
"Let Your Love Be Without Hypocrisy"

"When you do good to other people," admonished Jesus, " don't hire a trumpeter to go in front of you - like those play-actors in the synagogues and streets who make sure that men admire them." (Matthew 6:2, Phillips) " Let your love be without hypocrisy," (1Timothy 1:5) If our love and faith are not genuine - not tainted by selfishness and deception - others will trust us. We will be a source of real strength and encouragement to those around us. (Philippians 2:4; 1John 4:20, 21) And above all, we will have Jehovah's approval.

Hypocrisy, on the other hand, will ultimately prove death-dealing to those who practice it. In the end, hypocrisy will be openly exposed. "There is nothing covered over that will not become uncovered," said Jesus Christ, " and secret that will not become known." (Matthew 10:26; Luke 12:2) Wise King Solomon declared: " The true God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgment in relation too every hidden thing as to whether it is good or bad." -Ecclesiastes 2:14.

Meanwhile, why should we allow the hypocrisy of others to affect us to the point that we are deprived of the genuine love of true friends? We can be cautious without becoming overly suspicious . And by all means, let us keep our own love and faith free of hypocrisy. - James 3:17; 1 Peter 1:22.

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