage has been properly registered with the civil authorities. (Mark 12:17) They also need to view wedlock as a serious responsibiltiy. True separation might become necessary in cases of willful nonsupport, extreme abuse, or the absolute endangerment of spirituality. (I Timothy 5:8; Galatians 5:19-21) But the apostle Paul's words at I Corinthians 7:10-17 encourage marriage mates to stay together. For true happiness, of course, they must be faithful to each other. Paul wrote: "Let marriage be honorable among all, and the marriage bed be without defilement, for God will judge fornicators and adulterers." (Hebrews 13:4) The term "marriage bed" denotes sexual intercourse between a man and woman legally married to each other. No other sexual relationship, such as marriage to more than one wife, can be described as "honorable among all." Moreover, the Bible condemns premarital intercourse and homosexuality. - Romans 1:26,27; I Corinthians 6:18.

Fornication may bring a few moments of physical pleasure, but it does not result in true happiness. It displeases God and can scar the person's conscience. (I thessalonians 4:3-5) The sad consequences of illegitimate sex may be AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. "It has been estimated that more than 250 million people worldwide are infected annually with gonorrhoea, and about 50 million with syphilis," states one medical report. There is also the problem of unwanted pregnancies. The International Planned Parenthood Federation reports that, around the world, more than 15 million girls between the ages of 15 and 19 become pregnant each year, and a third of them have abortions. A study showed that in one african country, abortion complications result in 72 percent of all deaths among teenage girls. Some fornicators may escape disease and pregnancy but not emotional damage. Many lose their sef-respect and even hate themselves.

Although adultery may be forgiven, it is a valid Scriptural basis for divorce on the part of the innocent mate. (Matthew 5:32;compare Hosea 3:1-5) When such immorality results in the breakup of a marriage, this may leave deep emotional scars on the innocent mate and on the children. For the good of the human family, God's Word points out that his adverse judgment will come upon unrepentant fornicators and adulterers. Moreover, it clearly shows that those who practice sexual immorality "will not inherit God's kingdom." - Galatians 5:19,21

Next time: "No Part Of The World"

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Other Factors Promoting Happiness

To be happy, Christians must also 'guard their thinking abilities.' (Proverbs 5:1,2) This requires that they read and meditate on God's Word and wholesome Bible literature. But there are things to avoid. For instance, excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages can make a person lose control of his thinking. In such a state, many people get involved in immoral behavior, act violently, and cause deadly accidents. No wonder the Bible says that drunkards will not inherit God's Kingdom! (I Corinthians 6:10) avoid drunkeness, and this helps to promote happiness among them. - Titus 2:2-6.

A clean body contributes to happiness. Yet, many become addicted to harmful substances. For example, consider the use of tobacco. The World Health Organization reports that smoking "kills three million people each year." Breaking the tobacco habit can be difficult because of temporary withdrawal symptoms. On the other hand, many ex-smokers find that they have better health and more money for household needs. Yes, overcoming the tobacco habit or addiction to other harmful substances will contribute to a clean body, a clear conscience, and true happiness. - 2 Corinthians 7:1.

Next time: Happiness In Marriage


Generosity Brings Happiness

There is happiness in being generous, whereas greedy persons will not "inherit God's Kingdom." (I Corinthians 6:10) A common form of greed is gambling, which is an attempt to make money through the losses of others. Jehovah does not approve of those who are "greedy of dishonest gain." (I Timothy 3:8) Even where gambling is legal and a person gambles for fun, he could become addicted and be promoting a practice that has ruined many lives. Gambling often brings hardship to the gambler's family, who may be left with little money to buy such necessities as food and clothing. - I Timothy 6:10.

Because of their loving generosity, Christians find joy in assisting others, especially needy fellow believers. (James 2:15, 16) Before Jesus came to earth, he observed God's generosity toward mankind. (Acts 14:16, 17) Jesus himself gave his time, his talents, and even his life in behalf of humankind. Hence, he was well qualified to say "There is more happiness in giving than there is receiving." (Acts 20:35) Jesus also spoke well of the poor widow who generously put two small coins in the temple treasure chest, for she gave "her whole living." (Mark 12:41-44) The ancient Israelites and the first-century Christians provide examples of joyful generosity in giving material support to the congregation and the Kingdom work. (I Chronicles 29:9; Corthinans 9:11-14) In addition to making material contributions for these purposes, present-day Christians happily offer praise to God and use their lives in his service. (Romans 12:1; Hebrews 13:15) Jehovah blesses them for using their time, energy, and other resources including their funds, to support true worship and promote the worldwide work of preaching the good news of the Kingdom. - Proverbs 3:9,10.

