
Conlusion of "The Son Is Willing To Reveal Him"

To Illustrate: Imagine trying to explain what kindness is. You might define it with words. But if you can point to someone actually performing a kind deed and say, "that is an example of kindness,: the word "kindness" takes on added meaning and becomes easier to understand. Jehovah has done something similar to help us grasp what he is like. As well as describing himself in words, he has provided us with the living example of his Son. In Jesus, the qualities of God are seen in action. Through the Gospel accounts describing Jesus, Jehovah is, in effect, saying: "That is what I am like." How does the inspired record describe Jesus when on earth?

The four main attributes of God found beautiful expression in Jesus. He had power over disease, hunger, even death. Yet, unlike selfish men who abuse their power, he never used miraculous power in his own behalf or to hurt others. (Matthew 4:2-4) He loved justice. His heart was filled with righteous indignation at seeing unfair merchants exploiting the people. (Matthew 21:12, 13) He treated the poor and downtrodden with impartiality, helping such ones to "find refreshment" for their souls. (Matthew 11:4, 5, 28-30) There was matchless wisdom in the teachings of Jesus, who was "more than Solomon." (Matthew 12:42) But Jesus never made a showy display of his wisdom. His words reached the ears of common people, for his teachings were clear, simple and practical.

Jesus was an outstanding example of love. Throughout his ministry, he displayed love in its many facets, including empathy and compassion. He could not see the suffering of others without feeling pity. Over and over again, that sympathetic regard moved him to action. (Matthew 14:14) Although he healed the sick and fed the hungry, Jesus expressed compassion in a far more vital way. He helped others to know, accept and love the truth about God's Kingdom, which will bring permanent blessing to mankind. (Mark 6:34; Luke 4:43) Above all, Jesus showed self-sacrificing love by willingly surrendering his soul in behalf of others. -John 15:13.

Is it any wonder that people of all ages and backgrounds felt drawn to this man of tender warmth and deep feelings? (Mark 10:13-16) However, as we read about and reflect on the living example of Jesus, let us keep ever in mind that in this Son we are seeing a clear reflection of his Father. -Hebrews 1:3

Next time: A Study Aid To Help Us

Draw Close To Jehovah

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