
Refreshment Can Be Yours

Please note, Jesus was not saying that people would trade one yoke for another. Rome would still be in control of the land, just as today's governments are in control where Christians live. First-century Roman taxation would not go away. Health and economic problems would remain. Imperfection and sin would continue to affect people. Still, refreshment could be theirs by adopting Jesus' teaching, as it can be ours today.

A key application of Jesus' illustration of the yoke became apparent regarding the disciple-making work. There is no doubt that Jesus' main activity was that of teaching others, with the emphasis being on God's Kingdom. (Matthew 4:23) So when he said, "Take my yoke upon you," that you certainly have involved following after him in that same activity. The Gospel record shows that Jesus moved sincere men to change their occupation, a major concern in the life of many. Remember his call to Peter, Andrew, James and John: "Come after me, and I shall cause you to become fishers of men." (Mark 1:16-20) He demonstrated to those fishermen how satisfying it would be if they did the work that he was putting first in his life, doing so under his guidance and with his help.

Some of his Jewish hearers go the point and applied it. Picture the seaside scene that we read about in Luke 5:1-11. Four fishermen had toiled all night but had caught nothing. Suddenly, their nets were filled! This was not by chance; it resulted from Jesus' intervention. As they looked toward shore, they saw a multitude of people keenly interested in Jesus' teachings. That helped to explain what Jesus told those four: "From now on you will be catching men alive." What was their response? They brought the boats back to land, and abandoned everything and followed him."

Basically, you can respond in a similar way. The work of teaching people Bible truth is still going on. About six million of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide have accepted Jehovah's invitation to "take [his] yoke upon" them; they have become "fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19) Some make it their full-time occupation; others do as much as they can part-time. All find it refreshing, so their life becomes less stressful. It involves doing what they enjoy, tell others good news - "the good news of the kingdom." (Matthew 4:23) It is always a pleasure to talk about good news but especially this good news. The Bible contains the primary material we need to convince many that they can lead a less stressful life. - 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

To some extent, even people who have just started to learn about God's Kingdom have benefited from Jesus' teachings about how to live. Many can truthfully say that Jesus' teachings have refreshed them and have helped them to turn their lives around. You can establish that for yourself by examining accounts of Jesus' life and ministry, particularly the Gospels written by Matthew, Mark and Luke.

Next time: A Way To Refreshment

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