Next time: Other Factors Promoting Happiness


Honesty Results In Happiness

Jehovah is "the God of truth." (Psalm 31:5) No doubt, you desire to follow his example and be known as a truthful person. Honesty leads to self-respect and a feeling of well-being. Because dishonesty is so common in this sinful world, however, Christians need this reminder: "Speak truth each one of you with his neighbor...Let the stealer steal no more, but rather let him do hard work... that he may have something to distribute to someone in need." (Ephesians 4:25,28) Christian employees do an honest day's work. Unless their employer gives permission, they do not take things that belong to him. Whether at work, in school, or at home, a worshipper of Jehovah must be honest in all things.' (Hebrews 13:18) Anyone who makes it a practice to lie or steal cannot have God's favor. - Deuteronomy 5:19; Revelation 21:8.

Being honest results in many blessings. Selina is a needy african widow who loves Jehovah God and his righteous principles. One day, she found a bag containing a bankbook and a large sum of money. Using a telephone directory, she was able to find the owner - a storekeeper who had been robbed. The man could not believe his eyes when Selina, though quite sick, visited him and returned the full contents of the bag. "Such honesty must be rewarded," he said and handed her a sum of money. More important, this man praised Selina's religion. Yes, honesty deeds adorn Bible teaching, glorify Jehovah God, and bring happiness to his honest worshipers. - Titus 2:10; I Peter 2:12.

Next time: Generosity Brings Happiness


Guess You've Got To Get Old To Appreciate Life!!

Check out the truth in this.

Will Rogers who died in a plane crash with Wylie Post in 1935, was probably the greatest political sage this country has ever known. Enjoy the following quotes - Be sure to read his take on aging at the end!

1. Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.

2. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.

3. There are 2 theories to arguing with a woman...neither works.

4. Never miss a good chance to shut up.

5. Always drink upstream from the herd.

6.If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

7. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back in your

8. There are three kinds of men:

The ones that learn by reading.
The few who learn by observation.
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence.

9. Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad

10. If you're riding ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then
To make sure it's still there.

11. Lettin' the cat outta' the bag is a whole lot easier'n puttin' it back.

And, About Growing Older......

First, eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and
start bragging about it.

Second, the older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.

Third, some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.

Fourth, When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of algebra.

Fifth, you know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.

Sixth, I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.

Seventh, One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being young.

Eighth, One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.

Ninth, Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.

Tenth, Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it is called golf.

And finally, if you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you are old.


Why Living A Godly Life Brings Happiness

Jehovah is "the happy God," and he wants you to enjoy life. (I Timothy 1:11) By walking in his way, you can benefit yourself and experience tranquility that is deep and lasting, like a ever-flowing river. Walking in God's way also moves one to perform continuous acts of righteousness, "like the waves of the sea." This brings true happiness. - Isaiah 48:17,18.

Some may object, 'People sometimes suffer for doing what is right. 'True, and that is what happened to Jesus' apostles. Although persecuted, however, they rejoiced and went on "declaring the good news about the Christ." (Acts 5:40-42) We can learn important lessons from this. One is that living a godly life does not guarantee that we will always be treated well. "In fact," wroted the apostle Paul, "all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted." (2 Timothy 3:12) The reason for this is that Satan and his world are opposed to those who live in a godly way. (John 15:18,19; 1 Peter 5:8) But genuine happiness is not dependent on external things. Rather, it comes from a conviction that we are doing what is right and therefore have God's smile of approval - Matthew 5:10-12; James 1:2,3; 1 Peter 4:13,14.

There are people who feel that they can earn God's favor through occasional acts of devotion but can forget about him at other times. True worship of Jehovah God is not like that. It affects a person's conduct throughout all his waking hours, from day to day, year after year. That is why it is called "The Way." (Acts 19:9; Isaiah 30:21) It is a godly way of living that calls upon us to speak and act in harmony with God's Word.

When new students of the Bible see that they need to make some changes in order to pelase Jehovah, they may wonder, 'Is a godly life really worth living?" you can be sure that it is. Why? Because "God is love." and his ways are therefore meant to benefit us. (I John 4:8) God is also wise and knows what is best for us. Since Jehovah God is almighty, he is able to strengthen us to fulfill our desire to please him by breaking a bad habit. (Philippians 4:13) Let us consider some principles involved in godly living and see how applying them brings happiness.

Next time: Honesty Results In Happiness