
"Look! This Is Our God"

Have you ever seen a small child point out his father to his friends and then say with innocent joy and pride, "That's my daddy?" God's worshipers have ever reason to feel similarly about Jehovah. The Bible foretells a time when faithful people will exclaim: "Look! This is Our God." (Isaiah 25:8, 9) The more insight you gain into Jehovah's qualities, the more you will feel that you have the best Father imaginable.

This Father is not cold, aloof, or distant-despite what some austere religionists and philosophers have taught. We would hardly feel drawn to a cold God, and the Bible does not portray our heavenly Father that way. On the contrary, it calls him "the happy God." (1 Timothy 1:11) He has feelings both strong and tender. He is "hurt at his heart" when his intelligent creatures violate the guidelines that he provides for their well-being. (Genesis 6:6; Psalm 78:41) But when we act wisely according to his Word, we make his "heart rejoice." -Proverbs 27:11.

Our Father wants us to be close to him. His Word encourages us to "grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us." (Acts 17:27) How, though, is it possible for mere humans to draw close to the Sovereign Lord of the universe?

Next time: Can You Really "Draw Close To God?"

Draw Close To Jehovah

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