
Relief From Stress A Practical Remedy

You would probably agree that too much stress is bad; it amounts to distress. The Bible points out that all human creation is so weighed down with burdens that many anxiously await release from today's stressful life. (Romans 8:20-22) But the Scriptures also show how we can gain considerable relief from distress right now. That comes from following the advice and example of a young man who lived 20 centuries ago. He was a carpenter, yet his greater love was for people. He spoke to people's hearts, addressed their needs, helping the weak and consoling the depressed. Even more, he assisted many to reach their spiritual potential. They thus found relief from excess stress, even as you can. - Luke 4:16-21; 19:47, 48; J0hn 7:46.

This man, Jesus of Nazareth, was not guided by the sophisticated learning that some sought in ancient Rome, Athens or Alexandria. Still, his teachings are renowned. They had a theme: the government by which God will successfully rule our earth. Jesus also explained basic principles for living-principles that are truly valuable today. Those who learn and apply what Jesus taught enjoy immediate benefits, including relief from excess stress. Would you not enjoy that?

You may have doubts. 'Can someone who lived so long ago be meaningful in my life now?' Well, listen to Jesus' inviting words: " Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light." (Matthew 11:28-30 What did he mean? Let us examine these words in some detail and see how they open the way to relief from oppressive stress.

Jesus spoke to many who were desperately trying to do what was lawful but who were "loaded down" because the Jewish leaders made religion a burdensome thing. (Matthew 23:4) They focused on endless rules for virtually all aspects of life. Would you not find it stressful to keep hearing "you must not" do this or that? In contrast, Jesus' invitation was to truth, to righteousness, to a better life by listening to him. Yes, the way to know the true God involved in paying attention to Jesus Christ, for in him, humans could - and can - see what Jehovah is like. Jesus said: "He that has seen me has seen the Father also." - John 14:9.

Next time: Is Your Life Too Stressful?

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