
Conclusion of Evidences Of Divine Wisdom

Some body parts are immensely complex. Consider, for example, the human brain. Some have called it the most complex object yet discovered in the universe. It contains some 100-billion nerve cells-about as many as the number of stars in our galaxy. Each of those cells branches off into thousands of connections with other cells. Scientists say that a human brain could contain all the information in all the world's libraries and that its storage capacity may, in fact, be unfathomable. Despite decades of studying this "wonderfully made" organ, scientists admit that they may never fully understand how it works.

Humans, however, are just one example of Jehovah's crative wisdom. Psalm 104:24 says: "How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made. The earth is full of your productions." Jehovah's wisdom is apparent in every creation around us. The ant, for example, is "instinctively wise." (Proverbs 30:24) Indeed, ant colonies are superbly organized. Some ant colonies tend, shelter and draw nourishment from insects called aphids as if these were their livestock. Other ants act as farmers, raising and culitivating "crops" of fungus. many other creatures have been programmed to do remarkable things by instinct. A common fly performs aerobatic feats that most advanced of man's aircraft cannot duplicate. Migrating birds navigate by the stars, by the orientation of the earth's magnetic field, or by some form of internal map. Biologists spend years studying the sophisticated behaviors that have been programmed into these creatures. How wise, then, the divine Programmer must be!

Scientists have learned much from Jehovah's creative wisdom. There is even a field of engineering, called biomemetics, that seek to mimic designs found in nature. For instance, you may have gazed in wonder at the beauty of a spiderweb. But an engineer sees it as a marvel of design. Some frail-looking strands are proportionately stronger than steel, tougher than the fibers in a bulletproof vest. Just how strong? Imagine a spiderweb enlarged in scale until it is the size of a net used on a fishing boat. Such a web could catch a passenger plane in mid-flight! Yes, Jehovah has made all such things "in wisdom."

Next time: Wisdom Beyond The Earth

Draw Close To Jehovah, 2002

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