
A God With Personality

Although we cannot see God, there are thrilling passages in the Bible that afford us glimpses into heaven itself. The first chapter of Ezekiel is one example. Ezekiel was given a vision of Jehovah's heavenly organization, which he saw as a Vast celestial chariot. Especially impressive is the description of the might spirit creatures around Jehovah. (Ezekiel 1:4-10) These "living creatures" are closely associated with Jehovah, and their appearance tells us something important about the God they serve. Each one has four faces-that of a bull, a lion, an eagle and a man. These evidently symbolize the four outstanding qualities of Jehovah's personality. -Revelation 4:6-8, 10.

In the Bible, a bull often represents power, and fittingly so, for it is an immensely strong animal. A lion, on the other hand, often pictures justice, for true justice requires courage, a quality for which lions are renowned. Eagles are well-known for their keen eyesight, seeing even tiny objects miles away. So the eagle's face would well picture God's farsighted wisdom. And the man's face? Well, man, made in God's image, is unique in his ability to reflect God's dominant quality -love. (Genesis 1:26) These facets of Jehovah's personality-power, justice, wisdom and love-are so frequently highlighted in Scripture that they may be referred to as God's cardinal attributes.

Should we worry that God might have changed in the thousands of years since he was described in the Bible? No, God's personality does not alter. He tells us: "I am Jehovah; I have not changed." (Malachi 3:6) Rather than arbitrarily changing, Jehovah proves himself an ideal Father in the way he responds to each situation. He brings to the fore those aspects of his personality that are most appropriate. of the four qualities, the one that predominates is love. It permeates everything God does. He exercises his power, justice and wisdom in a loving way. In fact, the Bible says something extraordinary regarding God and this quality. It says: " God is Love." (1 John 4:8) Note that it does not say that God has love or that God is loving. Rather,it says that God is love. Love, his very essence, motivates him in all that he does.

Next time: "Look! This Is Our God"

Draw Close To Jehovah

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